it's about that time again, folks. perhaps you're wondering why this isn't an annual thing or whatever. the reason for that is we only do this as needed. and, well, the coffers are a little dry.

so, we're going to keep this nice and simple: our goal is to raise $500. what does that get you? well, 2 years of hosting fees runs about $450 or so. plus, it doesn't hurt to have a little extra in the account should any extra expenses arise*.

* should there be a thought to spend the money on anything non-essential, the idea will be brought to the floor. for example, there was some thought of donating a small amount to a goodish amount of citizens felt this was unnecessary, so we shelved it and moved on.

so, should we hit our goal, we won't have to bother you for 2 whole years!!!!11 below, you'll see a drop-down menu where you can select your preferred donation level (all donations will be kept private), then press the 1 WGOM icon, and you'll be whisked away to paypal. will 100% of your donation go to the WGOM? no. paypal will lop a small piece off the top (i forget what the exact amount is so i'm going to have to update that in the near future (i assure you, this whole thing was done in an appropriately half-baked fashion) i looks like it's 2.9% + $0.30).

i don't think i need to say much about this little corner of the internet. you all said it best yourselves (as we will all soon see, and perhaps you might see some other new things as well, who knows?). so, let's all get this done with so we can go back to watching the twins vikings lynx wolves and wild!



any questions? let us know below!

117 thoughts on “PLEDGE DRIVE 2013”

    1. i believe were right at about 30 (and possibly a couple more if the admitted stragglers send something over). we'll be posting unabridged versions of all the responses later in the week.

    2. I really liked mine, with Tracer over there brooding in the corner. What's the source for that bit of art? I'm making myself a new desktop background.

      Edit: And by source, I mean URL, not "Calvin and Hobbes"

    3. I enjoyed my curling/beer (redundant?) themed banner. I probably should have worded that quote a little better though. It makes it sounds like Butera was pitching with you instead of us simply watching him pitch.

      1. I have gotten my own exactly 1 time, and I'm probably sitting over 100 page views for the day... But I really like so many of them. I'm hopeful there's a WGOM unity quilt in the works, or something.

        1. I cheated to see all of them. I have ftp access to the site for WGOM Radio purposes, so I just viewed them all one after the other. Suckers.

  1. I appreciate Harmon as our George Washington-type, small-denomination, high-popularity head at the Major League level. But who the hell is "Robinson"? I'm drawing a total blank.

          1. I swear I used to be halfway decent at math, but I look at stuff like that I just think that they must be taking the piss.

  2. I think the Dankeeka's Ghost image doesn't work because of the apostrophe in the filename.
    Finally came across my own.

  3. This place is worth it. Six or seven years ago, I wouldn't have dreamed to give money to an online forum that required it, much less volunteer it to one that didn't.

  4. I didn't contribute last time because I figured I paid enough the first six years of the site. But, I can't imagine not having the site, so I'm back in.

  5. Hey I'm having problem with the paypal link. I click and get nothing. Using Chrome on a Macbook Air.

    1. hmm... i'm not exactly sure what the problem might be. i think it's more of a wordpress issue than a browser issue. one work around it is to go to paypal and select the send money option. the email address to send it to is halfbakeddonations at google's mail service.

          1. Evan Dando said they used to drink every time the word "c'mon" popped up on a Saints album.

            1. Next time I make it out to the Twin Cities I've got a funny Evan Dando story for you. I ran into him a couple of weeks ago and had a brief, uncomfortable, conversation.

              1. I've got to believe that most of Mr. Dando's conversations are brief and uncomfortable.

                (When are you gonna make it back out here?)

    1. I'll be contributing once I get paid tomorrow night/Friday morning. Even got the go-ahead from the missus!

        1. I am Master of My Own Domain. Which means I'm counting on her not questioning the charge. 😉

          1. ...her not questioning the charge.

            No such luck in My Domain. But also, it signifies that she may understand that the site is a "value-added" sort of thing in my world and appreciates what it means to me.

                1. Eh, there's a big difference between "questioning the charge" and "needing permission." I've just always found that, when it comes to this, permission is better than forgiveness. But also, I mostly meant to co-sign on the "spouse understanding what the WGOM means to me" part.

                  1. I should have been more precise with my remark. I've been told there are certain things I may not buy, but other than that I've never had a purchase or monetary donation questioned. (I do try to be considerate toward my spouse about this.) It's a two-way street – I don't question her, either. If it's something for the house, we agree on purchases or donations unless one of us has indicated it doesn't much matter one way or the other.

                    Of course, we don't have kids right now, so this could change.

                    1. I was mostly joking about the permission thing. Neither one of us is a big spender, and we have a pretty comfortable lifestyle. So neither of us sweats the small (financial) stuff much. She doesn't "ask permission" to go shopping and neither do I.

                      At the same time, she regularly gives me crap about "how much" I've spent on groceries (I do almost all of the grocery shopping) even though I am ridiculously frugal and careful (and she is not on the rare occasions that she goes to the grocery store). And complains about "all the beer" I buy. And gets in a tizzy when the credit card bills are "high" (she pays all the bills). At which point I remind her of how much we are socking away in savings each month.

                      Each marriage is crazy in its own way.

  6. Goal for 2014: Dwolla. I'd be happy to help [with implementation] in any way I can. They don't take CCs but I'd rather give us the difference in fees and pay w/ a debit card.

  7. Alright, I am late with the e-mail and late with my money, now where is my banner?

        1. yeah, i really liked the idea, but the execution was severely lacking. as a result, and due to lack of time on my part, i called in a favor and had a friend make a new one for you.

    1. I'd wager once people get home from work, fresh with paychecks, we'll be over the mark by a fair margin.

      1. How many people actually get paid on Fridays? I get paid on the 15th and 30th and have at every job I've worked at since I was 23

        1. I think a lot of people do, though there probably isn't any one system that most people are on. I've never been 15th/30th. I have been 10th/25th, but these days I get paid every other Friday.

        2. Payday here is every other Friday unless you use direct deposit, then the money is deposited on Thursday.

  8. Heh, Paypal says-

    Payment to Rifding Hokme completed.

    Nice touch. Thanks for all the work on this, hj.

  9. I realized yesterday that this is one of the few places I can go for sports information with absolutely no ads. Thanks to everyone for keeping this place going.

          1. Do we get to count posts at the old site? I better start figuring out some SEO tricks so we can turn this into a cash cow!

                  1. Actual Spoiler SelectShow
                    1. I guess we're spoiling these... SelectShow

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