The Wolves have been living out of their suitcase since the All Star Break, 4th game in 5 days. After this the Wolves return home for a week then go on a grueling 7 game roadie. I'm not saying this is a must win, but man it would be super sweet (my prediction coming out of the break is that the Wolves would go 2-2).
Portland has a few 'whoa, those guys are playing' on the roster: Kurt Thomas (not playing tonight), Marcus Camby, Gerald Wallace.
The Police 'Man In A Suitcase'
Why are there so many Wolves games on NBATV all of a sudden when my cable provider doesn't carry it. BOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Ricky Rubio = ratings! NBA tv gotta capitalize on that
A bigger question is why doesn't my cable provider carry NBATV? I'm glad I'm leaving this damn state.
yeah thats sumb. my cable carrier has it, but its on the Sports Package which costs extra money
Wes three?!
Joel Pryzbilla sighting!
Nick Batum wears number 88. weird
the Blazers might want to plant 2 people on that spot where Love is drilling on the 3's
Rubio with 6 assists already? Why can't I watch this game???
Rubio is all over the defense too
Let's just get this out of the way now-
Fire Wes Johnson
Is this related to something that happened in the game or it is just an off hand comment?
Wes' defense was lacking to start the game
I was frustrated with some of his defense, but I think I would have made the comment regardless.
All this offense doesn't matter too much if they don't play some defense to go with it.
40 point first quarter.
Ricky with a dime in the first
Ricky with a dollar!
oh man, meltdown to begin the quarter
Seriously guys, you should see this coming. Take care of the ball.
where the 'its a trap!' sign. its just killing right now
if you listen closely to the FSN feed, you can hear players swearing a lot and loudly
Phoenix has displayed a high level of intensity in this second quarter.
doing taxes so i'm not paying a lot of attention to the game, but from what i can tell, beasley's doing pretty terrible, yes?
Joel "Moving Screen" Pryzbilla
after 40 in the first, Wolves only have 13. yeesh
Kevin Love with authority!
And another three.
Hey! We managed not to be behind at the half despite a 40 point first quarter. I'm going to assume that's all Wes' fault.
I dont think Wes saw the floor that quarter
His suck rubbed off on everyone else.
Hey! His PER is up to almost 6.5!
Wes with 4 fouls. grab some pine
Love with 27 already?
he had something like 15 in the first quarter
Any time Pek has the ball it looks like he is traveling.
Well, if it looks like a duck...
Love with an elbow to Wallace's ribs. I like it
Portland going back to the double teams
I'm really starting to think that Beaker should be the starter.
I agree, but that means Wes Johnson's dopey play is coming off the bench and who else has energy to come off the bench
A little late getting to the game log. I have been day dreaming of Batum in a Wolves Jersey.
Dude is awesome.
Ive heard of him thanks to the guys at CanisHoopus, but this is the first time I have seen him action. I like him
Pryzbilla with a big time flop
Rubio's getting mugged.
I like what I'm seeing out of the Puppies. Ball movement, defensive effort, and Pek!
Love with 29.
but you gotta have a hand in Crawford's face
Webster's hair is absolutely horrific.
Wrong. I'm thinking about going with that look.
If only Martell could play against a former team every night.
Beaker is having a great game
He is everywhere.
interesting lineup here: Rubio, Barea, Webster, Love, Williams
dumb move by Przybilla there. That's a bad T.
Love! Nice take!
When did Kevin Love start dunking all of the time?
at one point of the season, maybe even current, Love was leading the team in dunks. They werent the authoritative dunks like he has tonight
Was it after the first game of the season?
I don't know, but I like it a lot better than seeing him get stuffed all the time.
I bet he objected to me saying the only thing Blake does better than him is dunking. Love wants to make sure Griffin does nothing better than him.
I appreciate his commitment to being the best.
Martell is going to be starting soon, right?.
Not until you start calling him by his official nickname.

taxes done. i've gotta have more kids...
Love is in ultra beast mode tonight
The Wolves have an edge to them tonight, they want this game.
Derek Williams is alright.
better trade him for Troy Murphy and Theo Ratliff's expiring contract!
Obviously, Luke Walton is available.
Yeah, Butch and I just got chastized for yelling after that last play by D-Will. Seems that Mrs. butch wants to sleep.
shoulda kept OJ Mayo, obviously.
is that the new "should drafted [redacted, but not that redacted]!"?
Kevin. Love.
wow, Aldridge fouled out
Rubio had 10 assists in the 1st quarter, only 2 since.
Kevin Love only has 9 rebounds? Terrible.
Beaker is stealing them all!
With 212 points scored, it seems like there might not have been that many rebounds to get tonight.
About 74 rebounds to be had.
So Love still ends up with 13.5% of them. Not bad.
that was sick, Webster.
Beaker seems to be having a coming out party tonight.
Getting chippy out there.
Do you buy season tickets to the bison?
Heh. Free tickets to the AAA all star game with season tickets this year.
I went to the AAA allstar game in Abq one year. The mascot-off was the highlight.
It is going to be the social event of the season. I will be there.
who knows... The good dr. is off for WNY tomorrow morning.
Keep me posted.
Is kevin love good at this game?
/kids in the hall sarcasam video/
41 and 9, 15 for 26. K-Lub.
Love with a 40-10 game with 5 threes. His second career such game and27th in league history.
his other 40-10 (43-17), he was 5-5 from beyond the arc.
Love's 41 points is tied for 9th highest in a game by a Wolves player (JR Rider 2-17-95). Garnett has the highest point total at 47
Please don't foul the three-point shooter on the attempt.
I'm gonna say we've got this one in the bag.
well, 120 points seems to be enough to win.
Love joins a motley group of player with 42 points in a game: Beasley, Ricky Davis, Isiah Rider
All of those were this season, right?
nice exclamation point after a shitty road trip.
2-2 on a road trip with 4 games in 5 nights isn't so bad.
i don't mean that as in they played poorly, i mean that was a definitely a difficult stretch, and they can be proud to finish it like that.
The streak is over versus the Blazers. Long live the streak.
some dude on Saturday Night Love is sporting a Kevin Love jersey right now
Yeah, making fun of Minny.
Wolves now third in the division and I think ninth in the conference.
.5 game ahead of Portland, .5 behind Denver
It appears that work robbed me of another good one. I got to see two games on this trip. Guess which two.