Finally a game where the Twins have the superior record.
377 thoughts on “2012 Game 57: Chicago Cubs at Minnesota Twins”
Meeting my dad for the game. He tried to take light rail but he missed the one and only train at his stop. He did not realize this until the pay station took his eight dollars for a train that was never coming.
My parents are at the game, too. Where are your seats?
Sect 324
Also the line here for the surly booth is ridiculously long
I will root for the Twins day in and day out and I have aspirations for a division title each year until the Twins are mathematically eliminated. With that said, man, I have a tough time getting excited for a PJ Walters start.
Huh. I thought Revere actually had him there.
Yeah, after the replay, nevermind.
Okay, that's enough runs to give up. Settle down, PJ.
Soriano may have just earned one in the ribs for that trot.
The first game I can watch in a week! Yes!
We're in a two-run hole against the worst team in the league already, but I'm just happy to be here, I guess.
Who gets the flu in June?
It was probably the training staff's fault.
I bet he caught it from Mauer.
Ii would have played through it, then vomited on the catcher.
I guess I didn't realize the flu was an std.
Joe's a cancer, not a virus. 😉
Wow. I've heard of very few of the schlemiels the Cubs are fielding.
The Cubs announcers said the same thing about us.
Yeah, I was about to remark that we have a team like that.
The Twins feed just mentioned Valencia and it struck me I hadn't thought of the fact that he was gone in weeks.
Dick mentioned that Morneau had no walks in 53 at bats. Dick, I can guarantee you that in the entire major leagues, no player has any walks in all of their at bats.
He's due.
Wait, what? In the promo for the All-Star game, it shows Andre Ethier "representing" the Dodgers. Seriously? Ethier?
Year after year I shake my head at the All-Star promos, and wonder when they were shot. I remember one year where three of the five guys shown missed it either because they were injured or sucked that year.
Not that using Ethier over Kemp makes any sense regardless, but the promos are always perplexing.
Or Kershaw, who kinda pitched pretty well last year.
do you mean the Andre Ethier who leads the Dodgers with 2.4 rWAR (to 1.5 for Kemp)? That Andre Ethier? Crazy talk. Granted, he's only hitting 305/366/531.
Kemp has nearly 100 fewer PA. Yea, he's been great at the plate. But he's missed a lot of time.
Over the Kemp who's injured for at least a month and may not be back in time for the All-Star game?
Okay, so I hadn't seen the injury thing nor did I realize Ethier had rebounded. Good for him.
AHHHHHCK. nice catch by the Cubs guy
Damn...he hit that well.
NBBW and I just got rear ended going south on 35w in Minny.
Dude behind us got nailed by a fast truck behind him.
Thankfully no one was hurt. New rental and now heading west to go car camping. Stopped at Bumps in Glencoe.
Just ordered brinner.
Oof, sucks. Person behind me got hit by someone not paying attention in bumper-to-bumper traffic last summer. I was very thankful she left plenty of room in front of her to not hit my still quite new car.
"Mather just using his speed to basically run this ball down."
Opposed to Delmon using his lack of speed to pick up the ball at the fence?
It was a fine stroke.
The ball really exploded off of his bat.
Ooo, mostacholi time.
Coors, trying to insinuate your beer into a movie trailer doesn't make me want to drink it.
I love the lack of commercials on PS3
"If you take away something that's below the average, the average improves!"
Yes Bert, it's weird how that works.
I don't know why this made me think of this, but here's a weird mathematical fact.
It's possible for player A to have a higher batting average than player B two years in a row, yet player B has a higher batting average over the two year span!
Yep. I don't remember the name of the "paradox" though.
Mrs. Runner and I were watching USA & Angigua Barbuda. Sorry, I just don't get into it much
Is Dick trying to compare this team to 2006?
The top five interleague teams are all AL teams.
Bert suggests the Twins are so good at it because the Twins are more of an NL-style team. No, Bert, the NL-style teams are mostly below the AL teams.
He goes on to explain "NL style" means good fundamentals. I don't know where to start.
Coomer's chiming in on this! Ooh, this should be good.
It's because of pitching and defense, and that's how NL teams are built, he says. Okay, geniuses, so why do all the other damned AL teams beat the NL all the time?!
I was thinking the same thing. If you're beating up on a set of teams, it means you aren't playing like them but better. I think Dick's explanation might be closest: coincidence combined with Twins generally playing well this time of year. Plus the bias of the Twins being good for most of the years in the sample.
Yeah, it's exceedingly simple. "The Twins were good for most of those years and the AL is generally better than the NL." But hey, any excuse to cite fundamentals is a good excuse for Coomer and Bert.
I am glad they're giving me some laughs in my first game with the Twins feed in ages.
It's often taken the Twins 2 months to figure out which offseason signings were dead weight and jettison them. has decided to stop working for me again. I don't know what the problem is. My PS3 can stream netflix in HD with no problem.
