Once again, Bert will do about half the games. Then, we get 24 a piece from Smalley and Blackjack, 12 each from LaTroy and ii, and 6 visits from the Mountie! And of course the Duke reigns over all.

Once again, Bert will do about half the games. Then, we get 24 a piece from Smalley and Blackjack, 12 each from LaTroy and ii, and 6 visits from the Mountie! And of course the Duke reigns over all.
Comments are closed.
So about 42 games might be tolerable depending upon whether Bremer gets out of the way.
Whoops, mathed wrong. Yes, 42.
And of course the Duke reigns over all.
He spelled "rains" wrong.
Well, for 24 of the those games I hope he steers the conversation a little or ol' Roy will ramble on for at least an inning and a half inning about his favorite way to hold a bat.
Ramblin' Roy is much better than most of what they offer up.
Curling tonight!
6:05 pm central: Men's. Only 3 active sheets.
ITA (2-1) vs DEN (0-2)
NOR (0-2) vs KOR (0-2)
SWE (2-0) vs USA (1-1)
Sitting out: SUI (1-2), CAN (3-0), GBR (2-1) and JPN (1-1).
11:05 pm central: Women's Only 3 active sheets.
DEN (0-2) vs CAN (0-2 (!))
KOR (1-1) vs SUI (1-1)
SWE (2-0) vs OAR (1-1)
Sitting out: USA (1-2), CHN (1-2), JPN (3-0), and GBR (2-1) sit out.
5:05 am central: Men's. Back to 4 sheets.
Sitting out: ITA and NOR.
just listened to a Tom Goldman piece on Mikaela Shiffrin's GS win. Mostly good, but he led with a description of her outfit.
Dude. It's 2018. She's a world-class athlete and skier first in this story, not a chick.
Not sure if I did the same thing when I started out mentioning the Korean curlers' eyewear and that they all have the same last name.
If its something unique to the sport or unrelated to the required attire, I don't think its the same thing. For instance, many people lead off talking about the Norwegian men's curling team by mentioning their pants, which are intentionally oddball and different, so that seems like a reasonable thing to discuss. I have no idea what Goldman said, but I suspect it was describing the outfit she wore that is normal to skiing, which is at best a waste of time.
Gah, I hate those circular frames. I saw them starting to become popular when I was in Japan a couple years back and thought, whatwhy!?
Because the oblong frames on the Chinese skip look too self-serious. Like I could see her being a Party Bureaucrat* when she's done with her athletic career.
*As stereotyped in film for American Audiences.
Also: anime eyes.
Fabulous, Dahlink!
there is a huge difference between dudes in their virtual basement commenting on curling fashion and a reporter doing a news report on a news event leading with sartorial commentary that is 99 percent irrelevant to the point of the news story.
"Who are you wearing????"
I said news event. 🙂
How do you keep your Canadian Bacon from curling in the pan?
Just in case, I got my automatic renewal reminder from MLB. I'm canceling for the beginning of this year, but you guys let me know when those specials pop up.
Thanks for reminding me. Does anything else turn 10 years old somewhere during the early months of the season?
For the last couple of years, T-Mobile has given away MLB.tv subscriptions through their T-Mobile Tuesdays app. I'm legitimately considering switching to T-Mobile just for this deal.
Guaranteed every year in June around Father's Day they will give a special price. I think it's usually been $50.
cc: spooky. There was a veto. 🙁
He's in the minority there.
When Jeff Sullivan referred to “Scott Boras’ spokesman, Jon Heyman...” on a recent episode of Effectively Wild, I chortled.
cheaptoy would appreciate the Clevelander's name suggestion.
Spiders! Make it a winner again!
(I assume, anyway. haven't listened to it.)
I prefer "Naps", but Spiders would be good.
And I prefer "Rocks", but Spiders would be good.
I'm turning on luge team relay. I have a feeling the picture in my mind is different from reality.
It isn't 100% what I was thinking (which probably isn't physically feasible), but I'm not disappointed.
there definitely should be a baton pass involved.
An article on Katie Uhlaender, daughter of late Twins outfielder Ted Uhlaender, who is again competing in the winter olympics.
"Former Twin" Jaime Garcia signs with the Blue Jays for 1 year, $10M.
Cashner gone too. From Derek Wetmore:
That is a lot for Cashner. But Baltimore has not done a lot this offseason they have the cash.
Who has done a lot?
That first end...
I think I'll find something else.
HPR learned what "Shustered!" means.
I may check the other games.
NOR vs KOR features crazy pants and hometown fans.
I'm back to SWE-USA. I love those Canadian announcers. The dulcet tones of their accent. I've effected a bit of the accent myself this week when talking with the family.
You could set your watch to Edin's beard.
Nice beard work around the team, but Edin's clearly the skip by beard alone.
And he's got those cold-blooded curling-killer eyes like Rachel Homan, only vikingized.
Shuster's such a Gil Gunderson.
I turned it on just after, saw the score, bailed. I don't know how it happened, but the man seems intent on setting curling back twenty years in the US.
I explained to HPR that Shuster is the Vikings of Curling. He looks good until it counts.
I don't get curling coverage because no cable. I'm disappointed that I'm watching slalom (not disappointed, but...). Though the interview of Shiffrin was pretty awful. Why ask her about anxiety only to draw more attention to the gravity of the event. Blargh.
In Chrome, get the "Hola" plugin/add-on. It lets you VPN anywhere in the world to get around geographic content restrictions.
So while I don't have cable, but the CBC doesn't require Canadians to have login credentials to watch, so as far as they can tell, I am Canadian.
By using the computers of other Hola users.
And by me letting them use mine, I guess. Come get some restricted American Coverage!
More likely the reverse. Many services are restricted outside of the US so having an IP available within the US is very useful.
Good for them then. Or am I helping terrorists?
I'm ignorant of the technology... Do all of their packets come though my computer somehow (meaning I should watch for service degradation), or are they just dressed up like they're my packets?
They are routed through your computer and you should keep an eye out for service degradation. You are effectively a semi-open proxy. Although very unlikely, people like to use proxies like this for unsavory purposes. Because of that, I am not a fan of services like that.
Very, very low probability event that has a high risk (though, likely only in the monetary sense) consequence.
And some of the Canadian shows they're advertising could even keep me coming back to the country's streaming options after the Olympics. God bless the Canucks, they're simultaneously a lot like my next door neighbors and entirely foriegn to me. Yet more relatable than, say, Shaun White. HPR asked me who I cheer for when the USA and host country aren't competing. I said, "Probably Canada. No Canadian's ever bothered me." "Other than Canada, Dad."
BTW, the host country cheering doesn't apply for places like China and Russia. But if South Korea would sweep the short-track speed skating events, that'd be awesome. (But how would they try to litigate , who would they complain against?)
My non-Canada, non-US, non-host-country answer was "probably small countries where it would mean more to them".
US has to be close to resigning here after 7. Oh, but Edin did not get the double takeout and Shuster can get two!
He did! The US is only down 4!
It only ended one way.
After 3 ends, the SWE vs. OAR is still at 0-0. I don't think I've seen that before.
Soooooo these Timberwolves desperately need the All Star break to get here.
Jimmy Butler is worth Andrew Wiggins money
I tuned in for the last six minutes or so. Perfect timing.
I wonder ... does Andrew Wiggins end up being worth Andrew Wiggins money?
Copywrong! Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate.
Wrong featured image. 🙁