A trio of thoughts, expressed in music because I wouldn't want to make anyone look bad.
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FJkxlYZTNM httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zGlajaBeAE
And now, this week's View from the Ballpark:
photo by Flickr user jopimalg
Remember, no embiggening.
cool stadium!
I'm always very tempted to embiggen the image and find out because I have no patience sometimes, but I always decide to do it the right way.
You got it, Mags. Did the seats tip you off?
Excellent work, Mags.
Aww shucks
Ha, you could've zoomed in on one square foot of non-descript grass in the outfield, and Mags would've gotten it.
only if some indigenous flora or fauna were visible in the frame
"I noticed a Red Warbler Ant just out of focus in the upper right, so I did a quick googling and found that the Red Warbler Ant was indigenous to Mid-west Kansas until 1942. Since this picture was obviously taken after 1950, I'm going to guess that it's the Municipal Ballfield in Topeka, Kansas."
June/July, based on the weather that year and the length of the grass
Actually, now it's starting to remind me of this scene (at 7:48 mark)
Best episode from a classic show.
Time to make these last 36 games count.
Sheesh, Twins suck.