My Cub feed was doing that but the Twins feed is perfect, except for the two gomers calling the game.
It streams fine on my computer as well. It's very bizarre.
I had similar problems on my ps3 yesterday.
If you get WGN, it's on there.
cheers! *clink*
National League teams, as opposed to American League teams, try to have good pitching and defense. Also, you cannot have good defense without good pitching.
It is this kind of analysis that keeps me coming back to Dick, Bert, and the Coom Dog.
Also, was Ben Revere even on the Twins when they were good for 2 weeks last June?
ACK! Bert just said Revere reminded him of a young Kirby!
I am posting comments too quickly!
no BBall tonight, eh?
Well, he IS short, plays centerfield, and has a great smile...
looks like he was
How about that? I would have never guessed Revere had 481 PA last season.
Also, I figured the winning streak last year was mostly Tonosi.
Bert 'I dont want to label people' (referring to Revere)
a minute ago, you labeled the entire Twins team as an NL style team.
spilled parm
Mrs. Parmalee almost just became a widow.
I think we all deserved to at least see a clown ambulance after that flip. I feel cheated.
And there's a commercial that I could watch a bunch of times.
"It has to go over the bush to be a home run!"
That's what she said!
Plonkey Dunched!
This is the winner.
where is that point sheet stashed?
Cuddy Plouffe!
Mr. All or Nothing gets all of it. Wheeeeee!
Plouffe has now hit 8 home runs, and only has 13 rbi
He's the new Arod.
Even Cuddy played the wall better than that.
That wasn't even playing the wall, just not being aware of where the wall is.
Between the Maestro and Parmelee, the Twins are having trouble knowing where the boundaries are. LASIK for everyone!!!
If they averaged it, they would have been okay!
That sounds like a tremendous promo waiting to happen. First 1,000 fans get a laser in their eye!
Bob Cobb is playing RF for the Twins?
I hear he's pretty, pretty good.
sean, is it true that 9 out of 10 times a runner on third scores with 0 outs?
If you believe Bert, a lead off walk scores that frequently.
Last year, with a runner just on third, there were 2552 PAs and 945 runs scored in those PAs. That includes 68 home runs.
That sounds like it only counts when there are still 0 outs, right? A runner on third with no outs can still score after somebody makes an out.
Yeah. You want me to do research?
The run expectancy matrix says 0.544 run expectancy at the beginning an inning and a 1.433 run expectancy with a runner on 3rd and no outs. That would seem to suggest that 90% is about right.
Pffft. More like 85%. Bert is such a dope.
run expectancy matrix doesn't tell you the odds of getting at least one run, it tells you the average number of runs scored in those circumstances.
Everyone always expects you to do research. Just humor us, Sean.
And Cuddy played the grass much better than that.
And he pitched much better than that.
We're dangerously close to making "Cuddyer was Better" the subtitle to the 2012 Twins season.
hang em and bang em
Do you 'member when this game was tied? That was awesome.
Walters with a 5.19 FIP before this game. I think it's going up a bit after this.
He's no Scott Diamond.
Carroll=not so fast.
at least it was Carroll who was out and not Revere
Ghost Rider 2 is already coming out on blu ray?
Quick! To the video store!
I didn't know it had been made until yesterday.
From wikipedia:
Reviewers who viewed an early preview screening at the December 2011 Butt-Numb-A-Thon in Austin expressed negative reactions to the film, with two attendants saying it was worse than the first Ghost Rider film, and one even going so far as to say that this film makes the first look like The Dark Knight in comparison.
I did see the first one. At least, I saw part of it before I turned it off. I can't imagine how bad that movie must be.
I'm made we didn't get the chance to bunt Carroll over to third.
Youse a made man now, RhuRu. Welcome to da family.
*blames cellphone; gets evil glare back from it*
Another Wells!
My daughters were psyched about that, yeah.
Unfortunately, the first name does node bode well for redemption.
Doumit = slower than Carroll.
Doumit is not very fast
Dammit, Doumit.
Doumit letting everyone know he's never seen Big Lebowski.
Plouffe=faster than Doumit.
Dozier went golfing for that one.
Plouffe speed > Doumit speed.
Sweet! The Cubs love giving back runs!
Getting a speed clinic today.
More mastrobation!!!
He can really handle the stick out there.
The Redwings are knocking the ball around pretty good!
beach ball?! Where's DP when you need 'im?!
Ushers got to him before he could get to the ball.
Cubs broadcast can't get enough cutaways of Paul Molitor and the girl sitting next to him.
Oh, that is some sweetness.
Dick Bremer acted like that ball was hit into the upper deck, here its a double play!!!!
evening, all.
Who was fooled more by that drive: Bremer or Stewart?
evening, all...
...dammit HJ got there first.
Excellent relay by Dozier. These are the times where he seems like a potential MLB-ready shortstop.
Alex Burnett has pitched more innings out of the bullpen than any other Twin.
Alright kids, let's do this!
