I'm pretty heavily medicated and delirious, so if I say anything unusual, purple monkey dishwasher.
109 thoughts on “April 22, 2011: Couchridden”
You're good so far.
Argh, Playstation Network is down. Was looking forward to a long night of Black Ops. But instead I finished up 24. Might head back into MLB 10 if it doesn't come back up soon.
Last place silver lining: the Twins have not been caught stealing this year.
Pickoffs excepted.
Hey Spooky, any chance you'd take a role in this movie?
That's pretty amazing right there.
I watched a little bit of it, but figured 10 minutes was too long for being at work. I will need to finish watching it when I get home.
I've been out of the loop here due to traveling for work, work itself, and beer lack of sleep so can someone explain the proper usage of youtube / photos for the new basement?
Also, youtube embedding seems to 100% not work, so just link to it.
News from Corn's little corner of the SBG College of Law. Except for a paper and a take-home exam, I am done with law school!!11!11!1!..........!
congrats, now go get a job.
Heh. Tried that without much luck. Hangin' out my shingle. Not sure if it's true (haven't checked yet), but someone suggested that I can defer my loans if I'm employed less than 30 hours a week & "actively seeking employment." For a while at least, I'm sure I'll have less than 30 hours of "billable" hours. Client lists don't just grow on trees!
Corn, what type of law are you planning/willing to practice?
General practice. I'll be out in Hutchinson (pop. 12,000) so I'll do whatever is in demand. From my clerking experience out there, it'll go something like this: Family (divorce), Criminal (DWI), Family (custody), Bankruptcy*, Criminal (Controlled substances), Family (parenting time/child support), Juvenile (mostly delinquency), Family (TRO/domestic abuse), Criminal (theft/vandalism/ect), Civil (I hate my neighbor), Estate Planning/Wills & Trusts (Boomers)...did I mention Family & Criminal?
*There are already two attorneys who do bankruptcies at the office I'm working from so I'll likely avoid that. Plus I'm terrible with numbers (though I hear there really isn't much "math" in bankruptcy).
So your moving out of St.Paul? And I just found out that you were neighbors with my Godfather like 4 months ago, and with my new house I haven't been able to get over there.
Hutchinson is a beautiful city and an awesome size (hometown, New Ulm. Pop. 13000). Small enough to be a small town, but big enough that the chances someone knows your business is probably less than 2.5%.
We'll be moving to the western suburbs at some point...probably later rather than sooner (you know how it goes). Mrs. Corn works in downtown Mpls so we'll split the difference.
Smallish city or largish town, Hutchinson is where I grew up. I know New Ulm from summer ball - also a nice "smallish city."
Yeah, you really need to look me up when you get over here to visit the Godfather. BTW, how goes the mold/mildew war? Finally get everything under control in the new abode?
Mold/mildew seems to be good, but my wife still gets dizzy unless we keep open a window and put a box fan in our upstairs hallway. And she stays out of the basement.
We're not exactly sure what to do now. She's seeing a doctor in a few weeks to check other things.
We've been living with the things unfinished, the sheetrock hasn't been replaced and the one toilet is still disconnected. The house is big enough that it still works though.
Corn, that is an aggressive practice. Personally, I enjoy criminal work but I hate family law. Kids are just WAY to important and, inevitably, I end up "taking my cases home." Good luck. You'll be great. And despite the jokes, it is a great profession and a fine way to make a living.
oh, and a word of warning, Corn (seen on FB this morning):
Please remind your graduate students that if they are going to use their gmail accounts instead of their university emails they should think carefully about their account names. Fuzzysocks****@gmail.com does not inspire confidence in NSF program officers nor, possibly, future employers.
Whenever we receive resumes with e-mails like "iluvunicorns69@yahoo.com" I basically suggest that we don't interview them. That being said, I've decided that some day I would like to submit a resume to a job I am drastically overqualified for and use a really, really unprofessional e-mail address to see if they bother contacting me. Let's see if you'll hire "l33th4x0r666@aol.com" folks!!!
