Yesterday I wrote a CoC about how the 14th is the birthday of the girl who broke my heart in 1999. Somehow, I guess I never scheduled that CoC. But I'm still thinking about it and still wishing I could get that damned date out of my head. And yes, I hear the paradox in that statement.

"Minor Details" will not appear today. It will be back tomorrow if nothing unexpected happens.
Do I have to post a Frozen video here??
Do you wanna build a snowman?
If you're trying to throw a movie reference at me, I've never seen it.
I'm flying Southwest to Sacramento for a wedding next month. It's my first time flying with Southwest in twelve years, mostly by coincidence. I received an email suggesting I charge my devices before boarding because the airline doesn't have outlets because it helps "keep our fares low." How are USB type-A ports not standard equipment on 737s? Or is the argument here that the airline saves X amount of money on fuel that would've exclusively been used to charge devices on board? I'm fine without the garish seatback screens I've encountered elsewhere. But no power ports in a device-ubiquitous world?
If I had to guess, the planes aren't exactly new.
Southwest is retiring some older airframes that would've been cost-inefficient to retrofit. But they're launch partners for the 737 MAX (200 planes ordered) and still didn't order any seats with power ports for new-generation airframes entering production in 2017 & beyond.
In that case, that's pretty dumb. (although slightly less so since they don't do international flights.)
It costs money to install USB type-A ports (retroactively).
Not sure what would be drawing that much power anyway; on airplane-mode, I can stream audio for longer than a coast-to-coast flight. I guess if you're watching a movie or something, but still.
USB 2.0 is rated for 2.5 watts maximum and USB 3.0 increases the maximum to 4.5 watts. If they opted for a battery charging, then it's 7.5 watts. Assuming one port per person, then the 737 model with the most passengers (215 people) it's 1.6 kW maximum*. I don't know how that rates compared to the rest of the electronics. I figure installing them would cost more to run so many wires.
* This doesn't count wire losses.
My friend is an auto mechanic and he retro fitted an hotel <-->airport shuttle with them. It took him a few days and was not cheap for the owner, I don't remember the exact $$$ amount though. I can only imagine that number goes up exponentially with a) the size of a plane and b) airline union labor rates.
I get that it costs money to retrofit older airframes like the 737-300, which is leaving service next month (although I suspect seats are already replaced as wear items at various intervals in the last ten years), but Southwest is taking delivery of new airframes (including the new 737 MAX airframes not yet in production/delivered) that won't have power ports, either. It's a conscious decision, but I truly wonder how much it saves to not equip new birds that way. Heck, most of the things omitted from stripper cars twenty years ago are now standard features because economies of scale made things like A/C, power locks & windows, tilt wheels, and disc brakes cheaper to manufacture & equip across the line.
Yes, the batteries for most devices will outlast a coast-to-coast flight, but it's having a full charge once you've arrived at your destination that's the important part of that equation (particularly if you're making an international connection or plan a full day of activity upon arrival).
Well, guess I'm a Southwest apologist. I'd rather not pay for my luggage, if that's what it takes.
Which is one of the reasons I chose them! (That, and the most optimal flight times.) I'll still try not to check my bag, but at least I'm not being extorted for a basic component of the service provided by the ticket.
I didn't see much savings in my particular ticket compared to other fares, but in the larger scheme I imagine they're pretty competitive. The lowest-price fare was United, which is no surprise, but there's no way I'm flying that airline if I can help it. I'm actually looking forward to trying Southwest again, in part because you've shared your good experiences; the cost efficiency claim just struck me as marketing hype, especially when it was mentioned in tandem with providing free live TV.
My one recommendation is to log in online as close to 24hr in advance of your flight (when the window opens) and check in, thereby reserving your spot in the line. You should be able to avoid sitting in a center seat.
Ah, so that's how they assign lines? I will most definitely do that.
As long as you're at least in the 'B' group, you should be good. Of course, it does make the check in process slightly more stressful than on other airlines. But, that is probably the best time to divert stress.
It's part of it. Those who opt to $$ ("Business Select") can get the first 15 slots, followed by A-listers (frequent fliers with enough travel in a year) who are queued up at the time they purchase their ticket. Following that, it's an online free-for-all starting 24hr prior to the flight. Of course the first on are pre-board people who require help, and families with very young can board after the first 60 ("A group") are admitted.