Rally Pigeon?
Rally Squab
Whatever animal you can get your hands on!
My dog is not happy with you.
That was a LOUD single.
he hit that ball too hard
Yay, but at the same time...dammit.
Have I mentioned that I balls willinghammer?
Oh, and that 'manchu on Morneau is pretty awesome.
um, okay. i'll take it.
you would.
it's true. how's NOLA?
Dude. Yeah, it's that good.
i was there once. with my high school jazz band. we (amazingly and undeservedly) played jazz on the streets of new orleans. a chunk of white boys from MPLS. yyyyyup.
still, it was amazing. i've seriously been thinking of a reason to go down there since i "know someone".
You're always welcome. I'm pretty sure that the dread pirate and I can show you a good time around saint paddy's day.
i did not expect that to go as far as it did on that goofy little halfish swing.
isn't this like a 90% sure thing?
Yes it is!
93.2% according to FanGraphs.
See, I read what y'all write from time to time.
Don't see the point of pinch-running with Span. Unless he scores on a wild pitch.
i was wondering about that. the only thing i can think of is short sac fly.
I was thinking the same thing, except I hadn't come up with the wild pitch scenario so I really thought it was worthless.
a less than 100% Span is faster than 100% Morneau
But how many cases is that really useful? A short wild pitch or sac fly. Any hit would score a Molina and so would a medium-deep fly ball.
Protectin' Mountie's noggin.
With Span's noggin.
I preferred that image larger.
well, you have been in texas awhile...
5 infielders! Flu Span running! This game has everything
Still needs a walk off...
Hopefully tomorrow we can talk about how Span "flew" home with the winning run.
I wish he would've puked on the catcher and went around him in the confusion.
That's a pretty good pull, painter.
I like the kid in the foreground who looks away just as the plane falls.
I'm a fan of the splashing kid.
splash, splash, splash, splash, WTF!?!?!?
I think that's a point.
Did Sveum tell Mather to guard second base? He's all set up for the double play though.
Mauer would sure be nice right here.
bunting will be key to this inning
Should have just had Casilla squeeze on the second pitch.
Pitchout? Squeeze? WTF?
well, that sucked.
Hmm...not the best laid plans.
The contact play? WTF?
How many times this season does the go on contact play have to bite the Twins in the ass before they quit doing it?
At least once more, as always.
Mountie could have done that.
C'mon, Dozier!
Morneau wouldn't have made that baserunning mistake.
Cubs postponing the inevitable /Agent Smith
So much for that 93% stuff
the Twins are the 7%
Great minds and all that, dw.
That was my thought too.
That 10% is a bitch.
Interestingly terrible way to get free baseball.
we could be listening to the hawk, HD...
I was but they already lost to the Astros.
We are the 6.8%.
You know what they say...when you have a win 93.2% of the time, you won't get the win immediately 6.8% of the time.
Dammit. And this was my Lock of the Week!
Well, this game is worthy of extras, though I'm not sure these teams are.
Sure they are. Their terribleness is almost completely equal. This thing is gonna go 22 at at least.
Well, at least I'm on the west coast!
can someone say 'winning pitcher Drew Butera'?
How many of these extras is Butera expected to pitch?
As many as necessary, I hope.
And now it's 50%. I liked it better when it was 93%.
are you sure you got your formulas right? capps is pitching...
That's why it's 50%.
The home team has a slight advantage.
that was accounting for the disadvantage that capps brings.
I do believe he gets a win. Makes you look pretty dumb for this comment....
Capps vs Soriano. This probably will not end well.
horray, I was wrong.
Ready, aim, Mastrobation!
It's catching on!
Granted, it's just the two of us, but I grabbed hold of it and yanked as hard as I could.
Maybe in the bottom of the inning, we can bust out our rally monkeys together.
Preferably in the bottom, anyway.
Careful. You'll go blind if you over-do it.
Capps pitching at home in a tie ballgame. Gardy may finally have learned that lesson. Too bad about the other 3,849 lessons he needs to learn.
I thought he had learned that a few years ago. It's away games the closer will still be saved for later.
Two of Capps' losses came when he gave up a homer in the top of the 9th of a tied game.
We're deep into Capps ball.
That'll do.
It ain't pretty, but Waffles gets the job done.
Philosofette on the Cubs blowing a save:
"I remember learning baseball when it was impossible to blow a save" (referring to Nathan, of course.).
She's also decided that the Twins remind her of Arrested Development now, with Parmalee, who makes her think of Gene Parmesean and Plouffe, which makes her think of "Poof" magazine.
Yup, she gets both Arrested and baseball. I love her so much.
Are you sure you're not describing me?
Well she does love Futurama too.
Is she also your cousin? Because that would be perfect.
She is not. Are you?
I think the proper answer here should have been along the lines of "Maeby, but I don't think so".
Okay, but does she put out?
Where's Beau?
Man, I balls this website.
I think I'm angry at this comment.
