Falling for Baseball: AFL Championship Game

Nate Roberts leads the Javelinas to the championship!


TwinsNate Roberts was 3-for-4 with a walk and scored once.

Game summary:  Peoria scored two in the first.  Salt River closed to 4-3 after three.  No more runs were scored.  Salt River got leadoff triples in the seventh and eighth, but both times got runners thrown out at home.

Peoria:  Rymer Liriano (San Diego) was 3-for-3 with a walk and scored once.  Billy Hamilton (Cincinnati) was 2-for-5 with a triple and scored once.

Salt River:  Brian Goodwin (Washington) was 2-for-3 with a triple and a walk and scored once.  Kent Matthes (Colorado) was 2-for-4, scoring once and driving in one.

2 thoughts on “Falling for Baseball: AFL Championship Game”

  1. I missed this this morning, but apparently the game was played under protest. In the seventh, Brian Goodwin of Salt River led off with a triple. He tagged up on a fly to right field and appeared to score. The Javelinas appealed. The catcher stepped on home plate and the umpire signaled safe. They then threw the ball to third base, and when the third baseman stepped on the bag, Goodwin was called out.

    It appears the protest was not over whether Goodwin left early, but over whether an appeal could be made at third after one had already been made at home. You can find the story here.

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