I watched Kill Bill for the first time in ages last night. It reminded me I was actually home on a third Monday and forgot about movie day.
46 thoughts on “July 22, 2014: Bang Bang”
I haven't heard much of Nick Cave's music, but despite the fact that the author seems to think the "quasi-documentary" is a vanity project for his fans, I'd still be interested in seeing it. Something appealing about the concept of watching an artist create their art, along with their narration about that process.
I missed out on responding to sustainability of eating meat yesterday. I agree with what CoC said but I don't plan on changing my own eating habits because of it. I am insignificant and anything I change would have no effect on the environment.
Nothing will change until the market makes it too expensive to eat meat or the government does something about it.
I dreamt about making sandwich-spread (like tuna salad) out of blackflies that my father-in-law caught in nets in his house.
I think that convo had something to do with it. That and all the dried, dead bugs in the old house and its garage, and going to visit my in-laws this weekend.
AMR - That's a crazy dream.
I read an article yesterday about a child abuse case wherein the abused was so malnourished that he resorted to eating bugs when he was allowed out into the yard. For some reason (another baby on the way perhaps) being a parent - being aware of the significance of the role - is starting to mess with my peace of mind. Everyday it seems I'm reading or hearing a story about a child dying or being killed or abused or bullied or abandoned or abducted...ugh.
Sorry for the depressing digression.
Don't watch Miyazake's "The Grave of the Fireflies" then.
Also: is that news?
I won't.
RE: Also - I don't think so ... pretty sure it's come up here before. But if not, we're expecting a little boy the last week in September.
Man, I just heard about that film the other day. I'm tempted to watch it (I've heard its beautiful in its own way), but that it's a really difficult film to process emotionally.
Oh, it's really good. But starkly (and I assume truly) cruel.
But it's all a flashback, so we know where it's going. But it still hurts to get there.
I keep thinking "I should watch that again soon, but not tonight."
I won't watch it with my kids around until they're old enough to take it. I think it would hit way to close.
I won't watch it with my wife around until my youngest is a teenager. And if we don't have grandkids by then, unless they're still babies.
I've had a couple good ones lately.
Like that my sister-in-law that isn't married or dating is pregnant (same time her newly-married sister -- not my wife! -- is) and that's why she's coming back to MN from Chicago.
And some about birds. Really. I don't share those.
I had one last night about running around trying to help a female coworker with something (don't remember what) and the setting was a conflation of the Enchantment Under the Sea dance, Notre Dame (Paris, not Indiana) and somewhere else familiar but unfamiliar.
For some reason, it was very unsettling.
I had a dream the other night that I was in the shower at a friend's house and there was a black widow spider about the size of a racquetball literally hanging out in the bathroom. I kept calling for someone to come help get rid of it but they would not. They told me it'd be fine and I don't need to worry about it. It made me very stressed.
The first weekend I was home from LA I dreamed that they opened an In-N-Out Burger in Fargo. I woke up so happy and was sorely disappointed moments later.
I'm thinking 'Animal' means something different in No-Dak when ordering at an In-N-Out.
Ranch dressing & condensed cream of mushroom soup would be my guess.
or the government does something about it.
Which amendment does the right to eat cow fall under? I'll start making signs.
The Tenth.
The government could still easily make meat more expensive (but not prohibitively so) with regulations, changes in farm law, remove markets with food stamp rule changes and school lunch changes (and other government-purchased food).
Is this forbidden zoney? I hope not. No one's actually advocating these things right now. Well, I mean, I'm sure someone is, but not someone with serious hopes of election or appointment to a nationally-substantial role.
Also, terminating subsidies that distort agricultural production, particularly those designed to support industrial agriculture.
We got a lot of peanut butter sandwiches, cheese, and chocolate milk when I was in school - I'm guessing this wasn't because those items were raining from heaven...
I think it is the same one that created the seat belt law.
I missed out on responding to sustainability of eating meat yesterday
Easy now, folks.
You should've been here yesterday. But if you had been, I guess it wouldn't have been a Meatless Monday.
Yea, eating meat is not sustainable. I understand that he's a big guy, but even so, only good for one big party, or a week or two of family meals.
On that topic, anybody have any thoughts on Soylent? It seems like a potentially interesting idea, but it's a bit pricy to jump into without having a better idea of what it's like.
Maybe if it came in different colors.
Green - people
Red - puppies
Blue - kittens
Yellow - bananas and barley
Brown - bald eagles
White - Chinese newspapers and high-fructose corn syrup.