That particular running joke predates your time here.
So long as it's only predating it, and not preconsumating it, I can deal with that.
Also, I've had a few tonight, so I'm just going to come out and say that I'm pretty proud of this joak, so I'm gonna give myself a point.
I took me almost an hour to answer this so... there's your answer.
The Cubs announcers are now marveling at the mystical thing known as the DH.
yours was closer to the mark.
cubs announcers remarking on how the DH role makes the AL different from the NL. i guess that's true.
It's the *only* thing that makes them different.
You can't really expect a franchise that last won a title 104 years ago to be on the cutting edge, I guess.
They made it sound like it hadn't been around for nearly 40 years.
There are commenters on that roundly reject interleague play because it has "designatedhitterball."
It hasn't, its only been around for...*looks up first interleague game*...jeebus, interleague play has been around for 15 f***in years?
Twins baseball!
This is like 75%, right?
Does Sveum really need to go back out to explain this? Can't he just make some obscure sign that says "do it again"?
I dont know about his strategies and whatnots, but Dale Sveum has the look of a grizzled baseball manager.
A lot of success? What was the Twins record otherwise?
Oh yeah, wooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Give that man a double.
I'm so happy this game went one extra inning so you had more time to find that.
I just can't stop laughing at this. I have to close the page.
Woo, converted on that 93.2%. That's how it works, right?
I think Willingham is already somewhere in my top 10 favorite Twins of all time that I've actually seen play.
Yeah, I balls the willinghammer.
(i was going to go out and find an image for that, but realized i've already grossly abused the using materials you found elsewhere rules)
This game has been brought to you by NB Belgo. (I kept meaning to do a What Are You Drinking thing, but forgot)
strangely, it's been a summit night here (sorry, CT).
Did I miss some hated of Summit? I may have mentioned that I have a close, personal friend that brews for summit, and that I balls their output. If this means war, then so be it.
Its not so much hatred as a feeling that the owner may be a dick due to some comments he made regarding the taproom bill a while back. Also your comment you made about your friend's opinion of you drinking Surly. I just get the vibe that they care not for the craft brewing world. But yeah, really not hatred from me so much as I just don't ever feel much urge to purchase their stuff.
meh. summit seems on par to goose island with me (minus GI's semi-decent belgiam lineup). i'm just fine with them being king craft in minnesota with surly being the unruly upstart.
i'd counter this thought with the unchained series. Some of those beers have been off the hook. And, by off the hook I mean crazy good.
ohhh yeah. i might have tried more had they been available to me. i thoroughly enjoyed what i had though. however, the GI brewpub kills the summit brewpub.
The craziness of the taproom bill is that the founder of Summit started the process and Surly finished it. There are some (justified) raw feelings on both sides. I'm a fan of both products, but when I can buy 12 of one for (roughly) the cost of 4 of the other I'll take the quantity.
technically, it's for 5.33, but your point is well taken. that said, it's still surly.
Listening to Revere's interview, I predict he will soon become a reporter favorite.
Mariners working on a combined no-hitter of the Dodgers. So far, seven innings completed with three pitchers.
Kevin Millwood left because of an injury. shock.
Eight innings by five pitchers. The closer came in the eighth though.
And done!
I guess League is the former closer now, so that makes a lot more sense. I mean, who uses a closer for five outs, even in a no-hitter?
Wilhelmsen gets the final three outs. Extremely close play to start the ninth with Dee Gordon called out at first. The super slow motion makes it seem like calling him out was the right call.
roughly 350 lte's for a Friday night game between 2 stinky teams. cool. coolcoolcool.
I think the Twins have surpassed stinky and are aspiring to mediocrity.
Meeting my dad for the game. He tried to take light rail but he missed the one and only train at his stop. He did not realize this until the pay station took his eight dollars for a train that was never coming.
My parents are at the game, too. Where are your seats?
Sect 324
Also the line here for the surly booth is ridiculously long
I will root for the Twins day in and day out and I have aspirations for a division title each year until the Twins are mathematically eliminated. With that said, man, I have a tough time getting excited for a PJ Walters start.
Huh. I thought Revere actually had him there.
Yeah, after the replay, nevermind.
Okay, that's enough runs to give up. Settle down, PJ.
Soriano may have just earned one in the ribs for that trot.
The first game I can watch in a week! Yes!
We're in a two-run hole against the worst team in the league already, but I'm just happy to be here, I guess.
Who gets the flu in June?
It was probably the training staff's fault.
I bet he caught it from Mauer.
Ii would have played through it, then vomited on the catcher.
I guess I didn't realize the flu was an std.
Joe's a cancer, not a virus. 😉
Wow. I've heard of very few of the schlemiels the Cubs are fielding.
The Cubs announcers said the same thing about us.
Yeah, I was about to remark that we have a team like that.
The Twins feed just mentioned Valencia and it struck me I hadn't thought of the fact that he was gone in weeks.
