33 thoughts on “December 25, 2016: Chappy Christmakkuh”

      1. It's very sad that he's dead, and his family is in our prayers. It doesn't make the song any better.

          1. Yeah, I'm a huge fan of his, but that song is terrible. I just had a George Michael day a few weeks ago. My wife asked me how I'm holding up with Prince, Bowie and Michael all going in the same year.

      1. isn't it amazing, though?

        i had a bunch of time to kill before a flight there once. the young, super smashed chick a few seats down moved over next to me, started blowing smoke in my face, and babbling on about something or other for awhile. out of pleasant conversation (and to see how long i had to deal with her), i asked when her flight was. we then worked out together that it was in 15 minutes taking off from a different part of the airport.

        no choice but to literally guide her at a fast gait to her flight. made it just before they closed the door. i dodged a smoky kiss as i bid my goodbyes, thankful she was safe, but someone else's problem.

        ahh, vegas.

  1. The TPups are playing Christmas game.
    Can they please win the game....or at least make a respectable showing.

    1. Not if we keep seeing black hole Wiggins.

      To be fair, though, they have generally not been blown out this year.

      1. Yikes

        Alan Horton ‏@WolvesRadio
        Wiggins has now played the last 53 minutes without collecting a rebound.

  2. Question: at what age does explaining that the actual thing in asking her to do will take less time than she's spent arguing and crying about it (tonights example is brushing teeth) work as a debate tactic.?

            1. Girl, 19. Nope.

              Of course, with her it often is a concerted strategy to deter us from ever asking her to do anything.

  3. I was getting the jalapeño ready for bed tonight and thinking the boys had really done pretty well at Christmas this year. And then . . . he threw up. Ahhhhhhh, kids.

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