Since my post on Saturday morning, I have been to the gym three times, including a 5:30AM spin class this morning.
On 9:30AM Saturday, I did a spin class that was billed as a speed workout. It was taught by Amy and she really put us through the paces. We did a series of sprints on a pyramid (actually two pyramids) and some heavy climbing (high load). But, what she did at the end of the ride was flat out brutal. We were alternating between sitting and standing. First it was every four counts, then every two, then every one. At the end of an hour ride, getting in and out of the saddle like that just about killed me. I was expecting a hour and a half ride by this guy who normally leads on Saturdays, so to get this ride instead was quite the rude awakening.
On Sunday, my wife and I did Simply Strength at noon. The instructor was Julie and I've gotten used to her as I've had her for both cycling and strength. I went up in weight and powered through almost all of the workout, but she added a hip exercise that knocked me down. I was pretty pleased by my performance, as I can feel the progress. There are miles and miles to go, but steps are being taken in the right direction.
This morning was a return engagement with Amy. We did pretty much the same workout as Saturday. I started the workout feeling tired and sore and I was seriously entertaining thoughts of kind of mailing it in. But, as we progressed, I got into it and pushed through to the end. I was pretty satisfied with my performance again. I was able to power through the late workout sitting/standing moves with ease.
I am heading back to ND on Wednesday morning. Today is my 19th of 20 days in a row at home. I committed to myself that I would take a workout class on 19 of those days (taking Christmas Day off). With one day left to go, I am at 18 workouts. Tomorrow, I will have to go over to Bloomington to get a strength workout in. I plan to do that. I want you to know that I am here, committing myself to this program, working out every day. If you are feeling blah about a workout, set that aside and get'r'dun. I am.
You just thought you'd lost weight. #movingthegoalposts
With it losing mass anyway, maybe the surface contamination just offsets that.
yeah, that's what i was thinking. kind of like how global dimming is alleviating some of the effects of global warming.
I thought IQ scores were going up over time?
only in non-lead contaminated areas
Sheenie and I are going to a spinning class tonight. I'm still feeling sore after my boxing class in muscles I didn't even know I had.
Here is a fascinating chart. "How to Gain or Lose 30 Minutes of Life Every Day"
I considered including that in a previous WGOM Fitness, but couldn't find anything about activities other than the few listed in the graphic at the bottom of the page. There's a video, but waaaay too much work.
I've remained over 165 for a few days now, so I crossed 164 off my weight progress chart. Hopefully, I can hit 170 in the next two weeks.