Dick mentioned that Morneau had no walks in 53 at bats. Dick, I can guarantee you that in the entire major leagues, no player has any walks in all of their at bats.
He's due.
Wait, what? In the promo for the All-Star game, it shows Andre Ethier "representing" the Dodgers. Seriously? Ethier?
Year after year I shake my head at the All-Star promos, and wonder when they were shot. I remember one year where three of the five guys shown missed it either because they were injured or sucked that year.
Not that using Ethier over Kemp makes any sense regardless, but the promos are always perplexing.
Or Kershaw, who kinda pitched pretty well last year.
do you mean the Andre Ethier who leads the Dodgers with 2.4 rWAR (to 1.5 for Kemp)? That Andre Ethier? Crazy talk. Granted, he's only hitting 305/366/531.
Kemp has nearly 100 fewer PA. Yea, he's been great at the plate. But he's missed a lot of time.
Over the Kemp who's injured for at least a month and may not be back in time for the All-Star game?
Okay, so I hadn't seen the injury thing nor did I realize Ethier had rebounded. Good for him.
AHHHHHCK. nice catch by the Cubs guy
Damn...he hit that well.
NBBW and I just got rear ended going south on 35w in Minny.
Dude behind us got nailed by a fast truck behind him.
Thankfully no one was hurt. New rental and now heading west to go car camping. Stopped at Bumps in Glencoe.
Just ordered brinner.
Oof, sucks. Person behind me got hit by someone not paying attention in bumper-to-bumper traffic last summer. I was very thankful she left plenty of room in front of her to not hit my still quite new car.
"Mather just using his speed to basically run this ball down."
Opposed to Delmon using his lack of speed to pick up the ball at the fence?
It was a fine stroke.
The ball really exploded off of his bat.
Ooo, mostacholi time.
Coors, trying to insinuate your beer into a movie trailer doesn't make me want to drink it.
I love the lack of commercials on PS3
"If you take away something that's below the average, the average improves!"
Yes Bert, it's weird how that works.
I don't know why this made me think of this, but here's a weird mathematical fact.
It's possible for player A to have a higher batting average than player B two years in a row, yet player B has a higher batting average over the two year span!
Yep. I don't remember the name of the "paradox" though.
I don't see how that's possible.
Simpson's Paradox.
Mrs. Runner and I were watching USA & Angigua Barbuda. Sorry, I just don't get into it much
Is Dick trying to compare this team to 2006?
The top five interleague teams are all AL teams.
Bert suggests the Twins are so good at it because the Twins are more of an NL-style team. No, Bert, the NL-style teams are mostly below the AL teams.
He goes on to explain "NL style" means good fundamentals. I don't know where to start.
Coomer's chiming in on this! Ooh, this should be good.
It's because of pitching and defense, and that's how NL teams are built, he says. Okay, geniuses, so why do all the other damned AL teams beat the NL all the time?!
I was thinking the same thing. If you're beating up on a set of teams, it means you aren't playing like them but better. I think Dick's explanation might be closest: coincidence combined with Twins generally playing well this time of year. Plus the bias of the Twins being good for most of the years in the sample.
Yeah, it's exceedingly simple. "The Twins were good for most of those years and the AL is generally better than the NL." But hey, any excuse to cite fundamentals is a good excuse for Coomer and Bert.
I am glad they're giving me some laughs in my first game with the Twins feed in ages.
It's often taken the Twins 2 months to figure out which offseason signings were dead weight and jettison them. has decided to stop working for me again. I don't know what the problem is. My PS3 can stream netflix in HD with no problem.
My Cub feed was doing that but the Twins feed is perfect, except for the two gomers calling the game.
It streams fine on my computer as well. It's very bizarre.
I had similar problems on my ps3 yesterday.
If you get WGN, it's on there.
cheers! *clink*
National League teams, as opposed to American League teams, try to have good pitching and defense. Also, you cannot have good defense without good pitching.
It is this kind of analysis that keeps me coming back to Dick, Bert, and the Coom Dog.
Also, was Ben Revere even on the Twins when they were good for 2 weeks last June?
ACK! Bert just said Revere reminded him of a young Kirby!
I am posting comments too quickly!
no BBall tonight, eh?
Well, he IS short, plays centerfield, and has a great smile...
looks like he was
How about that? I would have never guessed Revere had 481 PA last season.
Also, I figured the winning streak last year was mostly Tonosi.
Bert 'I dont want to label people' (referring to Revere)
a minute ago, you labeled the entire Twins team as an NL style team.
spilled parm
Mrs. Parmalee almost just became a widow.
I think we all deserved to at least see a clown ambulance after that flip. I feel cheated.
And there's a commercial that I could watch a bunch of times.
"It has to go over the bush to be a home run!"
That's what she said!
Plonkey Dunched!
This is the winner.
where is that point sheet stashed?
CuddyPlouffe!Mr. All or Nothing gets all of it. Wheeeeee!
