6 thoughts on “Matthew Sweet – I’ve Been Waiting”

    1. yeah, how'd you do that?

      anyway, sorry, broseph. business trip to vicksburg, mississippi + no laptop cord = no video from hungry joe. thanks for covering.

  1. Moved into an apartment on main street (Atlantic Ave) in Morris, MN during the summer of 1999. The accomodations were located above a women's dress shop with nothing else attached to the building except the 2nd floor of the downtown "mall" to the south. The front windows looked down on main street, to the back was the alley and to the north was a roof top.

    The previous tenant left a $10 cd player containing the disc Girlfriend in the back of one of the closets. I'd spent most of the $800 received as graduation gifts the previous year on my first quality stereo set-up: Yamaha cd player, receiver, and sub-woofer and Infinity tower speakers. Morris, a town of ~3500 during the summer break, was essentially closed after 5 pm.

    You could hear, ♪♫♪♫ "I've been waiting (Waiting) And I want to" ♪♫♪♫ echoing up and down Atlantic most evenings that July.

    1. Both my sister and the older of my sisters-in-law-to-be began attending UMM in the fall of 1999.

      Sister's name was Sarah R. (now Sarah F.). Art major, had a part in the production of "The Cherry Orchard."
      SiL-to-be's name was (and still is) Emily P. She later transferred to the Mpls campus.

      1. Funny. I moved off campus into the aforementioned apartment in June of '99 (after freshman year) and was only back on campus for classes (but rarely). I do remember advertising for that production, but I didn't get over to see it. I'm not great with names (being a "Sarah" doesn't help the cause) and, after 12 years, unlikely that I'd remember faces either. That being said, it was a small enough community that I'm sure to have crossed paths with both ladies.

        Also - Serendipity?

        She later transferred to the Mpls campus.
        Me too. Morris for a couple years, TC campus for a couple years, then off to see the world for a couple (6) years.

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