Pink - puppies with strawberry essence
Teal - cat people and their cats
I'm waiting for Soylent Pink Lite.
I was fascinated by this article about it, but it seems to me that a Soylent-only diet would cause a person to miss out on the pleasures of food--variety in flavor, texture, etc.--as well as the social aspects of having meals with others.
Yeah, I saw that article, too. In my case, I would probably use it as a workday lunch (and maybe breakfast), since I usually already eat those on the go as cheaply as possible. Getting to a good price point while being nutritionally balanced would be a big plus in my mind. As Rhu Rhu states, though, I worry about the appearance and taste (or lack thereof).
Does that come in Napoleon's? Or Diane? Tartare? Alaska? fritters? johnny-cake?
It took me a moment to figure this one out, then I got really. really. hungry - though I've never actually, you know, eaten tartare.
mmm, tartare.
I don't know, but I wanted something like it on my weekend without responsibilities a month ago.
I biked a lot. I think Freealonzo would call it "An easy morning". But I haven't biked that much. (Aside: it is a lot easier without the Burley Trailer)
When I got home, I knew I needed to eat, but didn't want to cook anything or bake a freezer pizza.
I've practically survived on freezer pizza for the last 10 years.
What's Soylent made of?
Hint: It's not people.
Legumes harvested in the 40 days preceding Easter.
You know what's probably unsurprising, I actually thought of you while writing my LTE, both because 'meat' and because meat.
Speaking of meat, I heard a great interview with George Romero yesterday (I think) on NPR. The things you hear when you are home sick.
Speaking of weekend plans:
Nibbish and Zoomx, I'll be in Glenwood this weekend, attending Waterama with the in-laws. I'm not sure if either of you ever attend that event, or had any plans to this year. But if you'll be heading over, let me know and maybe we can meet up for a bit, have a few cold beers. I can introduce my family, etc.
Everybody wish me luck tonight, or broken legs. I'll try to get video and post it somewhere (just a bit not safe for work)
Good luck with the broken legs tonight.
Good luck, Beau! I hope we get to see it.
Beau working blue. I like it.
Knock 'em dead, kid. You may go out there a nobody, but you're gonna come back a star!
FB tells me that The Hold Steady is on Conan tonight.
Does anybody remember Dick Bremer's call of Jacque Jones' home run on opening day 2002? I remember it was something about sticking it to Bud Selig, I just can't remember the exact words.
I haven't heard much of Nick Cave's music, but despite the fact that the author seems to think the "quasi-documentary" is a vanity project for his fans, I'd still be interested in seeing it. Something appealing about the concept of watching an artist create their art, along with their narration about that process.
I missed out on responding to sustainability of eating meat yesterday. I agree with what CoC said but I don't plan on changing my own eating habits because of it. I am insignificant and anything I change would have no effect on the environment.
Nothing will change until the market makes it too expensive to eat meat or the government does something about it.
I dreamt about making sandwich-spread (like tuna salad) out of blackflies that my father-in-law caught in nets in his house.
I think that convo had something to do with it. That and all the dried, dead bugs in the old house and its garage, and going to visit my in-laws this weekend.
AMR - That's a crazy dream.
I read an article yesterday about a child abuse case wherein the abused was so malnourished that he resorted to eating bugs when he was allowed out into the yard. For some reason (another baby on the way perhaps) being a parent - being aware of the significance of the role - is starting to mess with my peace of mind. Everyday it seems I'm reading or hearing a story about a child dying or being killed or abused or bullied or abandoned or abducted...ugh.
Sorry for the depressing digression.
Don't watch Miyazake's "The Grave of the Fireflies" then.
Also: is that news?
I won't.
RE: Also - I don't think so ... pretty sure it's come up here before. But if not, we're expecting a little boy the last week in September.
Man, I just heard about that film the other day. I'm tempted to watch it (I've heard its beautiful in its own way), but that it's a really difficult film to process emotionally.
Oh, it's really good. But starkly (and I assume truly) cruel.
But it's all a flashback, so we know where it's going. But it still hurts to get there.
I keep thinking "I should watch that again soon, but not tonight."
I won't watch it with my kids around until they're old enough to take it. I think it would hit way to close.
I won't watch it with my wife around until my youngest is a teenager. And if we don't have grandkids by then, unless they're still babies.
I've had a couple good ones lately.
Like that my sister-in-law that isn't married or dating is pregnant (same time her newly-married sister -- not my wife! -- is) and that's why she's coming back to MN from Chicago.
And some about birds. Really. I don't share those.
