I used to wish as a kid that there was a way to hang out with my friends who had moved away. I had no idea it was so close to happening, and that my own kids would be able to do it.

I used to wish as a kid that there was a way to hang out with my friends who had moved away. I had no idea it was so close to happening, and that my own kids would be able to do it.
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teh Interwebs: Let them eat cake.
I literally fell out of my chair laughing. I laughed so hard I was squeaking. And also crying. Brilliant.
Having spent part of yesterday baking a birthday cake that did not contain a hidden numeral baked into the middle, I'm transfixed by the cake itself.
I wonder how long you have to freeze it?
until it's frozen lol
effin' communist.
I myself? will be staying everything with I myself from now on.
So . . . about that cake. I had a sort of Pinterest-fail experience with the frosting today--this is the frosting that I've made a million times and has always turned out wonderfully. Not sure if I should be blaming the heat and humidity, but although it tasted good (most things containing 3 full sticks of butter do taste good), the appearance was curdled rather than smooth.
I was making the best of it and decided to serve the cake sliced rather than presenting it whole since it really wasn't much to look at. Midway through slicing, half the cake somehow slid entirely off the cake stand and onto the counter. My mother's first reaction: "Where's the camera?"
Best of all, the camera was on "sunset" mode (because I'd been taking pictures of the incredible sunset after the storms on Tuesday night) so the colors are all off and the photo itself is sort of a fail.
Fortunately, the cake still tasted good, and all the guests were outside when the catastrophe occurred. So I'm going with all's well that ends well.
What the guests don't see can't hurt 'em.
That's crazy. Yeah back then you'd write one or two letters and then the friendship was gone forever
Did cheaptoy and rpz ever finish the cribbage tournament?
That is correct. I think we tried to play once, it didn't work out and that was that.
I'm still defending champion!
Even when I'm having a dominant tournament, I still can't best Beau in cribbage.
W00t! Muchly needed Escobar/Kepler magic.
Selig Shrug.

I made the stoooooopid decision to brew today. My sweat is sweating.
Please. I also brewed today, but really it was just graff and it was super easy.
I made the mistake of buying a green papaya two weeks ago to make green papaya salad, then not making it until today. Even though the papaya was in the fridge the whole time, it still ripened more than I would have liked. Flavors are ok, but the papaya is too soft. Boo.
Well that looks delicious.
Fair. I'll try to save my complaints about brewing conditions to the winter.
I keep forgetting to do a graff. It would be a perfect thing to have on hand with two birthday parties to host in the next two months.
It's pretty stellar in the heat of summer.
I brewed today too! Err, well, a new batch of kombucha...
Man, I really want to get started on that stuff. I am supposed to get an established SCOBY at some point from a friend's brother in law, but I haven't heard when. I should probably get a hold of the guy.
i don't know if what i keep throwing away would work as a SCOBY or not. in any case, i got my original one online.
Tommy Milone called up, Pat Dean sent down.