Tag Archives: 70’s

Jefferson Starship – Count on Me

Marty Balin, one of the founders of Jefferson Airplane and Jefferson Starship, passed away last week.


Apparently this was recorded at Grace Slick and Paul Kantner's SF home, the Seacliff. I would have like to have attended at least one party there.

1 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 10 (1 votes, average: 6.00 out of 10)
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Roxy Music – Mother of Pearl / Psalm

Two from Stranded, the first Post-Eno record, 1974
Great lyrics on both tunes, and it should come as no surprise that David Byrne was a huge fan of the band.
Love the way they gradually turn this dirge into Dixieland worthy of a second line. Brilliant.

5 votes, average: 7.00 out of 105 votes, average: 7.00 out of 105 votes, average: 7.00 out of 105 votes, average: 7.00 out of 105 votes, average: 7.00 out of 105 votes, average: 7.00 out of 105 votes, average: 7.00 out of 105 votes, average: 7.00 out of 105 votes, average: 7.00 out of 105 votes, average: 7.00 out of 10 (5 votes, average: 7.00 out of 10)
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