The 2017 resurgence of mid-to-late-aughts indie rock continues!
The 2017 resurgence of mid-to-late-aughts indie rock continues!
This is new Waxahatchee, not like the old Waxahatchee that was played a week or two ago.
I guess the NHL season just started.
I saw today that this band is finished, which is too bad.
Another band I was surprised I hadn't played before. I think I saw these guys at the Entry opening for Ramona Falls once.
Remind me in six months and I'll play something from their subsequent semi-reinvention as a electro-rock duo after the other two members left.
Great, I guess it's NFL season again.
Since we made it through seven days of improvisational Boxer Week, and it's about to be The National Week as far as I'm concerned, I will play something from the album Boxer instead of one more song about boxers.
I was thinking I played these guys months ago, but I guess not.
I keep trying to see if they can, but I'm not sure these guys can ever make their live performance sound like their records do. The new record's pretty good though.