67 thoughts on “James Taylor & Carole King – Fire And Rain”

            1. it's a fine line between wanting to listen to the video of the day, and not wanting to necessarily give an honest rating. apparently it was one I should have avoided in the first place. it happens -- sorry

        1. Only the second rating of a single star someone has given.

          I'm guessing there would be others if people actually watched the videos.

              1. 7.88 here even including your rating, and on Rolling Stone's list of the best? It hasn't occurred to you that you might be missing something here? I mean, we're talking about art so subjectivity is always going to be a factor, but boldly proclaiming that everyone else is dumb seems a little rash.

                That said, I get the same way about The Eagles and AC/DC.

                1. I never said that anyone was dumb (to say nothing of "boldly proclaiming"), just that I hated the music.

                  FWIW, I hardly consider RS's editorial opinion to hold much weight. To me, it has always seemed to be them music (and film) criticism version of history as written by the winners.

                  1. I think a one-star rating is a bold proclamation.

                    I haven't noticed Rolling Stone doing things that way, at any rate. I've found a lot of music that wasn't particularly popular through them. Pitchfork has become a much better source, but they still have their place.

                2. i think we're all allowed to have our irrational hatreds (i can mostly agree on both the eagles and AC/DC). that said, i'm always willing to give an honest listen to something. was today's post a jab at AMR? sure it was. was it also an attempt to make him give them a shot? that it was too (though the jab made me pull this track rather than something that might have affected a positive change). wasn't trying to be a dick, but it still wasn't completely a joak.

                  AMR, my friend, i don't know what made you hate these two singer/songwriters so, but tell me this: did you dispassionately listen before you rated?

                  1. Oh, I absolutely didn't listen. Back to my core principles:

                    Never intentionally listen to any James Taylor or Carole King. Phooey.

                    I didn't mean for this all to get to serious. Geez. I didn't sense any dickishness, but a friendly jab. I responded with a rating of one as a countering friendly jab.

                    I probably could have put "Paul McCartney solo works" into the principle as well, but that didn't seem to fit with JT and Ms. King. All three create terrible earworms of songs I dislike. Can't get them out of my head.

                    1. Dude, I don't get the sense that any of this is unfriendly. It certainly isn't on my part, although I'm a little tipsy after our fantasy draft so not all of my synapses are firing, so I can't be sure of anyone's tone, least of all my own.

                    2. It's a joak, man. I used the same line yesterday.

                      I like your passion for music, even when it seemingly veers into obsession. (Been there, done that.)

                3. And that 7.88 is out of eight votes, of which one was my one.
                  Everyone else gave this an 8.9 average. The other seven guys must really love JT.
                  (Maybe I'm wrong, but I assume some of the high votes were either to tease me or to counter my low vote.)

                    1. I've never put that much seriousness into the ratings. Just last week, I rated the Pharcyde a ten before I hit play. Normally, I wouldn't rate something I didn't care for, but today I felt I should respond.

                      18 minutes until Carole King (I assume) comes up, and the day of James Taylor is over.

                    2. Geez, no. I suck. I got to James Taylor and stopped.
                      Thanks for putting all the stuff I don't like in one place, hungry joe.

                    1. My 10 was totally in counterweight to AMR's 1. And I quit VJing in significant part because I started taking this all too seriously. Nothing wrong in my eyes in AMR's rating or reasoning.

                    2. ...including the fact that he didn't watch it?

                      That's the only thing I'd even consider taking seriously. Honestly, Doesn't-rhyme-with-Bosh, I hope you're not feeling like you've been batted into a corner here.

                    3. the post was in significant part a joak. AMR's rating was to be expected in that vein.

                      More importantly, I think the ratings should be held as privately cast by all of us with editorial powers. If an individual wishes to reveal, that's different, of course.

                      and most importantly, this is supposed to be fun. If the post weren't put up in the vein that it was, then I guess I would see being miffed about a 1 rating (no, the observed ratings should NOT be symmetric at both ends of the scale; the VJs are filtering, for goodness sake; they should get high ratings MUCH more often than extremely low ones). But in general, I think we need to keep in mind the FUN part of this whole exercise.

                      Again, I quit VJing when I got my ego too tied up in the ratings. It wasn't fun for me anymore.

                    4. More importantly, I think the ratings should be held as privately cast by all of us with editorial powers.
                      Agreed. I dithered on whether to post what I did, and if I did it again I would either say which video but not the voter or just not send the comment. I hope Rhu_Ru can forgive the breach of privacy.

