I made some organic quip yesterday to my wife about how this wedding reception was probably in a barn. Was informed that this wedding reception is, in fact, in a barn.

I made some organic quip yesterday to my wife about how this wedding reception was probably in a barn. Was informed that this wedding reception is, in fact, in a barn.
Comments are closed.
In Santa Fe. The MiL's new house is lovely. And we had a very nice meal at Andiamo last night. (It was her and my FiL's favorite).
I had the crispy duck leg special. A leg quarter, confitted and then crisped up, grilled polenta, and some sauteed spinach, all in a pool of a light tomato water/sauce. Mmmmm.
The Mrs had penne with spicy, house-made lamb sausage (in meatball firm, not a Merguez stuffed into casings). Oooh.
I would now like some duck in plum sauce.
I think I would settle for some pork tenderloin in some plum sauce.
The wedding reception we're going to in Delaware is also in a barn. It's the new thing.
This weekend is the annual county library district's book sale, this year in the indoor arena. I usually find a couple books, and it's a good place to get in some walking as well.
I hit a sale at the Carnegie Library in Dubuque years ago and left with first editions by Philip Roth and John Updike.
My niece's wedding in September is at a horse ranch so I assume there will be a barn. But Amanda is a legit equestrian, so it's not out of place.
Mine was in my garage. But I'm cheap, so it was legit
Turns out it's not just the reception; it's the wedding proper that will be in a barn. We will be sitting on hay bales.
I'm in a dress shirt and jeans, and wonder if I'll be overdressed. I will say that I dislike getting dressed up, so this experience isn't without its upside.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but the hay bale line wasn't schtick. We'll really be sitting on bales of hay.
I was once at an outdoor funeral where some people were sitting on bales of hay. It was for a young man who had raised bucking bulls.
The wedding is over and the reception looms. To be honest, the bales were fairly comfortable. It was also nice to attend a wedding in jeans.
Now that the ceremony is over, you can cut them off!
With all these barn and horse weddings, sounds like too many people are watching Heartland, my wife's fave.
So, with Colon throwing a complete game and having generally not been terrible in his four starts, do you think anyone is desperate enough for a fifth starter that they'd trade the Twins something worth having for his veteranny veteranness? I'm not talking about "Cash Considerations", but maybe a kid in Class A who might have a chance to do something?
It always comes as a surprise to me when I learn that Brian Duensing is still in the majors. It comes as an even bigger surprise when I learn that he's actually having a pretty good season.
I didn't believe you, so I had to look it up. Well I'll be
That's good to hear, he's a local kid, went to school in our school district, and from everything I've heard about him an all around good guy.
The edition of "Minor Details" that should've been published yesterday is now up. It features rehab appearances by Hector Santiago and Glen Perkins, the debut of Tyler Watson, and the pitching of Felix Jorge, so it might be worth your time. Today's edition of "Minor Details" is expected to be published later this afternoon or early this evening.
While listening to a ball game I thought of a situation which probably wouldn't happen, but you never know. Suppose you wanted to give an intentional walk and then bring in a new pitcher, but the pitcher wasn't warmed up yet. You could still do the intentional walk the old-fashioned way, couldn't you, just to waste some time? You probably wouldn't do that, because there are other ways to stall and you'd look like an idiot if one of the pitches went to the backstop, but I assume the umpires can't stop you from throwing four consecutive pitchouts if that's what you choose to do.
Dr. Chop and I spent nearly 3 hours stranded on the elevated freeway today because New Orleans flooded again. This is the second major street flooding event in two weeks. We're thankfully at a friends house, but can not get home because the water is so deep. It's just begun raining again, with no end in sight. This is madness. The good news is that our security cams show no standing water at the slaughterhouse.
Ohhhh, ugh. Good thoughts, meat.