Plouffe has now hit 8 home runs, and only has 13 rbi
He's the new Arod.
Even Cuddy played the wall better than that.
That wasn't even playing the wall, just not being aware of where the wall is.
Between the Maestro and Parmelee, the Twins are having trouble knowing where the boundaries are. LASIK for everyone!!!
If they averaged it, they would have been okay!
That sounds like a tremendous promo waiting to happen. First 1,000 fans get a laser in their eye!
Bob Cobb is playing RF for the Twins?
I hear he's pretty, pretty good.
sean, is it true that 9 out of 10 times a runner on third scores with 0 outs?
If you believe Bert, a lead off walk scores that frequently.
Last year, with a runner just on third, there were 2552 PAs and 945 runs scored in those PAs. That includes 68 home runs.
That sounds like it only counts when there are still 0 outs, right? A runner on third with no outs can still score after somebody makes an out.
Yeah. You want me to do research?
The run expectancy matrix says 0.544 run expectancy at the beginning an inning and a 1.433 run expectancy with a runner on 3rd and no outs. That would seem to suggest that 90% is about right.
Pffft. More like 85%. Bert is such a dope.
run expectancy matrix doesn't tell you the odds of getting at least one run, it tells you the average number of runs scored in those circumstances.
Everyone always expects you to do research. Just humor us, Sean.
And Cuddy played the grass much better than that.
And he pitched much better than that.
We're dangerously close to making "Cuddyer was Better" the subtitle to the 2012 Twins season.
hang em and bang em
Do you 'member when this game was tied? That was awesome.
do you remember Walter?
Walters with a 5.19 FIP before this game. I think it's going up a bit after this.
He's no Scott Diamond.
Carroll=not so fast.
at least it was Carroll who was out and not Revere
Ghost Rider 2 is already coming out on blu ray?
Quick! To the video store!
I didn't know it had been made until yesterday.
From wikipedia:
I did see the first one. At least, I saw part of it before I turned it off. I can't imagine how bad that movie must be.
I'm made we didn't get the chance to bunt Carroll over to third.
Youse a made man now, RhuRu. Welcome to da family.
*blames cellphone; gets evil glare back from it*
Another Wells!
My daughters were psyched about that, yeah.
Unfortunately, the first name does node bode well for redemption.
Doumit = slower than Carroll.
Doumit is not very fast
Dammit, Doumit.
Doumit letting everyone know he's never seen Big Lebowski.
Plouffe=faster than Doumit.
Dozier went golfing for that one.
Plouffe speed > Doumit speed.
Sweet! The Cubs love giving back runs!
Getting a speed clinic today.
More mastrobation!!!
He can really handle the stick out there.
The Redwings are knocking the ball around pretty good!
beach ball?! Where's DP when you need 'im?!
Ushers got to him before he could get to the ball.
Cubs broadcast can't get enough cutaways of Paul Molitor and the girl sitting next to him.
Oh, that is some sweetness.
Dick Bremer acted like that ball was hit into the upper deck, here its a double play!!!!
evening, all.
Who was fooled more by that drive: Bremer or Stewart?
evening, all...
...dammit HJ got there first.
Excellent relay by Dozier. These are the times where he seems like a potential MLB-ready shortstop.
evening, all
sorry, dude, nibbish beat you.
story of my life.
Donut for Doumit!
I like this.
Do-nuts! With Sprinkles!
added for posterity.
It does look kinda rich...
yes, i think it's well documented i'm an idiot.
Hey, me too! I bet there's a couple others hanging out around here somewhere.
Including a dj that doesn't know how to do videos.
You're special.
Heck of a hit there.
It's Ryan Time Again...
Dick marveling at how effective pull-hitting can be...
Spookied one in my first game back! Wooooooooooo
*impressed whistle*
Coulda thrown at him that time.
Perkins, what happened to you? You used to be good.
"No one has hit more home runs since May 15th"
Yes, because once it hit May 15th, Soriano decided to hit a bunch (plus one more) of homers.
Well, that just sucks!
We can't lose to a team full of players with made-up names. It's just not right.
but the Twins are a team that has players sit out with made up injuries
these two teams just can't give runs back fast enough
Too much nice.
Peeking in quickly. I'm going to the game tomorrow. If anyone is gonna be there, drop me a line and we can figure out a meet up?
Starlin? LaHair? Steve Clevenger? Joe Mather? Darwin Barney???
Starlin Castro is good enough that I'll forgive his made up name.
better than "stalin" castro, at least (also, ask cubs fans about their opinion of him lately).
Any chance we can send them a proven closer for him even up?
I enjoy Dazzle saying it "Starling". Sheesh.
Parmesan, Donut, Swingstuck, Maestrojonni- yeah, we're about even.
I've looked at that post every time I refreshed, and now, twelve minutes later, I finally got it. I'm definitely prime idiot material.
I can't disagree.
And Ian Stewart is only acceptable if he's named after the Stones' keyboardist.
