I know construction season in Minnesota is the cause of all sorts of headaches for people who commute regularly via highways & byways. Another perspective is watching with amazement as an interstate is completely remade (and in some cases moved entirely) over the course of a couple of years. The one I've been watching experiencing is I-35E as it leaves downtown St. Paul heading north. Impressive stuff.

My office window looks out over that whole stretch. It is interesting to watch the progress, although not as great as when I could watch the Metrodome being inflated one morning.
Yeah, the deflation/inflation/demolition/construction at the Metrodome site was something I saw from our daily commute/my offices over the past few years. Now that I'm in St. Paul for work, I only see the progress in about 2-month increments. I'd like to be able to see I35-E from a birds-eye view - I love seeing the world from that tableau-like vantage point.
And "our" big construction project, about a dozen miles from Arlington Stadium
2015-16 EPL Prediction Contest post is live. Try to have your picks in by the end of the weekend.
//Commence Philo shit-talking the rest of us
I mean, I've taken second the last two years, right?
That's how I remember it. Was one of them even your WTF entry?
You took sole second last year, tied for second with DW the year before that. Your WTF entry in 2013-14 finished tied for 11th with JeffA.
The post has been updated with links to past results in the champions list.
Grilled Pizza update: Yum.
What I made: A pineapple pizza w/ traditional pizza sauce. A pineapple/red pepper/onion/mushroom w/ traditional pizza sauce. A margherita (basil, large slices of mozzarella, tomatoes). A red pepper/onion/mushroom with pesto sauce and mozzarella.
What I learned: Cautioned by several Citizens and sources to avoid bland crusts, I added a bit too much salt. Will correct next time. Cautioned by several Citizens to go light on toppings, I still probably put too many on. I'll probably do that again anyway, depending on the toppings. Next time, I will either make my own sauce or buy a better-quality pizza sauce.
The tips on being ready to work quickly, and having multiple pans ready were much appreciated, and helped turn the endeavor into a success. I just finished off the leftovers for lunch, and... well, like I said before: Yum.
I bet this would be really fun to cook for guests at your house...you know, if you have a reason for doing something like that.
First the mango salsa, now the grilled pizza... well, I do need someone to cut some buckthorn for me...
(Working on it. August is probably out at this point. September might be a thing.)
We made the grilled corn salsa with poblano peppers that was the first recipe on the latest Bon Appetite. It was spectacular if anybody else has the issue (and the portion size is ridiculous, it can easily be halved).
Something must be in the air. We made the same recipe this weekend for our cook out, and it was indeed spectacular. I ate some of the left overs in my breakfast burrito the next morning.
Dombrowski out as GM of the Tigers.
I've been mostly out today and just caught this news.
He will not be out of a job very long.
Mauer batting second tonight with Plouffe third. Hicks batting seventh against the righty.
wgom.org keeps killing my phone today. Not sure what is going on. The internet on my phone locks up and I have to restart it every time I try to go there.
Any page of the site or front page specifically?
I will initially get into the front page but then I can't click on any links. Then when I try to go to another web page, it is just locked up.
What phone and browser? Only thing I can think of is the embedded youtube videos. Their formatting changed recently.