53 thoughts on “March 12, 2015: Writing”

    1. "Sports" sites get websensed at work. It seems that even our servers think soccer doesn't count...ha!

      1. I worked in a job with a significant amount of downtime where I was told to kill time by browsing the internet. They had Websense. It was awful.

    2. I never understood the Vikings proposal because playing indoors during the summer would probably not work in the longhaul. All they had to do is look what happened to the Twins living in the Metrodome.

      1. I'll help you understand the Vikings proposal: $$$$$$

        Wilf's got make plans to fill that sucker the other 355 days of the year.

        1. Ha! Very true.

          Im still skeptical a MLS team can make it in Minnesota, but its probably got a better chance in the hands of Minnesota United folks.

          1. We used to go to the Kicks games at the old stadium. UMD folk would congregate around the California parking lot sign and drink beer and throw frisbees, often not even going into the game. Now that's some good Minny soccer for ya.

            I remember you had to time your exit from the stadium parking lot at the right time, as some feckless loonies (probably Sconnies) would start tossing empty beer bottles high into the air.

    3. I'm definitely looking forward to attending some Minnesota United games this summer. I might be persuaded to get, or at least split with someone, season tickets to an MLS team.

  1. So I've been obsessed recently with play indexing and learning all sorts of fun facts. And I shouldn't keep them all to myself. So... time for periodic Play Index Trivia!

    Of teams that have won the World Series, since 1914:

    1. Which team has the worst OPS+ relative to the rest of their league?
    2. Which team has the worst opponent's OPS+ (i.e. pitching) relative to the rest of their league?

      1. You guys are good. They were right snuggled up with the 82 Cardinals near the bottom.

        The answers are the 87 Twins for worst pitching and the 88 Dodgers for worst hitting.

  2. Torii Hunter blows through a Gene Glynn stop sign and scores a run. Dazzle calls it "good base running".

    1. of course! I do believe that the player should have some discretion, but a supposed team mentor not listening to a coach in a preseason game doesn't give me good feelings

    2. Dazzle also said Hunter was "sending a message" to Gene Glynn. That may be true, but it may not be the message Dazzle was thinking of.

    3. Meanwhile, even Terry Ryan had to talk to the media about Hicks forgetting there were 2 outs and reading the scoreboard, which said there was 1 out. There's accountability and then there's just piling on a guy.

  3. I got stuck on 494 behind a slowish moving tow truck yesterday. When I finally got around and saw the name on the truck I had a good laugh. How long ago was it that Mark's became a thing here? Was it at the old place?

    1. The old place. In my job, I frequently read stuff involving tow trucks and, you guessed it, Mark's shows up repeatedly. It also always makes me chuckle.

      1. You weren't paying attention, then. πŸ˜‰

        Mark's Towing is (or rather, should be) part of the Lexicon. The earliest reference here seems to be August 24, 2011, but it has appeared more than a dozen times since.

          1. I remember some of that palaver, but not Mark's Towing. I guess I ignored it. I'm surprised to see how long I've been ignoring the NFL, though. I thought it may have been more recent a development.

  4. I think I'll be at the Saturday Rock the Garden show. Anyone else planning to attend that day?

    1. I might just for Belle and Sebastian. But not totally bought in. Might be a game day decision.

      1. Amazingly, I almost managed to hear two consecutive song sets tonight that didn't feature Dandelions. Alas, it came on right when I was approaching home.

        /Remember when they used to have variety?
        //Take that song out and shoot it

  5. Today is Day 4 of Sacred Heart Cabbage Soup diet for me.

    Through the winter, even though I was doing the Half Marathon training, I felt like I added a couple of pounds - Dr. Fear made a comment also.

    So even though I know I will probably add some of these pounds back right away after I'm done, I'm down several and noticeably thinner in the waistband.

    I've done this diet before, but this time learned a new tool for my soup arsenal - Ancho pepper powder.

      1. That's more or less what we regularly make in the Philosofer home, only we add slices of bratwurst. I also seem to have added some pounds...

    1. I've tried that diet a few times. I get very tired of the soup by about day three.

  6. Just had a Sierra Nevada Nooner. It was alright, but just alright. I seem to feel that way about most of their offerings.

    1. I just finished a six pack of Leinenkugel Big Butt Doppelbock that I got on Friday. Not bad, but I was expecting more malt. It looks darker than it tastes.

    2. the Nooner is a "session" pilsener. So, uh, I'm not surprised that it was just "alright." But I think it's a very solid representation of the style.

      But I'm surprised at your take on the brewery more generally. Their flagship pale is one of America's great beers. People seem to take it for granted anymore, but it is a GREAT beer. Perhaps the quintessential American pale ale. And they have a half-dozen or so other outstanding beers (Bigfoot, Celebration, Torpedo, Ruthless Rye IPA, Stout, and Porter come to mind).

      I recently bought a mixed case of SN IPAs (black, Torpedo, Golden, and Ruthless Rye). All winners.

      1. I think it's a 'what have you done for me lately' attitude that allows eole to take them for granted.

        1. Yes. But of course they have been very active. The Ruthless and Torpedo are only a couple of years old. The black and golden IPAs are new. And they basically invented wet-hopping (see their Harvest).

      2. I had one of their IPA's recently, and was very impressed. I don't recall which though.

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