14 thoughts on “The Beatles – Ticket to Ride”

    1. the gum chomping is hilarious. But more generally, this vid harkens back to a time when they really seemed to be having fun on stage, or at least were bemused by all of the screaming teens.

    1. I read that as "battle songs" and was trying to figure out just what is going on at that nursing home.

    2. stop making us feel old, Rhu. Nursing home folks would have been in the 30-50 age bracket in 1965. Basically, my parents' generation. They are not exactly Beatles fans (although, somewhat oddly, they have always liked McCartney & Wings' "Let 'Em In").

  1. hj, not sure if that was a rhetorical question, but the answer appears to be November 21, 2013. The fact that there are separate tags for "Beatles" and "the Beatles" makes this more complicated than it ought to be. And woe betide anyone who might have played the Beatles without either of those tags.

    (This message brought to you by the Citizens for Consistency in Video Tagging Committee.)

    1. This message brought to you by the Citizens for Consistency in Video Tagging Committee

      Quite. I don't know of a simple way to combine tags, otherwise I'd clean them up. Too lazy to do it the long way. I usually just include all the variations.

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