Product Inventory went swimmingly last night - we all got out about 75 minutes early at just 12:45 in the morning. Not bad, considering I once had one go until 5 in the morning, and the disaster ended up in a couple of firings.

Product Inventory went swimmingly last night - we all got out about 75 minutes early at just 12:45 in the morning. Not bad, considering I once had one go until 5 in the morning, and the disaster ended up in a couple of firings.
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Early reports from the internet say the PRORugby matches yesterday were good ones. I have to catch them on replay tonight hopefully. The internet has also dubbed Sacramento "The Mentos" and were cracking "fresh-maker" jokes. That sells it, they're my team.
Worth noting: the Braves have also won 3 in a row now.
1991 Redux! After the Twins pull off another 15 game winning streak their record will look good.
Crazy weather in Houston.
Didn't know there was such a thing, but good job, bullpen
Yeah, that's the first I've heard of it. Based on a points system, so it would seem to be pretty objective as well.
Been a while, so here's this week's Invisibles.
I got 4.
Was wondering when you guys were going to hit it again. I'd been doing better in the past few weeks, but only had #1, 2, and 8 this time around.
Gardy is back with the Twins as a special assistant to Terry Ryan.
Didn't see that coming.
I guess that means the firing was amicable. I wonder if Gardy's office is next to Billy Smith's?
Apparently he'll be a minor league instructor. Hopefully not for infielders!
Chief of head first slides?
He may have had his faults, but he was not encouraging that.
They probably got Gardy a satellite TV and satellite phone for his fishing boat. Now he can follow the team during the summer and report to TR on the changes that should be made.
At least that's how I like to imagine how a special assistant role would be tailored to Gardy.
I like to think Terry Ryan needed some way to keep Gardy from stopping by the office all the time to talk to anyone who would listen, like David Brent from The Office after he was let go.
Just polished off a plate of Doc's black magic huevos, with egg and cotija, for lunch. Goes remarkably well with an Arnold Palmer.
Wolfson is reporting that Polanco is coming up. Not sure if that means Plouffe to the DL or if they're sending out an OF so they have a backup infielder for the next few games while Plouffe recovers.
Wait... Wolfson?... nah....
Painless? The tax man has taken his pound of flesh. That wasn't painless.
If that's all he was taking, I have at least 15 he could have helped himself to
So, the new Wolves coach appears to be down to Jeff Van Gundy vs. Tom Thibodeau? I honestly don't know that much about them, but it has to be a good sign about the current roster that two guys who have almost always gone to the playoffs (9-10 for Van Gundy and 5-5 for Thibodeau) would be willing to take the job.
Van Gundy's absence as a coach is kind of interesting. When he resigned from the Knicks, he said he wanted to spend more time with his family. Based on that article, his daughter should be about 21 now--maybe after getting canned by the Rockets he figured he'd call games until his daughter graduated high school and then he'd wait for the right opportunity? Seems like his current gig isn't so bad.
Regardless, it seems weird to think that the Wolves would make a good coaching hire.
Maybe this is a George Steinbrenner situation. Someone has wrestled control from Glen but they are keeping it from the media.
That would probably make more sense than Glen changing his ways at this age.
It is also weird for the Wolves to not only receive the No. 1 overall pick but to not screw it up as well as to not screw up trading away Kevin Love. The Wolves have never been this desirable of a team to coach.
Strange times, indeed. Although I still wish they hadn't traded Love.
Could you imagine Karl Anthony Towns at 5 and Kevin Love at 4 with Rubio directing traffic? Oh my.
I could, but then I remember that there's no way that's have Towns in this scenario. Seems to me, if it weren't for Kobe we'd be watching a perennial 50-win team.
What's interesting is that appears that the Wolves had a competent coach and front office, they were just doing the wrong jobs. Flip should have been in the front office with McHale as the coach.
Today is not a day in which my opinion on the state of Illinois had improved. Effing red light cameras can go right to hell. I got a citation in the mail today for running a red light on a right turn in Elk Grove. Now I have to write a freekin to contest it. Dicks.
Also, after watching the video, I remember the situation. I didn't stop as long as I normally do because the guy behind me was legitimately crazy, nearly rear ended me as I was slowing down for that intersection my looked like he was prepared to pass me before I made the turn, then did try to pass me right after and nearly hit a construction barrier. He would later go straight through an intersection and almost slam into a semi that was turning left them suddenly change direction half way through the intersection to follow the truck . So, basically, a typical fib driver.
not gonna get to the game log tonight if someone else can do it. playing stakeout.
Another big day for The Roommate today.
Awesome sauce - kudos to the man from Foley! Trials is another in the pile on the night table which may be unceremoniously shuffled to the top.