I do all my professional communication at home using a firstnamelastname address. Why not, e-mail accounts are free these days.
Whenever we receive resumes with e-mails like "iluvunicorns69@yahoo.com" I basically suggest that we don't interview them.
Plus, a unicorn 69 just sounds dangerous.
Where I used to work, someone was applying for an internship working with accounting software. He used part of his resume to talk about how his dog competed in a dock jumping competition that aired on ESPN.
He got the job because my boss thought it was hilarious.
This is incredible. I probably would've hired him too, assuming his e-mail address was "dawgjumper420@hotmail.com."
I know we've had good driving/bad driving discussions before, so apologies if I've railed on these people before, but a turn signal is to indicate "I will be turning fairly soon," not "I'm gonna turn...NOW!!!"
Or I've already begun turning...
You must be really annoyed to make it all the way to your desk & still feel the need to vent! Glad it wasn't me foregoing the turn signal.
I live close to Illinois. Whatever annoyance Mags is feeling regarding turn signals, multiply it by 1000 for me.
I live close to Illinois
Ditto, and amen to that.
Oh, like the Misery drivers are better!
At least they're not FIBs
Shortened to the acronym "FIB."
It is an unkind term used by Wisconsinites to refer to the residents of Illinois. Common times to use this are:
1. In reference to how Illinoians Drive - very fast and offensive.
2. Their vacationing choices - Wisconsin Dells and Lake Geneva.
3. Bears Fans
#1 is often used with an added, and redundant, F just prior to the acronym.
Punman, is driver's ed in Illinois as bad as it seems, or something?
i definitely don't condone it, but i will admit to becoming a bit FIBish on the roads. it's kill or be killed out here, yo. funny thing is whenever i drive in minneapolis, i'm very mild-mannered and kind while driving. weird.
BUT, to the original topic, i always, always use turn signals. even on roads with no cars late at night, i still use `em.
Me too...habit I guess.
Honestly, I wouldn't know. I learned to drive in Missouri
Dude, Missouri drivers are better. Everyone is better compared to ILL drivers.
I don't use turn signals within our subdivision (unless as a courtesy when needed), but I always use them otherwise, even lane changes. I will admit to speeding (not on residential streets) but stick to the laws otherwise -- especially avoiding the infamous slow-and-go at stop signs and at right turns on red.
I did actually find them to be pretty non-aggravating while I was there. They did have a weird tendency to not pull out into the intersection when turning left at a light, though.
In Illinois, you do that too early and you get t-boned
I also enjoy the permanently on blinker. You're never quite sure if they're going to turn eventually or they just don't know it's still on.
Seriously, the signal is right there by your hand, people.
Every day I get closer and closer to making a bumper sticker that says something like:
"Turn signal, motherf(!#er, do you use it?"
Say what again, I dare you.
what i hate is when you're waiting to turn onto a street, either left or right, and there's one car coming that you're waiting for it, and waiting for it, and then the idiot turns right in front of you. turn signals are there for people in front of you and behind you.
In California, when changing lanes or merging, the turn signal is a warning light, not a request. Here I come now! Of course, that could be due to the fact I've had people see my turn signal before changing lanes or merging and speed up to prevent me from coming in. You Midwesterners ain't seen nothing.
I've driven enough around LA (and New York) to know that type of driving.
Here in Yak, I'd say a good 30-40% of drivers don't use it at all, even if they're cutting you off. Of all the places I've lived, it's got by far the lowest concentration of people who signal.
Please specify NYC. Us WNY'ers take pride in our traffic etiquette.
Cheerfully withdrawn and specified. NYC is all I know firsthand of New York.
We appreciate it. Thanks. I once had a cab driver in a far off city ask me where I was from. I told him Buffalo. He responded back with "you should just say New York. Girls out here will think it is cooler".
+ one buffalo pass.
what socal said.
You Midwesterners ain't seen nothing
Unless, of course, the Midwesterner has lived in LA for 5½ years, for instance.
