37 thoughts on “May 7, 2019: Whaddya Know?”

    1. I first tried to read this metaphorically as a Twins reference...
      Hope no risk to you.

  1. I just read an article in the Financial Times last weekend that introduced a new term for me - "herd immunity", coined in 1923 to define the percentage of vaccinated individuals required to protect the whole community (or herd) from a disease. In the case of highly-communicable diseases (such as measles), herd immunity requires a 95 per cent immunisation rate to protect the group.

    I see on NYT this morning, Gemany might pass a law giving fines to parents not immunizing their kids.

    Growing up an Air Force brat, we had to get every shot for everything.

    Weird tho, that in the last week I have heard of others at work, getting 1) a second shot for measles, and 2) a shot for shingles.

    1. Someone in my area is circulating a story on the book of face that measles can cure cancer. I have read through some of the case studies, but worry that the ill-informed will use it as another reason not to get immunizations.

      1. Measles does the opposite. If you get it, it will clear out any existing immunizations you had, forcing you to get vaccinated again.

          1. I know there are successes using engineered viruses, but measles as is works too? Nonetheless, dangerous to try.

    2. Eula Biss discusses herd immunity in her magnificent book On Immunity. It's a thoughtful and beautifully written book that explores vaccination both through science and metaphor.

      (Is it obvious I recommend this book? I definitely recommend it.)

    3. as I mentioned late last night, yesterday I got (a) an MMR booster (Because Of a Certain Age and Likely Had Little Immunity Despite Childhood Immunization) and (b) the first of two Shingrix shots.

      Better late than never for the folks out there that hadn't gotten their shots when they were "supposed" to.

    4. Without herd immunity, one of my brothers would be dead instead of a father of three; he had no immune system from 22 months to his mid-teens. Another would have been in (compounded) mortal peril while undergoing treatment for juvenile leukemia.

  2. Watched GoT last night.

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              1. That what I'm saying. I've been worried that he'll eventually just give up and say, "eh, the show said what I wanted to say anyway."

                1. Or maybe it's a super clever way to set up a reboot of the series??? πŸ˜‰

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                  1. They should have taken a break from filming until another book came out.

                    That said, there's a certain entertainment value in shitting all over everything, especially right after Marvel Studios came out and stuck an 11-year landing.

                    1. Marvel does have a bit more practice with herding cats coordinating across many different series.

    1. I'm actively rooting for them to fail miserably, but that was impressive. That final goal...

      1. Given that it looks like Liverpool will end up with 97 points in the EPL and NOT be champs, that's enough bad luck enough for me. I'd root for them over Tottenham in UCL, and a wash if it's Ajax.

        Also, Sean or HJ, (Andrew?) is there the 2018-19 EPL contest spreadsheet available somewhere? I looked for it and couldn't find. Last games this Sunday.

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