Woody started tonight.
Sound like names from a Second City sketch.
heh heh
ben revere's run.
Time to expose the Cubs bullpen for the fraud it is.
THAT'S the kind of bunt I can stand behind.
Revere needs to learn to not run on the grass.
It worked this time.
Hi everybody!
You got here just in time to see the Twins walk off...and possibly win too.
Yeah, that was my fault.
Have one on me,
Hawk is Swedish? Maybe I shouldn't be surprised- he and the chef do look and sound quite a bit alike.
That call was absolute Bork! Bork! Bork!
I knew I was setting something up there, but that exceeded my wildest expectations!
added for posterior.
Just put it somewhere in the back.
Alex Burnett has pitched more innings out of the bullpen than any other Twin.
Alright kids, let's do this!
Rally Pigeon?
Rally Squab
Whatever animal you can get your hands on!
My dog is not happy with you.
That was a LOUD single.
he hit that ball too hard
Yay, but at the same time...dammit.
Have I mentioned that I balls willinghammer?
Oh, and that 'manchu on Morneau is pretty awesome.
um, okay. i'll take it.
you would.
it's true. how's NOLA?
Dude. Yeah, it's that good.
i was there once. with my high school jazz band. we (amazingly and undeservedly) played jazz on the streets of new orleans. a chunk of white boys from MPLS. yyyyyup.
still, it was amazing. i've seriously been thinking of a reason to go down there since i "know someone".
You're always welcome. I'm pretty sure that the dread pirate and I can show you a good time around saint paddy's day.
if i can swing it, it will be swung.
thankfully, march isn't during hurricane season.
All the amber alert signs from Houston to NOLA read, "Hurricane season is here, be prepared". I'm not scared*.
*yes, yes I am.
Yeah, baby, yeah!
It's not quite a Thome triple, but just as good.
Similar goofy bounce though.
Yeah, baby!

I hurt my hands when clapping too hard for that.
Morneau's first triple since Apr 17, 2010.
i did not expect that to go as far as it did on that goofy little halfish swing.
isn't this like a 90% sure thing?
Yes it is!
93.2% according to FanGraphs.
See, I read what y'all write from time to time.
Don't see the point of pinch-running with Span. Unless he scores on a wild pitch.
i was wondering about that. the only thing i can think of is short sac fly.
I was thinking the same thing, except I hadn't come up with the wild pitch scenario so I really thought it was worthless.
a less than 100% Span is faster than 100% Morneau
But how many cases is that really useful? A short wild pitch or sac fly. Any hit would score a Molina and so would a medium-deep fly ball.
Protectin' Mountie's noggin.
With Span's noggin.
I preferred that image larger.
well, you have been in texas awhile...
5 infielders! Flu Span running! This game has everything
Still needs a walk off...
Hopefully tomorrow we can talk about how Span "flew" home with the winning run.
I wish he would've puked on the catcher and went around him in the confusion.
That's a pretty good pull, painter.
I like the kid in the foreground who looks away just as the plane falls.
I'm a fan of the splashing kid.
splash, splash, splash, splash, WTF!?!?!?
I think that's a point.
Did Sveum tell Mather to guard second base? He's all set up for the double play though.
Mauer would sure be nice right here.
bunting will be key to this inning
Should have just had Casilla squeeze on the second pitch.
Pitchout? Squeeze? WTF?
well, that sucked.
Hmm...not the best laid plans.
The contact play? WTF?
How many times this season does the go on contact play have to bite the Twins in the ass before they quit doing it?
At least once more, as always.
Mountie could have done that.
C'mon, Dozier!
Morneau wouldn't have made that baserunning mistake.
Cubs postponing the inevitable /Agent Smith
So much for that 93% stuff
the Twins are the 7%
Great minds and all that, dw.
That was my thought too.
That 10% is a bitch.
Interestingly terrible way to get free baseball.
we could be listening to the hawk, HD...
I was but they already lost to the Astros.
We are the 6.8%.
You know what they say...when you have a win 93.2% of the time, you won't get the win immediately 6.8% of the time.
Dammit. And this was my Lock of the Week!
Well, this game is worthy of extras, though I'm not sure these teams are.
Sure they are. Their terribleness is almost completely equal. This thing is gonna go 22 at at least.
Well, at least I'm on the west coast!
can someone say 'winning pitcher Drew Butera'?
How many of these extras is Butera expected to pitch?
As many as necessary, I hope.
And now it's 50%. I liked it better when it was 93%.
are you sure you got your formulas right? capps is pitching...
The home team has a slight advantage.
that was accounting for the disadvantage that capps brings.
I do believe he gets a win. Makes you look pretty dumb for this comment....
Capps vs Soriano. This probably will not end well.
horray, I was wrong.
Ready, aim, Mastrobation!
It's catching on!
Granted, it's just the two of us, but I grabbed hold of it and yanked as hard as I could.
Maybe in the bottom of the inning, we can bust out our rally monkeys together.