It seems like something that Mag would have mentioned, but I don't remember seeing it:
Soccer news goes up Mondays. Also I hate Real Madrid, so I wasn't going to publicize any of their successes. Especially not when it's Cristiano Ronaldo with the game winner. Having the cup run over, however, makes things a little better.
How could you forgo writing a headline like "Their Cup Runneth Over"????
uh, easily?
What would be the proper way of punctuating "Their Cup Runnéd Over" so that people know to make it a two-syllable word.
I think you keep the original wording and put a comma after "cup." Kinda like the band Drop Dead, Gorgeous. I've never heard their music, but as far as their band name goes, I'm a fan.
yea, that was my after-the-fact editing thought.
Good solution, spooky. Even if they don't read it as disyllabic, they should still get the pun.
Minor league day games: Rochester hosts Pawtucket at noon Central. You can listen to the game here. Beloit is at Peoria at one Central. you can listen to the game here.
For the life of me I haven't been able to get the WYSL audio feed to work all week. I end up listening to the games on the opposing teams feed. Must be my old age setting in.
I usually end up opening the stream directly into WMP so I can minimize it to the toolbar. I'll post that link when the game gets started. Maybe you can try it that way.
Thanks, I'll try that.
rowsdower, and anyone else interested, open Windows Media Player (this probably works in VLC as well, not sure about any other program) and go to "File"-->"Open URL" and enter this address for the WYSL stream:
Or, just click on that and it'll open WMP for you.
Thanks Mag, actually the problem was with my WMP. I reinstalled and everythings working now!
It's been working for me, so I don't know what's going on.
It sounds like Toby Gardenhire's AB music is Lupe Fiasco. Cool.
The mobile version of this site is really a pleasure to use. However, there appears to be no way to access the CoC from it - or am I just missing the nose in front of my face?
I can see and access the coc. Might just be down further than you might guess. Keep scrolling and you'll see it.
Thanks, UW. You are correct, sir.
NBA.com headline:
Happy days are here again
After a long dry spell, the Knicks finally have a team that could make some playoff noise at MSG.
They ended up backing into the playoffs and they're down 2-0 to a team that's playing their best ball of the year. Are those happy days?
The final laugh is that the accompanying photo is of Carmelo, whose arrival coincided with the Knicks falling apart.
And who's terrible decision making at the end of both games the Knicks having no chance of winning either.
Wow, that was one tortured sentence. What I meant to say was:
"And who's terrible decision making at the end of both games caused the Knicks to have no chance at winning either."
on first
Actually, that would be "Who's on first?"
That's right.
I just couldn't get my hands to type what I wanted them to type this morning.
Everybody have a wonderful and blessed Easter. I'm off to the land of roast beef, and gravy (mother in law's place).
Air Griffey Max II are being re-released by NIke. I remember wanting a pair of these so badly when I was a kid, but Mom wouldn't get them for me.
did anyone watch 'Community' last night? I thought it was one of the funniest shows they have put out. I had to watch it again online because I missed so many jokes laughing, it was one after another. ('The Cape' spoof sent me over the edge)
We had team dinner last night, so I didn't get home in time. It looked and now sounds awesome. I'll probably wait to get home to watch it because I fear I'll be laughing far too much to watch it at work.
I thought it was brilliant. "It's a locamotive that runs on us!"
"The Cape" spoof? Isn't that a bit redundant? (has that show been canceled yet?)
'The Cape' was yanked off the air long ago and finished its run on nbc.com. I tried to give it a go, and thought it had promise, but after 3 episodes I gave up on it
Popping in for my once a decade comment - a long time lurker. Thanks to all for keeping this place going, a must stop for my Twins fix. Anyone read Callahan's Crosstime Saloon? Reminds me of this place.
haven't read it, but I played the computer game and bought Spider Robinson's album. do the books have a pun every 50 words?
The puns run hot and heavy. There are pun contests held at the bar throughout the book and its sequals, to the point where you get sick of them. The series also has its share of tragedy, comedy and science fiction. Most important is the feeling of camaraderie amongst the major characters.
