My daughters can do everything in the morning besides walk out the door. They find 15 things to do the second we're ready to go to school. Does anyone else have this problem?

My daughters can do everything in the morning besides walk out the door. They find 15 things to do the second we're ready to go to school. Does anyone else have this problem?
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So I am listening to game 5 of the 1986 ALCS. Two comments:
1)we lose the top of the 3rd inning to Peter Jennings talking about Cold War negotiations between Reagan and Gorbachev. I feel old.
2)al michaels slowly describes the concept of OBP and how some people view it as a good stat to look at. I get the feeling michaels believed that but was afraid of making the case too strongly
Specifically, he was trying to defend Marty Barret's statement that Boggs made for a good leadoff hitter despite not being fast.
Clogging the bases with all those walks.
spooky, I have this problem a lot, too. It's very hard to get her out the door.
This in spades.
This in spades...but for me. I can always find something pressing to do, much to my wife's frustration.
My wife teaches at the school my boys attend, so I'm asleep when all this is happening but according to her, yes, it's a common occurrence.
My daughter was late for school three days this week. The first day, there was an oversleeping issue, but the next two days, she was at school on time, but not in the classroom. Instead, she was dilly-dallying in the hallway when the 8:00 AM bell went off. Her teacher, who is on some sort of crackdown or something, made her go get a late slip from the office even though she was right at the door when the bell went off.
I told Miss SBG that she needs to be in class by 8. On Thursday, I took her there and made sure she was in her classroom. I went into the classroom and the teacher did not acknowledge me (she knows who I am). I had to walk all the way across the room to her desk to say that I expected that Miss SBG should be in the classroom by 8 and that if she wasn't, she should contact my wife and me (i.e. I was showing her support). She could not have been more snotty. Wow.
I didn't tell my daughter this, but it was my impression that she was coming down pretty hard on a six year old.
Spring term of my senior year of high school I had a first-period study hall. Walked in the door Every. Day. as the bell was ringing. The teacher just shook his head at me.
How often is it shoes?
It's always shoes at our house.
It's not isolated to those under 4 years.
It's not isolated to girls.
It is isolated to minors though.
Slow mail day. Okay, my cheeky monkeys, here's the first of two NCIS photos -- do your worst!

Hint: it's a 1995 card, so probably a 1994 photo.
Chad Curtis wore #9 for the California Angels in '94. Home games for him against MIN:
June 6, 7 ,8
June 6
Only one time on base. Advanced 1st to 2nd on a clean single. Not this day.
June 7
A couple of times on base, only one incident at 2nd. Leadoff walk and successful steal of 2nd.
June 8
Stole 2nd again. (Bottom 1st)
Forced out at 2nd (6-3) with bases loaded to end bottom of 7th
This was a day game and the sun looks almost overhead.
Pat Meares is the SS for all three of the incidents, so that isn't any help.
But June 7th was a night game, so June 8th it is.
To me, it looks like Meares is backing up a throw-down to 2nd that was high, rather than having just flipped to Knoblauch for an inning ending force.
That matches the kind of play I had in mind, too. The angle didn't look like a throw from third (which Meares wouldn't be backing up anyway), so it seemed that it had to be from first (unlikely), an unassisted (also unlikely position from the second base side), a comebacker to the pitcher, or a throw from the catcher.
How about this one?

