44 thoughts on “November 16, 2016: Moar Resurrection”

  1. I just watched episode 1 of some Aussie show about that like a week or two ago. I can't think of what it was called. (It wasn't obvious that it was about dead people.)

  2. Local Citizens with young'uns, there's an event that looks to be very good at the Maplewood Public Library on Monday. I can't make it, but if anyone is able to go, please report back!

  3. Finally got around to looking at the boy's school schedule. The last day of class is two days after Memorial Day. What the shit is that!? How pointless and vacation ruining.

        1. This is why the only True and Right school schedule has school starting the day after Labor Day*. That way there is always 4 days of class after Memorial Day and then about another week of classes after that.

          *caveat: I realize this schedule may not be the best one in warmer parts of the country.

                1. A lot of schools start the school year earlier to have an extra week or two to prep for standardized tests.

                  1. My older son's school started on August 8th this year, and gets out on May 25. That wouldn't bother me in the abstract, except my wife and I both teach until mid June.

                    1. My wife's school always starts at the beginning of August as well, which really makes zero sense in Southern California. You would think they would want schools to sit empty in August instead of June, when we still have June Gloom keeping the weather relatively mild or at least not nearly as blazing hot as August. At least both my boys go to the same school (although part of her duties include IT at the school, so she works year round.)

  4. Spooky - arguably "people returning from the dead" has been a thing of focus for ~2000 years.

    1. From your faith tradition maybe. I would guess that the idea that one could return from beyond the grave has been around since people started talking to each other.

      1. Meat, you must have some nieces and nephews because that is uncle-level joke spoiling. My uncles specialize in this on Facebook.

          1. It depends on what you're going for.

            My uncles always crack me up by taking my jokes seriously and cracking jokes on serious posts. I can't tell if they're tone deaf or comedic geniuses at an Andy Kaufman level.

  5. I walked past a stack of the Cities 97 Sampler at the downtown Target. I remember what a huge deal the release used to be, people would line up super early to get them. I don't listen or pay attention to broadcast radio very often, is Cities 97 less popular now, is the music not as good, or did people just get bored of it?

        1. Among other travesties, I didn't get into The Replacements until 2 years ago due to them saturating the airwaves with Westerberg's solo crap. "The Replacements? You mean that 'Love Untold' guy? Eff that."

          1. I see. So my request for your retelling notwithstanding, your retellings are almost approaching Cities97-levels of repeat?

    1. Very. Although I do agree she had reason to be upset. Porcello wins despite only fifth best rWAR. He did at least have second best ERA+, but still, I think Verlander and Kluber both more worthy. Looks like too many voters still like the win stat too much. And what's up with the Tampa writers leaving Verlander off altogether?

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