Whoooaaaa, ccrob. That's already two LTEs this decade.
This book intrigues me. I'll add it to the list, in the event that I ever again read a book that's about something other than screenwriting or acting.
The wiki description intrigued me, but I'm not sure about something so pun heavy.
How is my day at work going, you ask? Well, it could be worse. But I did run into this 404 Page Not Found when googlifying.
I especially enjoyed the UNIX (V6) text. But there were a number of others that elicited a chuckle. YMMV.
I didg the semaphore version.
Still no Morneau or Delmon. Morneau may be able to play tomorrow. Delmon's MRI is OK, but he could still go to the DL. Tolbert and Holm on the bench. Fausto has a huge split for his career, so why Tolbert on the bench and Repko and Hughes in the lineup?
is there going to be a game tonight? Looking at the radar, looks like a band of steady rain heading towards the Metro
No game.
hail. tornado sightings.
It's going to be a loooong summer if we keep this up. Two straight weeks.
I was watching the Weather Channel. They said that they had to clear Busch Stadium because of the storms.
yep. it was interesting singing in the Good Friday Tenebre while tornado sirens start going off.
I figured I would post to get us to an even 100 LTEs.
Shorter Chris Sheridan: If the Knicks can sign LeBron James this summer, they are going to be really good.
Is it merely a matter of the Knicks not yet being ready after a midseason transformation in which half the roster was sacrificed to acquire a big piece of the future?
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I had thought, based on the buzz when it all happened, that Anthony was traded to the Knicks for the winning of now. Did I mis-understand sports media?
Rajon Rondo (15 points, 20 assists, 11 rebounds)
Rondo is a heck of a player, but anytime a team gives up 20 assists to one guy on the other team, I think you've got some issues. And for an article that only mentions LeBron once, he wasn't shy about using the teams LeBron was either going to or leaving as comparisons for the Knicks. If I was D'Antoni, I think I'd just quit now, 'cause he's getting fired a month or two into the season if he sticks around.
for the winning of now
I love this phrase, ct. Sounds vaguely eastern European crossed with Charlie Sheen.
Anthony made it pretty clear that he wasn't going to sign an extension with anyone but the Knicks. So, they could have waited until the summer and got him for less money and without sacrificing their good young players. But, they didn't do that. So it must have been to win now. Or because they are teh stoopid.
Well, Isiah was involved. So, there's your answer.
You're good so far.
Argh, Playstation Network is down. Was looking forward to a long night of Black Ops. But instead I finished up 24. Might head back into MLB 10 if it doesn't come back up soon.
Last place silver lining: the Twins have not been caught stealing this year.
Pickoffs excepted.
Hey Spooky, any chance you'd take a role in this movie?
That's pretty amazing right there.
I watched a little bit of it, but figured 10 minutes was too long for being at work. I will need to finish watching it when I get home.
I've been out of the loop here due to traveling for work, work itself, and
beerlack of sleep so can someone explain the proper usage of youtube / photos for the new basement?it's posted for all to see up top:
Also, youtube embedding seems to 100% not work, so just link to it.
News from Corn's little corner of the SBG College of Law. Except for a paper and a take-home exam, I am done with law school!!11!11!1!..........!
congrats, now go get a job.
Heh. Tried that without much luck. Hangin' out my shingle. Not sure if it's true (haven't checked yet), but someone suggested that I can defer my loans if I'm employed less than 30 hours a week & "actively seeking employment." For a while at least, I'm sure I'll have less than 30 hours of "billable" hours. Client lists don't just grow on trees!
Corn, what type of law are you planning/willing to practice?
General practice. I'll be out in Hutchinson (pop. 12,000) so I'll do whatever is in demand. From my clerking experience out there, it'll go something like this: Family (divorce), Criminal (DWI), Family (custody),
Bankruptcy*, Criminal (Controlled substances), Family (parenting time/child support), Juvenile (mostly delinquency), Family (TRO/domestic abuse), Criminal (theft/vandalism/ect), Civil (I hate my neighbor), Estate Planning/Wills & Trusts (Boomers)...did I mention Family & Criminal?*There are already two attorneys who do bankruptcies at the office I'm working from so I'll likely avoid that. Plus I'm terrible with numbers (though I hear there really isn't much "math" in bankruptcy).
