Happy Thanksgiving, Citizens.
Tag Archives: Southern Rock
Thelma and The Sleaze – High Class Woman
It's Tuesday, let your hair down.
Lynyrd Skynyrd – Tuesday’s Gone
In June of 1977, just days before moving to Minnesota, I saw Lynyrd Skynyrd play at the old Mile High Stadium, one of the Colorado Sunday concert series gigs from back in the day. The one I attended also had The Marshall Tucker Band, Heart (they played two songs and in the middle of the third their gear went dead, sabotaged by another band's roadie), Atlanta Rhythm Section, The Outlaws, Foreigner, Dickey Betts and Great Southern, and Rusty Weir. My friends and I drove up to Denver the night before and slept in a park with a thousand other kids a few blocks from the stadium, across the street from a police station. The cops were pretty cool about the whole thing. Gates opened at noon and the music started about an hour later. Skynyrd came on as the sun was starting to set and just blew everyone away. That weekend was the crown jewel of my high school party days, and the last time I've seen three of the four friends who went, so it's a fairly treasured memory. Four months later I was trying to figure out my new life in L'Étoile du Nord when a plane crash killed Ronnie Van Zant, Steve Gaines and Cassie Gaines. So it goes.