Men don't really talk about love very much. I wonder why that is.
11 thoughts on “February 14, 2015: Hallmark Holiday”
Time can make a world of difference. Two years ago I was going through one of the roughest times of my adult life. Physically, and truth be told, emotionally, I was still recovering from my heart attack the year before and unwittingly suffering from a really bad vitamin D deficiency. Professionally I was going through hell, negotiating the terms of my severance while consulting with attorneys and contemplating legal action proved so stressful that I ended up in the hospital one night with an anxiety attack. I can't thank the citizenry enough for the support I got here during that time.
You've probably noticed that I'm not around as much as I used to be. That hasn't exactly been purposeful, but it is a result of the time and focus I've been putting into work. Today, after a few months of sitting on the news while we discussed terms and duties and ran paperwork up and down the chain, I can finally announce that just over a year into the new job, I've been promoted and given a very nice raise. I'm starting with one direct report under me with plans for adding another later in the year and I have delegation authority over a couple other specialists that report to my director. I'm also managing all vendor relationships related to my role now, including collateral printing and distribution, PR/media relations, and a couple of creative agencies. That's in addition to all the outbound and inbound digital marketing stuff. I'm pretty excited about this opportunity. My director was also given a nice promotion, she's taking over the rest of Marketing following the departure of the other director in the department last summer. I have to admit, I feel like after many years of rowing my leaky little boat against the tide, my ship is finally coming in. And it doesn't hurt that I'm seriously in love with a woman who loves me back through thick and thin, for better and for worse.
That is wonderful. Glad to hear things seem to be coming together professionally and personally. May that trend continue. Best wishes always.
That's the news we like to hear! That, and that you still have time to work on the truck, of course.
I have big plans for the truck this summer. A clutch replacement at the very least as soon as I get a new air compressor. That's going to be my birthday present to myself this year. I've been thinking of replacing the bed it's so rusted out, so I may pull that off first to make access to the transmission and clutch assembly easier. Then I'd like to put a diamond-plate and wood-plank flatbed with removable side rails and tailgate on her, but I haven't been able to convince the wife on that yet, she wants it stock, not custom. The other option is finding something used (next to impossible) or spending $1500 on a fiberglass replacement bed.
Last weekend I had Elder Daughter bring her Prizm over so I could do the front brakes. I got it jacked up, tires off, and couldn't get the caliper bracket bolts to budge with just a ratchet. No compressor/air tools, not enough room to get a breaker bar on it, and it was damn cold so I just took it down to the shop and let them do it. When I drove it down, I could tell there was something wrong with the rear suspension so I had them check that, too. Turns out one of the rear struts had lost a boot and the oil seal was shot. Enough water got inside to freeze the shaft solid and it wasn't moving at all, so even the spring couldn't provide any cushion. It was like riding in a buckboard.
You are a good daddy.
to celebrate, I did a google image search on "twayn" and this was one of the top results, so, congrats, dude!
Time can make a world of difference. Two years ago I was going through one of the roughest times of my adult life. Physically, and truth be told, emotionally, I was still recovering from my heart attack the year before and unwittingly suffering from a really bad vitamin D deficiency. Professionally I was going through hell, negotiating the terms of my severance while consulting with attorneys and contemplating legal action proved so stressful that I ended up in the hospital one night with an anxiety attack. I can't thank the citizenry enough for the support I got here during that time.
You've probably noticed that I'm not around as much as I used to be. That hasn't exactly been purposeful, but it is a result of the time and focus I've been putting into work. Today, after a few months of sitting on the news while we discussed terms and duties and ran paperwork up and down the chain, I can finally announce that just over a year into the new job, I've been promoted and given a very nice raise. I'm starting with one direct report under me with plans for adding another later in the year and I have delegation authority over a couple other specialists that report to my director. I'm also managing all vendor relationships related to my role now, including collateral printing and distribution, PR/media relations, and a couple of creative agencies. That's in addition to all the outbound and inbound digital marketing stuff. I'm pretty excited about this opportunity. My director was also given a nice promotion, she's taking over the rest of Marketing following the departure of the other director in the department last summer. I have to admit, I feel like after many years of rowing my leaky little boat against the tide, my ship is finally coming in. And it doesn't hurt that I'm seriously in love with a woman who loves me back through thick and thin, for better and for worse.
That is wonderful. Glad to hear things seem to be coming together professionally and personally. May that trend continue. Best wishes always.
That's the news we like to hear! That, and that you still have time to work on the truck, of course.
I have big plans for the truck this summer. A clutch replacement at the very least as soon as I get a new air compressor. That's going to be my birthday present to myself this year. I've been thinking of replacing the bed it's so rusted out, so I may pull that off first to make access to the transmission and clutch assembly easier. Then I'd like to put a diamond-plate and wood-plank flatbed with removable side rails and tailgate on her, but I haven't been able to convince the wife on that yet, she wants it stock, not custom. The other option is finding something used (next to impossible) or spending $1500 on a fiberglass replacement bed.
Last weekend I had Elder Daughter bring her Prizm over so I could do the front brakes. I got it jacked up, tires off, and couldn't get the caliper bracket bolts to budge with just a ratchet. No compressor/air tools, not enough room to get a breaker bar on it, and it was damn cold so I just took it down to the shop and let them do it. When I drove it down, I could tell there was something wrong with the rear suspension so I had them check that, too. Turns out one of the rear struts had lost a boot and the oil seal was shot. Enough water got inside to freeze the shaft solid and it wasn't moving at all, so even the spring couldn't provide any cushion. It was like riding in a buckboard.
You are a good daddy.
to celebrate, I did a google image search on "twayn" and this was one of the top results, so, congrats, dude!

(this was the reference, btw. well done, twayn)
The internet is so cool. Somebody made me a logo, and I have a Dutch techno doppelganger!

Congrats Twayn. Promotions are great for the money, but awesome for self-worth and job satisfaction. You deserve it.
Congrats on the promo, Dude!
Hey Zack, how was Sleater Kinney? I've heard lots of good things.