So your moving out of St.Paul? And I just found out that you were neighbors with my Godfather like 4 months ago, and with my new house I haven't been able to get over there.
Hutchinson is a beautiful city and an awesome size (hometown, New Ulm. Pop. 13000). Small enough to be a small town, but big enough that the chances someone knows your business is probably less than 2.5%.
We'll be moving to the western suburbs at some point...probably later rather than sooner (you know how it goes). Mrs. Corn works in downtown Mpls so we'll split the difference.
Smallish city or largish town, Hutchinson is where I grew up. I know New Ulm from summer ball - also a nice "smallish city."
Yeah, you really need to look me up when you get over here to visit the Godfather. BTW, how goes the mold/mildew war? Finally get everything under control in the new abode?
Mold/mildew seems to be good, but my wife still gets dizzy unless we keep open a window and put a box fan in our upstairs hallway. And she stays out of the basement.
We're not exactly sure what to do now. She's seeing a doctor in a few weeks to check other things.
We've been living with the things unfinished, the sheetrock hasn't been replaced and the one toilet is still disconnected. The house is big enough that it still works though.
Corn, that is an aggressive practice. Personally, I enjoy criminal work but I hate family law. Kids are just WAY to important and, inevitably, I end up "taking my cases home." Good luck. You'll be great. And despite the jokes, it is a great profession and a fine way to make a living.
oh, and a word of warning, Corn (seen on FB this morning):
I Love Charts -- How to come up with a professional email address
Whenever we receive resumes with e-mails like "iluvunicorns69@yahoo.com" I basically suggest that we don't interview them. That being said, I've decided that some day I would like to submit a resume to a job I am drastically overqualified for and use a really, really unprofessional e-mail address to see if they bother contacting me. Let's see if you'll hire "l33th4x0r666@aol.com" folks!!!
I do all my professional communication at home using a firstnamelastname address. Why not, e-mail accounts are free these days.
Plus, a unicorn 69 just sounds dangerous.
Where I used to work, someone was applying for an internship working with accounting software. He used part of his resume to talk about how his dog competed in a dock jumping competition that aired on ESPN.
He got the job because my boss thought it was hilarious.
This is incredible. I probably would've hired him too, assuming his e-mail address was "dawgjumper420@hotmail.com."
I know we've had good driving/bad driving discussions before, so apologies if I've railed on these people before, but a turn signal is to indicate "I will be turning fairly soon," not "I'm gonna turn...NOW!!!"
Or I've already begun turning...
You must be really annoyed to make it all the way to your desk & still feel the need to vent! Glad it wasn't me foregoing the turn signal.
I live close to Illinois. Whatever annoyance Mags is feeling regarding turn signals, multiply it by 1000 for me.
I live close to Illinois
Ditto, and amen to that.
Oh, like the Misery drivers are better!
At least they're not FIBs
#1 is often used with an added, and redundant, F just prior to the acronym.
Punman, is driver's ed in Illinois as bad as it seems, or something?
i definitely don't condone it, but i will admit to becoming a bit FIBish on the roads. it's kill or be killed out here, yo. funny thing is whenever i drive in minneapolis, i'm very mild-mannered and kind while driving. weird.
BUT, to the original topic, i always, always use turn signals. even on roads with no cars late at night, i still use `em.
Me too...habit I guess.
Honestly, I wouldn't know. I learned to drive in Missouri
Dude, Missouri drivers are better. Everyone is better compared to ILL drivers.
I don't use turn signals within our subdivision (unless as a courtesy when needed), but I always use them otherwise, even lane changes. I will admit to speeding (not on residential streets) but stick to the laws otherwise -- especially avoiding the infamous slow-and-go at stop signs and at right turns on red.
