I was over at the house of a Spookymilk Survivor player last night and had to keep a bunch of secrets about the game that's going on. Always interesting when the Lagunitas IPA is flowing freely.

I was over at the house of a Spookymilk Survivor player last night and had to keep a bunch of secrets about the game that's going on. Always interesting when the Lagunitas IPA is flowing freely.
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Two weeks ago we spent 200 smackers to replace the tint on three of our car windows. This morning I find one of those three windows has been smashed out and the contents of our car have been rifled through. Nothing important in the car except the left overs from lunch, and my rain coat which was found twenty feet away. Police came out and dusted for prints (yeah, me neither), and told us that there has been a rash of smash and grab in our hood. Now we're adding 175 plus 70 more for tint to the list of expenses on the car the last two weeks.
people suck sometimes. Sorry, dude.
Ugh. That kind of senseless destruction always chafes. Sorry, meat.
Pa took to leaving his cars unlocked to deter the smash & grab. He drove clapped out Volvo 240 wagons because he could keep a $100 car going forever. Intact side & rear window glass was worth more than what it cost him to buy the entire car. The last time anyone stole anything out of his car it was his dirty, oil-and grease-soaked work stocking cap.
Pa liked to laugh about that one.
I don't keep anything valuable in my car and its old and looks worthless to begin with. I'd anyone does decide to be an ass and smash a website, I only hope they do a door since, after this summer, I now know how to replace them myself.
Your dad and me both. 3 times (in about 18 months) some idiot smashed a window on my car while I was living near Loring Park. I finally just quit locking one (or all) doors back in about '93. I can tell people have rifled through my shit from time to time, but all they're gonna get is some change, a travel cup, two 50 pound bags of salt (in the winter) and various books, hats and t-shirts. For years, my best friend Chris referred to my vehicles as The Free Store.
Sucks, though. I feel your pain, printer.
Is the Bootsymobile a Crown Vic? (I ask because of the taxis in your paintings & salt for a rear-wheel drive car in winter).
No, my Scion xB has FWD, but it's so light that it slips around in winter driving conditions. Real or imagined, that extra weight in back gives the illusion of added traction.
My friend Craig bought a Crown Vic at an auction about 10 years ago for under a grand. It still drives like a champ.
Nice. I had my eye on an xB (or Honda Fit) for a commuter/in-town ride for a good while, knowing my Volvo is in the twilight of its life. However, we just bought a 2002 Buick LeSabre from Mrs. Hayes' grandfather, who can't drive anymore. It's 12 years old but has less than 45,000 on it, so we'll have it for a good while. Easily the best $2 car I will ever buy.
We had a Fit when we lived in Buffalo. It's a nice little car.
People do suck. We've had a rash of car thefts around here. Dumb kids joy riding. You'd think it would make my wife not leave her purse in her car...
That happened to me a couple of years ago. We live two blocks from a high school, and I came out one morning to find a window smashed in, the entire center console ripped out (to get my $15 stereo) and my spare change taken. Insurance was going to cover any damage over $500 and the bill came to a nice $485. I would have gladly given the guy $20 if he had knocked on the door and given me a choice.
Me too. 16-year old Saturn. Got my 16-year old radio/cd player, loose change, cheap sunglasses and a 99-cent bottle of hand sanitizer (this was three or four years ago).
We won our first match over the Minnesota Freeze this morning. Orange County this afternoon.
Last night on twitter I saw Mo Williams' nickname was "Hitman" according to his basketball reference page.T his further illustrates anyone can give themselves that name.
I heard he was a vee jay at a blog, too.
It might be a long year for the local hoop franchise. Longer than usual, anyway.
Gophers beat Northwestern on a 100-yard kickoff return in the fourth quarter just after the Wildcats scored the tying TD at the end of a 97-yard drive (with an assist from the refs). I think a sign of a good team is being able to beat teams in all three aspects of the game: offense, defense and special teams. Gophers are 2-0 in the B1G for the first time since 2004 and will probably be big favorites in their next 2 games (Purdue and @ Illinois).
I think a sign of a good team is when they've won 30 straight, 49 of 51, and are the three time defending national champions.
No, that's the sign of a great team.
it's all those weak-ass B1G teams on the schedule.