September 15, 2012: Endgame

It's a bummer to not care about the Twins very much when they're about to be gone for six months, but we've got a potentially memorable Wolves season coming up in six weeks. I'll hang my hat on that.

21 thoughts on “September 15, 2012: Endgame”

  1. Former Wolf Sam Cassell didn't seem to care to much about his son's education. Seriously, if you've earned as much money as he did (assuming he still has some of it), why don't you actually hire some tutors and get him some help rather than send him to a diploma mill.

  2. Got the new BluRay player set up; Pandora through the home theater surround, etc. -- cool! Took a while to get the setup to drop down to the lowest display format so I could get something visible. I'm running HDMI through a converter to component video, so 1080p is not an option (1080i is the best I can do). Now, if I can figure out a way to normalize the audio volume somehow.

    1. Dodged that bullet. CER went to every-other-day kindergarten at the local public school (now closed).
      She was one of four girls in a class of about 20. One was first-generation Hmong. CER didn't like the two other girls that much, either, but made friends with some boys, who she'll say hi to when she sees from time to time at the grocery store etc.

    2. My elder girl talks about him occasionally. It's funny to hear, because at home we really don't listen to any pop music. Skim loves Epica and Jurassic 5, but has only heard of Katy Perry and Justin Bieber because of work.

      1. I remember the first time CER talked to a peer about music. CER was surprised that the other girl had never heard of Björk. I then realized that I had to communicate at some level about cultural fragmentation.

        1. I couldn't have been more proud the day the Boy started wearing the Led Zep teeshirt he'd acquired somewhere. Of COURSE it was a replica of an original 😉

  3. I just got home from my 30 mile bike ride. The jambalaya lunch was excellent, the band was awful, and the free sports massage was to die for (and needed...).

  4. got a lousy workout in today. Just didn't have much energy for the second half of the workout (the "kickboxing", core, and stretching parts). But I made it through most of the exercises before calling it quits.

    off to get the oil changed in the van.

  5. Just got word that a very good friend and fraternity brother is in the hospital after having brain surgery last night. It was either head trauma from a fall or an aneurism, not clear from the message which one. He's in an induced coma for now, not sure how long that will last. Pardon my Anglo-Saxon but, shit, that really sucks.

  6. anyone have any experience with spirit airlines? is it worth the rock bottom price (round trip to the MSP = $60)?

  7. Wisconsin with a Gopher-esque victory at Camp Randall. Barely squeaks by something called Utah State because college kickers suck.

    1. Here at Casa de DK we thought Utah St. ought to have centered it right after that long pass reception and then kicked the figgy. Would've been a shorter, and straighter on, kick than they ended up with because they ran that pass play that ended in offensive interference instead.

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