I did actually find them to be pretty non-aggravating while I was there. They did have a weird tendency to not pull out into the intersection when turning left at a light, though.
In Illinois, you do that too early and you get t-boned
I also enjoy the permanently on blinker. You're never quite sure if they're going to turn eventually or they just don't know it's still on.
Seriously, the signal is right there by your hand, people.
Every day I get closer and closer to making a bumper sticker that says something like:
"Turn signal, motherf(!#er, do you use it?"
Say what again, I dare you.
what i hate is when you're waiting to turn onto a street, either left or right, and there's one car coming that you're waiting for it, and waiting for it, and then the idiot turns right in front of you. turn signals are there for people in front of you and behind you.
In California, when changing lanes or merging, the turn signal is a warning light, not a request. Here I come now! Of course, that could be due to the fact I've had people see my turn signal before changing lanes or merging and speed up to prevent me from coming in. You Midwesterners ain't seen nothing.
I've driven enough around LA (and New York) to know that type of driving.
Here in Yak, I'd say a good 30-40% of drivers don't use it at all, even if they're cutting you off. Of all the places I've lived, it's got by far the lowest concentration of people who signal.
Please specify NYC. Us WNY'ers take pride in our traffic etiquette.
Cheerfully withdrawn and specified. NYC is all I know firsthand of New York.
We appreciate it. Thanks. I once had a cab driver in a far off city ask me where I was from. I told him Buffalo. He responded back with "you should just say New York. Girls out here will think it is cooler".
+ one buffalo pass.
what socal said.
You Midwesterners ain't seen nothing
Unless, of course, the Midwesterner has lived in LA for 5½ years, for instance.
It seems like something that Mag would have mentioned, but I don't remember seeing it:
Real Madrid wins Copa del Rey trophy for the first time since '93, and a celebrating player drops it and a bus runs over it.
Soccer news goes up Mondays. Also I hate Real Madrid, so I wasn't going to publicize any of their successes. Especially not when it's Cristiano Ronaldo with the game winner. Having the cup run over, however, makes things a little better.
How could you forgo writing a headline like "Their Cup Runneth Over"????
uh, easily?
What would be the proper way of punctuating "Their Cup Runnéd Over" so that people know to make it a two-syllable word.
I think you keep the original wording and put a comma after "cup." Kinda like the band Drop Dead, Gorgeous. I've never heard their music, but as far as their band name goes, I'm a fan.
yea, that was my after-the-fact editing thought.
Good solution, spooky. Even if they don't read it as disyllabic, they should still get the pun.
Minor league day games: Rochester hosts Pawtucket at noon Central. You can listen to the game here. Beloit is at Peoria at one Central. you can listen to the game here.
For the life of me I haven't been able to get the WYSL audio feed to work all week. I end up listening to the games on the opposing teams feed. Must be my old age setting in.
I usually end up opening the stream directly into WMP so I can minimize it to the toolbar. I'll post that link when the game gets started. Maybe you can try it that way.
Thanks, I'll try that.
rowsdower, and anyone else interested, open Windows Media Player (this probably works in VLC as well, not sure about any other program) and go to "File"-->"Open URL" and enter this address for the WYSL stream:
Or, just click on that and it'll open WMP for you.
Thanks Mag, actually the problem was with my WMP. I reinstalled and everythings working now!
It's been working for me, so I don't know what's going on.
It sounds like Toby Gardenhire's AB music is Lupe Fiasco. Cool.
The mobile version of this site is really a pleasure to use. However, there appears to be no way to access the CoC from it - or am I just missing the nose in front of my face?
I can see and access the coc. Might just be down further than you might guess. Keep scrolling and you'll see it.
Thanks, UW. You are correct, sir.
NBA.com headline:
They ended up backing into the playoffs and they're down 2-0 to a team that's playing their best ball of the year. Are those happy days?
The final laugh is that the accompanying photo is of Carmelo, whose arrival coincided with the Knicks falling apart.
