Recently, it seems like the Twins play their first game of the year (only 10 more days!), and then immediately have the next day off. Wots... uh the deal with that?

Recently, it seems like the Twins play their first game of the year (only 10 more days!), and then immediately have the next day off. Wots... uh the deal with that?
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In case the first game is a rain out/snow out they want the next day available so that opening day festivities can still happen as planned (and, I presume, so the people who bought tickets for opening day still get to see an opening day game).
I am surprised the Twins are at home for the first series. I believe in past years at Target Field they would have six away games first to reduce the possibility of opening day being too cold/snowy. Not bothering to look it up, though.
Linds and I went to opening day in 2013. It was very cold, and by the end of the game we were tired and chilled enough that we canceled the rest of the day's plans so we could just drive home and fall asleep.
so the people who bought tickets for opening day still get to see an opening day game
This is typical of at least most outdoor non-California ballparks.
I was about to make a crack about Milkman not being used to living somewhere with weather, but then I saw this was hj.
Damn you two and your thoroughly reasonable explanations. It always feels like such a tease though.
It really does. I wish they'd schedule the off day between games 2 and 3. Especially b/c that's just an extra possible rainout to accommodate.
It probably doesn't help that the Twins haven't won their first game since 2008. Here's a good Twins trivia question. Who was the last Twins pitcher to win on Opening Day?
Damn DP ... boom!
I recall reading somewhere at sometime that the Twins prefer not to have Opening Day at home because of weather concerns but its up to the schedule makers and sometimes it just doesn't work that way.
I know they absolutely hate having the Yankees in town during fishing opener.
I'm sure they are not thrilled with 2-game mid-week Milwaukee games
as part of my standing workstation upgrade, I picked up a second HP 2311x refurb monitor (the workstation was sinking due to the weight of the old monitor) to match the other one I have; problem is, the AC adapter portion of the power cord is short, so the cord doesn't clear from the monitor to the power block when threading it through the workstation arm. Everyone sells the power cords, but none of them list the length of the cord, so getting one that will work is challenging. Why this one didn't have the same cord as the other monitor is a mystery
Night game alert (6 p.m. CDT). Buxton batting third with Dozier leading off. Santana starting.
Ervin Santana pitched four innings and threw about seventy pitches. The season starts in a little over a week. Isn't it about time to get some of these guys stretched out? How are they going to be ready to go seven in the regular season if they're still going four ten days before the season starts?
I recall pitchers tend to not be stretched out until well into April. And they aren't pitching their best until September.
Santana was with the Dominicans in the second round of the WBC, so he is behind the others. Still, they've been upping starters about 15 pitches each time, so he can go 85 next time and go 100 next after that.
In a classic bit of Minnesota-speak, the guy at the liquor store today told me this was "very decent."
Could be worse.
If I could find it I would link to the how to speak Minnesotan video.
Rubio (and KAT and Wiggins) putting on a clinic so far.
aaand now it's tied. had a 15 lead.
of course corey brewer is playing out of his mind.
I didn't know he was on the Lakers.
Neither did most Lakers fans.
What a finish between Florida and Wisconsin.
This overtime period has been been good.