Bit of a hassle, but it beats the old "cattle call".
And lessens the number of people standing in the way of the line, despite not being called yet. Oh, how I loathe them as I try to work my way through a crowd while pushing a stroller, carrying a giant car seat, or both.
Other advantage: the incentive of better seats means Southwest planes take less time to board than other airlines.
EPL Prediction Contest
If you've never played before and want to please sign up. The more the merrier.
Last year's contestants without an entry this year:
Zee German
RowsdowerYou have roughly 3ish days to sign up.
Entry submitted!
This isn't FZ...yet.
But good news for you budding genealogists
If you participate in the Half-Baked Hall, please head over to the results post and vote in the poll I put up.
Baseball America has named Nick Gordon the best defensive shortstop in the AA Southern League. Hopefully, that will put to rest some fears about his ability to stick at short.
Speaking of prospects, FanGraphs released their mid-year update for the AL Central. Gordon "dropped" to #2 because Royce Lewis took #1. There isn't much change from the preseason list. MejÃa isn't on it because he's no longer eligible and Félix Jorge jumped from #21 to #7.
Thanks for the links. Alex Kirilloff, who hasn't played above rookie ball, only fell two spots despite losing an entire season of development time this year; meanwhile, Brent Rooker, who hit better in rookie ball than Kirilloff and has already been promoted to A-ball, is not listed at all. Yes, Rooker's likely a first baseman or DH, but I still find that curious even with the position & age adjustments.
Starting him in E-town probably didn't help since he was almost 2 years older than the average competition. It was good that they had him skip Cedar Rapids and go to Ft. Myers, but he's had a jump in K rate that might be holding down his ranking. Still showing good patience, though.
I went to school with a guy named Alex kirilloff. Not the same dude.
They have Lewis listed as a CF despite him only playing SS so far.
He's baaaaack.
That's some quality snark.
So was this:
So, I am not going to "forbidden zone" this as I assume that there will be no blow back. If there is blow back, well kick me off. I will miss you all but hiding behind a button we all will push anyways seems silly to me in this instance. I simply cannot believe that our president is telling America that a group of people assembling to promote hate, and violence are on the same moral ground as those who assemble to protest such hate and violence. This is not a political statement, but a moral statement. If you hold a news conference and David Duke, Ann Coulter and every other racist of notoriety celebrates your words... you might be a racist. The news agencies are telling me that his approval rating is an all time (modern days) low of 34%. This makes me so sad. 1 out of 3 Americans approve of this? Wait, this does not surprise me. I have had people I once respected spout off about how it is about time that "white people" have a voice. It would be like someone saying "It's about time someone is finally defending the plight of the hammer instead of always having empathy for the nail." I am a proud American who has closely followed the presidents from Carter through Obama. All of these presidents I had issues with at times. I have also had times where I was proud of each of these presidents (usually in a time of crisis). This president? I am ashamed. I am deeply sickened. I hope I do not offend anyone, but I had to type this somewhere. Thanks for reading.
Thanks for writing - I doubt you'd get blowback for the sentiment. I would like to comment to point out that spoiler button isn't (necessarily) intended to hide uncomfortable or inconvenient comments from discussion, or to avoid offending another citizen due to politically contentious content. It's been expressed that this is a place some citizens come to for sanctuary from the partisan rhetoric and nonstop vitriol found in many other online (and now 'real-life') forums. Curtains for the comments allows those who may spend time watching cable, reading the Times, the Post, on Book of Faces or tWitter, etc., to choose to consume/experience more of the same here ... or not.
On the other hand, if your point is to share your opinion in this way; specifically to make the statement out loud and in public, then I'd be hard pressed fault you for the intentional avoidance of the spoiler.
Thanks for the response. I appreciate your explanation of the curtains. I guess I find myself just as passionate about holding our elected officials ( both sides ) as accountable as our baseball managers and G. M.s. I never really thought about citizens coming here to escape. I love this site as we talk Twins, beer, food, and just about everything else. Already knowing Twayn, and recently getting to know Nibbish better, and reading all of your posts, I feel a kindred spirit with many of you. This is often my place to come for comfort, sanity and reason. Which explains my affinity for regurgitating whatever has gotten under my skin. Thanks, and again, I apologize if my words make anyone uncomfortable.