2009 baseball card, so 2008 photo most likely.
Gabe Kapler was #33 for the Brewers in '08, #27 for the Rays in '09
Kapler home games v. Twins in '09
May 29, 30, 31
May 29
CS at 2B
May 30
Out at 2B at 4-6-3 DP. Tolbert had just come in as defensive replacement at SS.
May 31
Nothing at 2B
Tolbert also didn't play that game. That leaves the 30th since the 29th it was Harris that fielded the CS.
*high five*
I have to work quick.
That's Gabe Kapler as a Ray and he only wore #27 in 2009.
Have any more?
Also, do you keep track of the results or is this just for Mags (and others, sometimes) to have fun?
You guys were right -- it's a 2009 update card, so it was released late enough in the year to include an early 2009 game.
I just post these for fun when I run across a promising one. I have been summarizing them on my blog as entertainment for the rest of the card collecting blogging community, but nothing fancy.
well, yea, that was kinda what I was highlighting. 🙂
Looking through Rhu_Ru's detective work, I came across this thread discussing the rotation in 2013.
From me:
Not the arm, but the elbow.
Nailed the "not much demand" (he signed on Feb 8, 2013).
The prognosticating in the next paragraph was mostly right, except Blackburn thankfully didn't pitch and unfortunately Gibson and Hendriks had to pitch.
TR proved me wrong there with his pitcher bonanza.
My favorite part is this from ubes:
That is exactly what they did. Except no one called them cheapskates this time, but Buxton got a bunch of money.
Where should you live? I got Portland, OR
I got Paris. But I did not "get" several of the questions, or didn't see an option that remotely related to me.
London and dido.
Portland, and dido².
Tokyo and dido
what joe said.
Yeah, i definitely wanted to answer no to a lot of them.
Then again, what did we all expect from a buzzfeed link?
I'll be living across the street from you, free.
Ugh. Portland. Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Also dido on not getting questions. Hashtag: Becauseold
What? You couldn't say who your favorite Beyonce was? I especially thought the "Jams" wer not especially diverse.
Having to select Sweet Child O' Mine made me fairly unhappy.
Dido. Along with anything Beyonce.
My favorite Beyonce wasn't even on there.
Love on Top?
1+1? XO?
Now I gotta take the quiz just to see what the Beyonce options are.
It's gotta be "Why Don't You Love Me" right?
Checking now to see what options there are.
That's a really poor choice of Beyonce options.
I'm Portland because I like to hike, I guess.
Better'n New York.
The upside to Portland is that you are close to Seattle.
Portland is Seattle with no MLB.
Cape Town! I did like it when I visited.
Cape Town. Not that I wouldn't like it there, but I don't think much research went into this particular algorithm.
I got Portland as well.
Umm, I don't drink coffee and I told you that.
Anyone interested in buying a piano? Price negotiable.
I have to check with my wife, but me! me! I am!
MLB finally allows close call replays to be shown during the game. Good thing or not?
(I say yes)
I think it'll work out. If fans become unruly, all it'll take is one team losing a game by forfeit (like what almost happened to the Twins when their fans were assaulting Knoblauch) and things will calm down.
I was at that game. In that section. That was hardly assault.
I was at that game, too.
Would attempted assault be appropriate? I think someone throwing any object at someone with the intention of harming them is a pretty serious thing,
I don't think it's reasonable to suggest that throwing a hotdog at someone is intended to do them harm. So I don't even think it's attempted.
It was a good thing that the behavior was stopped, as it could have escalated, and that would have been a problem. But I thought the "pull all the players off the field" response was a bit childish. There were better ways to get the behavior to end.
I thought there were batteries thrown
Aren't replays shown in NFL stadiums? How unruly do they get on bad calls?
probably a lot. But aren't they further back from the players? I dunno. I don't go to NFL games.
Yes and yes.
I like the central review location. I don't like manager challenges. I'm all for it so that all calls can be replayed on the jumbotron.
I'm with RPZ.
Manager challenges are a PITA in football, feed that sports over-focus on coaching strategy over playing.
I find it interesting that the Twins added a coach to their staff just before this was approved.
I find it interesting that baseball permitted an extra coach staff spot on every team just before this was approved.
Just in case anyone missed it, we're
exceptingaccepting Guest DJ bids for the coming year.So, Matt Capps gets a slot for sure, then?
excepting? so Beau IS out again?
I'm biased, but I like the way I made the joke better.
took me a while, but you deserve a Phyllo Point.
I was going to make this same joke, but I thought it would be better coming from someone else
Looks like the drought in the West won't be ending anytime soon.
In case you needed another reason to boo the stadium deal, this was in the paper of record last month:
Wilfs, "You'll build us a stadium, and pay us for construction's that sound?"
MN, "Umm, okay?"
I'm hoping there's merit in those lawsuits.
Would be great for the Metrodome to be torn apart but the replacement unable to be built. Maybe it will be built in LA.
With the Metrodome coming down, where are the state HS Football championships to be held?
Not to steal Padre's thunder, but I'm relieved that they got this done:
They also signed Duensing and Swarzak, so no arbitration hearing again this year.
what, no comment about my purported "relief" ?!
Depends -- was it Nathan level relief, or Capps?
I don't remember seeing this linked to hear last month. Mayo ranks the Twins' draft as the best of 2013, which is one year after taking Buxton.
So, are the Wolves in tank mode, or what?
I hate to say it, but it looks like they don't like playing together or playing for Adelman.
I blame
CasillaBarea.Blaming Barea is something I can get behind. Can we include Brewer in there, too?
Clanging that 3 and then that awful turnover... I never want to see him again, good god.
I hated his game the first time around. I'm starting to think the Wolves would be better off with Kahn still. Ugh, Flip.
And if they made more than 8 of their 14 free throws (57%!!!!), the score would look quite a bit better.
The Wolves are losing this game by two points. Mark it down.
Jim Pete hammering the Wolves. I love it.
I dont love the score.
I've been resisting the "fire Adleman" rhetoric, but why in the flying f**k does Barea keep playing the end game scenarios?
I dont know. Its gaaahhhhh pull my hair out stuff. Id rather see Bazz out there right now.
He missed two wide open three and made about a bazillion bone headed plays in the last 5 minutes. After he'd been out there the entire quarter.
Exactly. I don't give a rat's ass how Rubio is shooting. He's not the one shooting at the end of this game anyway, but he's the one getting the damn ball to those that would be shooting it.
I really wonder if he's not having any fun this year because Adleman is using him totally wrong and different from how he's used him in the past.
I think this might be an overreacting to his play at the end of the Phoenix game. Rubio made all sorts of plays near the end, there. He was out during the end of the Sacramento game, too, I think.
Is Adelman the Tubby of the NBA?
In Medford overnight, on the way to Salem to visit cousins with my parents. Had a delicious meal at teh Sizzler. My parents are into fine dining.
If you hear a story about someone spontaneously combustion in a Salem church on Sunday, you guys divide up my stuff. My cousin is a preacher man.
i've been to medford, actually. even flew in there. not sure how nice it was though as i came late and left early.
The drive was fairly pretty. Mt Shasta, etc.
Lake Shasta reservoir is verrrrry low.
Zomg. Kevin Durant. If you aren't watching this, I pity you. Kevin F. Durant.