Let's crank it up a few notches.
Let's crank it up a few notches.
RIP Mr. Weiland.
I was never much of a STP fan. Uh... yeah, that's all I got.
Weird music I haven't had a chance to listen to since I'm at work? Sure! Why not?
Stay safe out there, you guys.
I get today off for unknown reasons. I'll take it.
Here's a Gish medley, performed recentish.
Live in Philly, 2006. Epic in scope. His childhood buddy Micky Melchiondo* plays some wicked guitar on this.
Kind of a cult figure from Pennsylvania, I was first turned on to Mr. Harford when Peter Jesperson used to play his record Be Headed on the old REV105. It's long been an unsung favorite of mine.
*Dean Ween Continue reading Chris Harford & The Band of Changes –
I'm told there's a big new fancy documentary coming out about ol' Kurt. Could be interesting.
Love me some Liz.
Unfortunately, there weren't too many videos from back in the day that captured her as she deserved (audio is pretty crappy all around too). Here's one more classic (with better audio, and a little less wooden performance) that we obviously couldn't lead with, but deserves mention all the same.
These guys are out on tour again. Not much for recent, higher quality videos yet, so we might as well put one up from the day.