27 thoughts on “May 26, 2013: It’s My ILLUSION”

    1. HPR and I attended the last frozen game of the spring, against the Rangers.
      I noticed that Beltre points out foul balls on the third-base side, as if the fans are his teammates.
      It could be that others do that, too, but I'd never noticed it before.

  1. I dont have Netflix and dont plan on buying it just because of Arrested Development. So I am waiting for the DVD. But because of this, I am now exposing myself to spoilers :/

      1. I have it for many, many reasons. It's easy without cable and the like. We don't spend much on entertainment, since between an arrangement with Sony and employees of my company, I also get games on the extremely cheap, and I do movies through Netflix and TV through Hulu. I rarely feel the need to actually own anything, and that helps a lot.

        1. One of the best decisions I've ever made is dumping dish. It's quite the rip off without ala carte.

          1. We have an antenna and Hulu and that's pretty sufficient. We use RedBox about once a month, and we're adding Netflix (on trial) for AD purposes.

      2. We're also signing up for the trial. Haven't yet, since we were at a place that already had it yesterday. We're a third of the way through after day 1, though it feels like we'll certainly need to be rewatching!

  2. Kirby Puckett, Bruno, and Ron effin Davis play baseball with Channel 5


  3. Tribe close Chris Perez blew the win (4 run, 2 H 3 BB) AND said he felt a pinch in his shoulder. oof

  4. I just got the "Pythagoras" banner- great quote by ubes, and awesome work to... um, to whoever the artist is!

  5. According to Ramirez, the only part (of the concussion test) he failed was a request to name the months of the year in reverse order.

    "I don't know the months," Ramirez said. "Forward or backward, English or Spanish."

    Willingham, seated at the next locker, told Ramirez not to feel bad, that he couldn't name the months in reverse order either.

    "He's from Alabama," Twins closer Glen Perkins said when told of Willingham's claim.

    1. the test was conducted by the Tigers medical staff too. I thought I saw somewhere on twitter that Ramirez is going to appeal (I didnt know one could appeal a DL stint)

      Also, Glen Perkins is the best.

  6. God Dammit, i have to see Seth f'ing Rogen to start the new season of arrested development? That makes me less confident in things.

    1. He's pretty fine in the small role he plays on the first episode. Of course, he's generally adequate all the time, so I'm not really sure what to tell you.

      1. I find that i am incapable of finding anything funny for about ten minutes after an appearance of his, i Loathe him so much. That said,the trinket was having a rough Go of it last night while i was trying to watch,so ican't really say if it recovered for me.

        1. I am ok with Seth Rogen in small doses. If he is a supporting character, he is ok. When he stars, I can't stand him.

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