Didn't see a gamelog.
This is my first of these!
Apparently there are pitchers. Some guy named C. Carrasco is taking on some newb with the handle "Gibson".
Didn't see a gamelog.
This is my first of these!
Apparently there are pitchers. Some guy named C. Carrasco is taking on some newb with the handle "Gibson".
Comments are closed.
And now apparently I get to go to lunch at a place showing the game, so that's nice.
Holy crap Twins actually got something in return for Drew Butera. Miguel Sulbaran 19 year old lefty out of Venezuela listed as Dodgers' # 14 prospect.
I think we are all shocked that the Twins got something back better than a spit bucket and a bag of balls.
A punch in the face is probably fair value.
Productive out to score a run, much better than a HR.
USA plays Bosnia & Herzegovina in Sarajevo today at 2:30/1:30C on ESPN2, for those who don't feel like/can't watch the game.
Straight to the sports bar after work to catch end of Twins/USA Soccer.
So, I come in to a 2-0 Twins lead. That's nice. Let's keep it going.
Who need stinking Homeruns?
I'm thinking that if we score two runs every inning, we have a good chance to win the game.
So Cleveland gets to see the game on TV but Minnesota doesn't. Marvelous.
Yeah... they pulled up the schedule screen at the bar, so I could watch it in the preview pane, but no full screen view.
The corpse of Jason Giambi is still playing baseball? I didn't know that.
Far too much Dazzle to make this game as enjoyable as it should be.
Nobody plays the rebound off the limestone like Joe Mauer.
He catch another no-look, behind-the-back?
One of those unclutch home runs would come in handy right now.
It's hard to get a clutch hit when you don't swing the bat.
I'm starting to think four runs may not be enough to win this game.
I was a little nervous at 4-2, but this inning is not going well.
Load 'em up for Joe...
...and that's why.
Hey, two Alberses in the same series! This is historic, guys.
Our Albers is better.
Hey sean -- where does Joe stand now in 4-hit games among active players?
I'm trying to find this... somewhere. I can't even find how many 4-hit games Mauer has.
Morneau Bucknered that one.
From my perspective, this was the turning point in the game. He also missed a previous chance that, though admittedly sharply hit, I think he could have made.
Booo Giambi.
Oh, dumb.
Does 4 pussy singles = 1 pussy home run?
well, it does if the rest of the team can't drive Joe in more than once
Seems like a good time to pinch-run for Willingham, here.
I posted before it came up on Gameday, honest!
The backup catcherr is a pinnch rrunnnerr. Oh, how we long for the days of Jamey Carrol.
do you know for sure that Carroll is a better baserunner than Herrmmann? I long for Mastrioanni
Did you say backup catcher?????
I just realized I would like baseball more if Nick Swisher played in the NL.
Not automatic for the people 🙁

I think this Joe Mauer guy is gonna work out all right.
Ho-lee Shee-it.
Pardon my french.
Awesome. Five hits, clutch hit, home run. Suck it, anyone who still doesn't like him.
Joe Mauer slides on his wallet.
ohhh, nice.
Also, nice differentiation between the home run and the clutch hit! Well done, sir.
How could they possibly be the same, right?!
Finally a homer, Mauer....geez.
Did I read that the Royals picked up Buttafuoco from the Blew Jays?
The rich get richer.
I'm late here but holy freaking crap Joe Mauer is awesome.
I had a client in, so missed it. I love that dude.
There's one more reliever in the pen, right? That's what the 13 man is for, I assume.
Smokestack is the only guy standing it sounds like. I bet Gardy is really missing Carroll today.
No -- Carroll is gone!!
I'll ask again (with amendment):
Hey sean — where does Joe stand now in 5-hit games among active players?
Well this is his second, right?
I'm not a B-F subscriber, but looks like fourth:
I remember the 4/24/10 game, because I actually make sort of a deal of my anniversary of quitting smoking. That year, so did Mauer.
Mauer used to smoke?
He now has five.
A smash to Plouffe for a triple play would be optimal.
Is Francona seriously asking a lifetime .800 OPSer to bunt in this situation?
I intensely dislike Nick Swisher and Jason Kipnis.
Twins pitchers intent on giving away the game today, it seems.
Mor like that panzy Joe mauer who is teling them what to pitch. What did he do to hellp the teem today?
With a bullpen of 8 guys ("only" seven realistically useable), Gardy managed to run out of pitchers.
I'm going to be more than a little irritated if Mauer gets out here after the kind of day he's had (irritated at everyone but Joe Mauer, of course).
Well, that sucked.
The only Muaer stat that countz in htis game is THREE STRIKES!!!!111one111!!!!
I'll take this one guys. I was sitting 3 rows off the field, right behind the visitor's on deck circle for 9 innings today. Then I had to come back to work.
Just got back. Mauer is a selfish asshole: looking for game-tying stat-padding solo homers that extend the game and deplete the bullpen rather than ground-rule doubles that start rallies and could have won the game. Also, struck out in the last AB of the game. Where was your power then, jerk?
Also: I think at least 95% of the Cleveland hits were in the general direction of Morneau. That game would have been a regulation shutout if 2003-era Doug Mientkiewicz is holding down first.
I have long considered Morneau's defensive capabilities to be overrated. Mientkiewicz is probably an unfair comparison, but I think Morneau is probably below average for a first baseman at this point.
One of the many things that drove me away from the Twins feed was Bert beating the "Morneau is a future Rawlings Gold Glove winner" drum night after night. He was always perfectly adequate, nothing more. Did Bert think we forgot Mientkiewicz? Argh.
Not to mention four pussy singles.
If our team MVP had been available, he could have pinch-hit for Mauer in the twelfth and the game would still be going on. That's the way it goes, I guess. We'll just have to settle for 97-65!