                    5. While, I did feel a bit defensive, but with such a wide variety of tastes around here, if VJs want to see votes, they're going to have to take the good with the bad. I know I didn't expect high marks during my week, but I was pleased that there were at least some votes cast.

                      I think a lot of us subscribe to the "Thumper" policy, and don't say nuttin' at all; hopefully that's taken as a courtesy and not a snub.

            1. Not really meant as a burn. It was poorly worded. I meant that if people listened and rated every video, I would expect there to be a lot of 1's. If we're looking at this as a bell curve, we should have as many 1's as 10's.

              I don't think there's anything wrong with giving a song a 1 if that is how you feel about it.

              1. A 1 suggests "meritless." Given the tracks that the Citizens spin here, I've never seen anything that extreme in its shittiness. I've rated hundreds of videos in my three years as a Citizen and I don't remember finding anything lower than a 4.

                1. I believe the one track I gave a "1" because it offended my religious sensibilities, but being it was metal in the first place, it probably wasn't getting a high rating anyway. That said, I DID listen to all of cheaptoy's vids that week, and while I didn't necessarily "enjoy" them all, I appreciated them.

                2. If I listened to everything, I'm sure I'd find a couple 1's (Shatner?). I just don't bother with things I know aren't in my strike zone.

          1. When I do watch the vids (and not watching them are a continued fault of mine) I tend to not rate anything I feel is below a 5 or 6 since I don't want someone to feel like what they've taken the time to chose and share is crap.

            1. What about when I played G.B. Leighton in the old basement. That got some ones, for sure.

              1. I often feel that I have no way to evaluate something. So rather than give a 5 or 6 to something I've given a passing listen to, I just leave it be.

    1. AMR... i will say what all the old farts are too polite to say: Get off my g@dd@mn lawn!

      That being said, I used to hate these two songwriters back in my Metallica, Soundgarden, NIN days. However, as I have gathered more life experiences and actually listened to the music, I can appreciate their roles in American music. I gave it a 9.

  1. This is one of the 12 I missed. I definitely shouldn't have missed it but it was in the middle of all the hip hop songs so it threw me off.

  2. If this is less than 1 star, well then...I'm at a loss. It's an easy 7.

    One other cool point for Taylor (in my book, anyway) is Two Lane Blacktop, an existential road movie with Dennis Wilson (Beach Boy drummer) and the late, great Warren Oates. Not a great film, by any means, but a wonderful splice of late 60's/early 70's independent cinema. The cars and the pop stars look great, while Warren Oates does the 'heavy lifting' acting-wise. (He was a fantastic talent, if you aren't familiar with him.)

    Worth a viewing, for sure.

      1. I have "Don't Cry Driver" in my iTunes.

        In 2003, a tribute soundtrack was compiled entitled You Can Never Go Fast Enough. It features contributions from Sonic Youth, Leadbelly, Giant Sand, Mark Eitzel, Wilco, Calexico, Cat Power covering the Rolling Stones and a track by Will Oldham & Alan Licht called “Don’t Cry, Driver.” “Don’t Cry, Driver” is a 9 minute song that features Will Oldham singing for 2 minutes and that after that, Alan Licht recites every single one of James Taylor’s lines from the movie.


    1. Much love for Warren Oates (In the Heat of the Night!). He's forgotten now as are many ubiquitous character actors, but he'll always be noticed for his work in that Oscar winner.

      1. The over-heated narration of this trailer aside, Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia is another fine example of his unique skill set.

        1. Ah! There's another one that's in the queue.

          Just tonight I made a deal with myself to finally see the classics that actor/writers should see. Just finished: The Graduate.

          1. More a topic for movie day, but Sam Peckinpah is one of the grossly over-rated directors of all-time. (A lot of fine actors appeared in his movies, however.)

            1. Ugh, agreed. His contemporaries directed circles around him, but great scripts and actors kept falling in his lap somehow. Maybe he knew - or knew, wink wink - someone.

              For a long time I didn't understand his appeal, but I learned eventually that my fellow film snobs aren't all that high on him.

  3. FWIW, if people vote a video a one, I really don't mind. I'm just glad people participate. I'm sure jobu feels the same way. Sometimes I even play awful videos on purpose just to make sure you guys are paying attention.

  4. I can honestly say this was one of the most interesting posts I have read on this site. It constantly amazes me how the group of people that make up this community can have actual discussions and disagreements without the whole thing blowing up into a steaming pile of dreck. Nice job, fellas.

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