Preferably in the bottom, anyway.
Careful. You'll go blind if you over-do it.
Capps pitching at home in a tie ballgame. Gardy may finally have learned that lesson. Too bad about the other 3,849 lessons he needs to learn.
I thought he had learned that a few years ago. It's away games the closer will still be saved for later.
Two of Capps' losses came when he gave up a homer in the top of the 9th of a tied game.
We're deep into Capps ball.
That'll do.
It ain't pretty, but Waffles gets the job done.
Philosofette on the Cubs blowing a save:
"I remember learning baseball when it was impossible to blow a save" (referring to Nathan, of course.).
She's also decided that the Twins remind her of Arrested Development now, with Parmalee, who makes her think of Gene Parmesean and Plouffe, which makes her think of "Poof" magazine.
Yup, she gets both Arrested and baseball. I love her so much.
Are you sure you're not describing me?
Well she does love Futurama too.
Is she also your cousin? Because that would be perfect.
She is not. Are you?
I think the proper answer here should have been along the lines of "Maeby, but I don't think so".
Okay, but does she put out?
Where's Beau?
Man, I balls this website.
I think I'm angry at this comment.
That particular running joke predates your time here.
So long as it's only predating it, and not preconsumating it, I can deal with that.
Also, I've had a few tonight, so I'm just going to come out and say that I'm pretty proud of this joak, so I'm gonna give myself a point.
I took me almost an hour to answer this so... there's your answer.
The Cubs announcers are now marveling at the mystical thing known as the DH.
yours was closer to the mark.
cubs announcers remarking on how the DH role makes the AL different from the NL. i guess that's true.
It's the *only* thing that makes them different.
You can't really expect a franchise that last won a title 104 years ago to be on the cutting edge, I guess.
They made it sound like it hadn't been around for nearly 40 years.
There are commenters on that roundly reject interleague play because it has "designatedhitterball."
It hasn't, its only been around for...*looks up first interleague game*...jeebus, interleague play has been around for 15 f***in years?
Twins baseball!
This is like 75%, right?
Does Sveum really need to go back out to explain this? Can't he just make some obscure sign that says "do it again"?
I dont know about his strategies and whatnots, but Dale Sveum has the look of a grizzled baseball manager.
A lot of success? What was the Twins record otherwise?
Oh yeah, wooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Give that man a double.
I'm so happy this game went one extra inning so you had more time to find that.
I just can't stop laughing at this. I have to close the page.
the Cubs need a 6th man in the infield
Hammer Time.
Woo, converted on that 93.2%. That's how it works, right?
I think Willingham is already somewhere in my top 10 favorite Twins of all time that I've actually seen play.
Yeah, I balls the willinghammer.
(i was going to go out and find an image for that, but realized i've already grossly abused the using materials you found elsewhere rules)
This game has been brought to you by NB Belgo. (I kept meaning to do a What Are You Drinking thing, but forgot)
strangely, it's been a summit night here (sorry, CT).
Did I miss some hated of Summit? I may have mentioned that I have a close, personal friend that brews for summit, and that I balls their output. If this means war, then so be it.
Its not so much hatred as a feeling that the owner may be a dick due to some comments he made regarding the taproom bill a while back. Also your comment you made about your friend's opinion of you drinking Surly. I just get the vibe that they care not for the craft brewing world. But yeah, really not hatred from me so much as I just don't ever feel much urge to purchase their stuff.
meh. summit seems on par to goose island with me (minus GI's semi-decent belgiam lineup). i'm just fine with them being king craft in minnesota with surly being the unruly upstart.
i'd counter this thought with the unchained series. Some of those beers have been off the hook. And, by off the hook I mean crazy good.
ohhh yeah. i might have tried more had they been available to me. i thoroughly enjoyed what i had though. however, the GI brewpub kills the summit brewpub.
The craziness of the taproom bill is that the founder of Summit started the process and Surly finished it. There are some (justified) raw feelings on both sides. I'm a fan of both products, but when I can buy 12 of one for (roughly) the cost of 4 of the other I'll take the quantity.
technically, it's for 5.33, but your point is well taken. that said, it's still surly.
This game was won because its Dancing Man season!
Listening to Revere's interview, I predict he will soon become a reporter favorite.
Mariners working on a combined no-hitter of the Dodgers. So far, seven innings completed with three pitchers.
Kevin Millwood left because of an injury. shock.
Eight innings by five pitchers. The closer came in the eighth though.
And done!
I guess League is the former closer now, so that makes a lot more sense. I mean, who uses a closer for five outs, even in a no-hitter?
Wilhelmsen gets the final three outs. Extremely close play to start the ninth with Dee Gordon called out at first. The super slow motion makes it seem like calling him out was the right call.
roughly 350 lte's for a Friday night game between 2 stinky teams. cool. coolcoolcool.
I think the Twins have surpassed stinky and are aspiring to mediocrity.