One more for Ric.
8 Jan 1982
One more for Ric.
8 Jan 1982
We'll give Eddie one more spin. Here's a deeper cut. Godspeed to Paradise, sir.
16 Aug 1982
Daniel Johnston passed away in his home on Tuesday.
Kylie Rae Harris was killed in a car crash on Thursday. Regarding this song, she said:
"It scared me thinking that it was totally possible I could be gone before my daughter reaches that point," she told the publication. "I want to meet my kid's kids. Getting to the age your parents were when you were a child brings a whole lot of perspective."
Neal Casal died on Monday at 50 years old. He collobarated with pretty much everyone in the industry, including Willie Nelson, Lucinda Williams, and the Jayhawks, not to mention his own prolific solo work. Here's a song of his own.
Anyone in need of help can reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1–800–273–8255 or to chat with someone online.
Damn it