October 27, 2014: Awkward

My two best friends at work are dating now, and both of them tell me everything, so things are getting a little weird when they're at each other's throats. I never thought I'd beg for puppy love, but here we are.

50 thoughts on “October 27, 2014: Awkward”

  1. Kenny Chesney is playing at Target Field in 2015.

    Mind as well name the stadium after him.

      1. I liked that quite a bit more than Goldman's, frankly, which was fine. It even helped deaden the impact of Trueblood's woeful and facepalm-worthy Wild Card post.

        I adored this bit:

        In the end, it was just baseball, but not really. I wish people wouldn’t trivialize baseball so much. It’s a game, yes, but it’s also a booming industry, a big part of American life. Leisure is not a sin; it’s the true purpose of life.

        1. I had left his blog alone when he had slowed posting around the time of Phil's sister's passing.
          I realized he had resumed posting last week and printed off about six sheets (both sides, four columns, landscape) to catch up. Then I subscribed. So I read this article this A.M.
          That line you pulled is good.

  2. Boooo! Couldn't get Foo Fighters, Cheap Trick, Naked Raygun, Urge Overkill at Wrigley Tix. Two people were shut out during Friday's pre-sale. There were at least 4 of trying today at the public sale. Concerts 10 months away. I still may try to pick some up next summer before the show.

  3. The Milkmaid's been up to 102 degrees and back a few times in the past five days. Just now, she found out it's pneumonia. Oy.

    My daughters might have it, too, though we don't know yet. Not sure how I'm evading it; after a weirdly rough three years or so, I haven't really been sick in about a year and a half or more. Not enough to miss time, anyway.

    1. Best wishes to the lot of you. I had "walking pneumonia" or whooping cough (they weren't quite sure) this summer and it wiped me out for more than two weeks.

        1. coughing symptoms for over a month (mostly AFTER the course of antibiotics). You're welcome.

    2. On that note, my 10-year-old nephew had been sick for a couple of weeks before being diagnosed with mono on Friday. When the doctor told him he couldn't do any sports for 6 weeks, he said on the way home, "They can't do this to me. Without sports I'm just a skinny little white kid."

      1. Heh.

        I had mono the spring of my junior year in h.s. I had a relatively mild case, missing almost no school. But it was exhausting. Spamtown high at that time was 1 city block wide by 3 blocks long by 4 floors high. At least one of my passing periods required me to traverse the building from corner to corner (i.e., NE bottom to SW top), a walk that was close to the outer limits of feasibility during a passing period anyway. I spent about a month basically sleeping in half my classes, and I missed the middle half of the track season.

        My recollection is that the danger in sports with mono is mostly with contact sports (Because Swollen Spleen). Track isn't exactly a contact sport, but I was too exhausted to do anything much of the season.

  4. Not terribly surprising, but disappointing.

    The Hubbard team (Ch. 5/1500-ESPN) also hearing Maddon is not in the #MNTwins mix. I expect a hiring before week is done: Molly or Lovullo.— Darren Wolfson (@DarrenWolfson) October 27, 2014

    I think I'm team Lovullo.

    1. Is it the Twins dont want him or (my opinion since Maddon became available) Maddon doesnt want the Twins?

      1. I'm going to guess it's a little of column A (it's hard to see them ponying up close to $20 million for a manager) and a little of column B (he can probably get into an even better situation if he waits a little while). I'd feel more comfortable if he'd out and out just rejected the job, though.

        1. I think it's a lot of column B and a bit of column A. I got the vibe that Maddon wants to get paid and win now. The Twins could do the former and will do the latter, eventually.

    2. No Minty? 🙁
      [Realizing I have no idea who would be a better manager among candidates, my preference for M16 is purely asthetic.]

          1. That's the beauty of Mientkiewicz.
            M16 due to uniform #.
            M11 due to the number of letters in last name.
            Doogie Baseball.

            * SelectShow
  5. Joe Pos hammers Yost's lineup for Game 5.

    the Royals went into Sunday’s game with a few pea shooters and a handful of spitballs. They did not play to win. They did not play the infield in when a run was at stake, they did not pinch-hit when they had the rare man in scoring position.

    They did act like they had no chance in the world. In the end, that was exactly right.

    1. Hearing Byron Buxton dislocated a finger today while diving for a ball during Arizona Fall League. Will post something soon.— LaVelle E. Neal III (@LaVelleNeal) October 27, 2014

      I feel better about this. Should mean less missed time and better for long-term status.

  6. Wild lead 3-0 after 2 periods, and the Rangers injure three wild players (and have two of their own ejected). Rangers win 5-4. Ugh. Those two Rangers guys should be suspended for a long time. Just violent, dangerous cheap shots.

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