And who's terrible decision making at the end of both games the Knicks having no chance of winning either.
Wow, that was one tortured sentence. What I meant to say was:
"And who's terrible decision making at the end of both games caused the Knicks to have no chance at winning either."
on first
Actually, that would be "Who's on first?"
That's right.
I just couldn't get my hands to type what I wanted them to type this morning.
Everybody have a wonderful and blessed Easter. I'm off to the land of roast beef, and gravy (mother in law's place).
Air Griffey Max II are being re-released by NIke. I remember wanting a pair of these so badly when I was a kid, but Mom wouldn't get them for me.
did anyone watch 'Community' last night? I thought it was one of the funniest shows they have put out. I had to watch it again online because I missed so many jokes laughing, it was one after another. ('The Cape' spoof sent me over the edge)
We had team dinner last night, so I didn't get home in time. It looked and now sounds awesome. I'll probably wait to get home to watch it because I fear I'll be laughing far too much to watch it at work.
I thought it was brilliant. "It's a locamotive that runs on us!"
"The Cape" spoof? Isn't that a bit redundant? (has that show been canceled yet?)
'The Cape' was yanked off the air long ago and finished its run on nbc.com. I tried to give it a go, and thought it had promise, but after 3 episodes I gave up on it
A bit sappy, but kinda cool - Blind dog befriended by goose
Popping in for my once a decade comment - a long time lurker. Thanks to all for keeping this place going, a must stop for my Twins fix. Anyone read Callahan's Crosstime Saloon? Reminds me of this place.
haven't read it, but I played the computer game and bought Spider Robinson's album. do the books have a pun every 50 words?
The puns run hot and heavy. There are pun contests held at the bar throughout the book and its sequals, to the point where you get sick of them. The series also has its share of tragedy, comedy and science fiction. Most important is the feeling of camaraderie amongst the major characters.
Whoooaaaa, ccrob. That's already two LTEs this decade.
This book intrigues me. I'll add it to the list, in the event that I ever again read a book that's about something other than screenwriting or acting.
The wiki description intrigued me, but I'm not sure about something so pun heavy.
How is my day at work going, you ask? Well, it could be worse. But I did run into this 404 Page Not Found when googlifying.
I especially enjoyed the UNIX (V6) text. But there were a number of others that elicited a chuckle. YMMV.
I di
dg the semaphore version.Still no Morneau or Delmon. Morneau may be able to play tomorrow. Delmon's MRI is OK, but he could still go to the DL. Tolbert and Holm on the bench. Fausto has a huge split for his career, so why Tolbert on the bench and Repko and Hughes in the lineup?
is there going to be a game tonight? Looking at the radar, looks like a band of steady rain heading towards the Metro
No game.
hail. tornado sightings.
It's going to be a loooong summer if we keep this up. Two straight weeks.
I was watching the Weather Channel. They said that they had to clear Busch Stadium because of the storms.
yep. it was interesting singing in the Good Friday Tenebre while tornado sirens start going off.
I figured I would post to get us to an even 100 LTEs.
Shorter Chris Sheridan: If the Knicks can sign LeBron James this summer, they are going to be really good.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I had thought, based on the buzz when it all happened, that Anthony was traded to the Knicks for the winning of now. Did I mis-understand sports media?
Rondo is a heck of a player, but anytime a team gives up 20 assists to one guy on the other team, I think you've got some issues. And for an article that only mentions LeBron once, he wasn't shy about using the teams LeBron was either going to or leaving as comparisons for the Knicks. If I was D'Antoni, I think I'd just quit now, 'cause he's getting fired a month or two into the season if he sticks around.
I love this phrase, ct. Sounds vaguely eastern European crossed with Charlie Sheen.
Anthony made it pretty clear that he wasn't going to sign an extension with anyone but the Knicks. So, they could have waited until the summer and got him for less money and without sacrificing their good young players. But, they didn't do that. So it must have been to win now. Or because they are teh stoopid.
Well, Isiah was involved. So, there's your answer.