Ran the Hartford Half this last Saturday.
As usual, pre-race prep requires loading up on Body Glide and nip-protectors.
It was cold (50F) and pouring rain throughout the entire race. The nip-protectors did their job, the Body Glide did not. Shoes and socks got drenched, and multiple blisters ensued. Chafing galore. Natch.
On Sunday, got in a relaxing mile swim, and was thinking of doing a bike ride, but I don't think I could have gotten into the saddle.
What will it take to run a 2-hour marathon?. A good read, but the display is frustrating. If possible, reading with JavaScript disabled provides the least amount of irritation.
I ran a personal distance best yesterday (13K), and had my first experience with them sore nips. Might need to stock up if I'm going to keep pushing further.