I had one last night about running around trying to help a female coworker with something (don't remember what) and the setting was a conflation of the Enchantment Under the Sea dance, Notre Dame (Paris, not Indiana) and somewhere else familiar but unfamiliar.
For some reason, it was very unsettling.
I had a dream the other night that I was in the shower at a friend's house and there was a black widow spider about the size of a racquetball literally hanging out in the bathroom. I kept calling for someone to come help get rid of it but they would not. They told me it'd be fine and I don't need to worry about it. It made me very stressed.
The first weekend I was home from LA I dreamed that they opened an In-N-Out Burger in Fargo. I woke up so happy and was sorely disappointed moments later.
I'm thinking 'Animal' means something different in No-Dak when ordering at an In-N-Out.
Ranch dressing & condensed cream of mushroom soup would be my guess.
Which amendment does the right to eat cow fall under? I'll start making signs.
The Tenth.
The government could still easily make meat more expensive (but not prohibitively so) with regulations, changes in farm law, remove markets with food stamp rule changes and school lunch changes (and other government-purchased food).
Is this forbidden zoney? I hope not. No one's actually advocating these things right now. Well, I mean, I'm sure someone is, but not someone with serious hopes of election or appointment to a nationally-substantial role.
Also, terminating subsidies that distort agricultural production, particularly those designed to support industrial agriculture.
We got a lot of peanut butter sandwiches, cheese, and chocolate milk when I was in school - I'm guessing this wasn't because those items were raining from heaven...
I think it is the same one that created the seat belt law.
Easy now, folks.
You should've been here yesterday. But if you had been, I guess it wouldn't have been a Meatless Monday.
Yea, eating meat is not sustainable. I understand that he's a big guy, but even so, only good for one big party, or a week or two of family meals.
On that topic, anybody have any thoughts on Soylent? It seems like a potentially interesting idea, but it's a bit pricy to jump into without having a better idea of what it's like.
Maybe if it came in different colors.
Green - people
Red - puppies
Blue - kittens
Yellow - bananas and barley
Brown - bald eagles
White - Chinese newspapers and high-fructose corn syrup.
Pink - puppies with strawberry essence
Teal - cat people and their cats
I'm waiting for Soylent Pink Lite.
I was fascinated by this article about it, but it seems to me that a Soylent-only diet would cause a person to miss out on the pleasures of food--variety in flavor, texture, etc.--as well as the social aspects of having meals with others.
Yeah, I saw that article, too. In my case, I would probably use it as a workday lunch (and maybe breakfast), since I usually already eat those on the go as cheaply as possible. Getting to a good price point while being nutritionally balanced would be a big plus in my mind. As Rhu Rhu states, though, I worry about the appearance and taste (or lack thereof).
As I've said in the past, "Actual food is so passé."
Does that come in Napoleon's? Or Diane? Tartare? Alaska? fritters? johnny-cake?
It took me a moment to figure this one out, then I got really. really. hungry - though I've never actually, you know, eaten tartare.
mmm, tartare.
I don't know, but I wanted something like it on my weekend without responsibilities a month ago.
I biked a lot. I think Freealonzo would call it "An easy morning". But I haven't biked that much. (Aside: it is a lot easier without the Burley Trailer)
When I got home, I knew I needed to eat, but didn't want to cook anything or bake a freezer pizza.
I've practically survived on freezer pizza for the last 10 years.
Legumes harvested in the 40 days preceding Easter.
You know what's probably unsurprising, I actually thought of you while writing my LTE, both because 'meat' and because meat.
Speaking of meat, I heard a great interview with George Romero yesterday (I think) on NPR. The things you hear when you are home sick.
Speaking of weekend plans:
Nibbish and Zoomx, I'll be in Glenwood this weekend, attending Waterama with the in-laws. I'm not sure if either of you ever attend that event, or had any plans to this year. But if you'll be heading over, let me know and maybe we can meet up for a bit, have a few cold beers. I can introduce my family, etc.
Everybody wish me luck tonight, or broken legs. I'll try to get video and post it somewhere (just a bit not safe for work)
Good luck with the broken legs tonight.
Good luck, Beau! I hope we get to see it.
Beau working blue. I like it.
Knock 'em dead, kid. You may go out there a nobody, but you're gonna come back a star!
FB tells me that The Hold Steady is on Conan tonight.
Does anybody remember Dick Bremer's call of Jacque Jones' home run on opening day 2002? I remember it was something about sticking it to Bud Selig, I just can't remember the exact words.