The jalapeño's baseball season came to an end last Monday with a loss in the first round of the playoffs. On Tuesday, he volunteered to be 3rd base coach at his brother's t-ball game, on Thursday he went to the championship game for a team a bunch of his friends were on, and last night he watched Field of Dreams for the first time. The season may be done, but the obsession lives on.

Number 45 did everything for the Angels last night.
That was pretty special.
I watched the last two innings. Very cool. Plus, you know, Mike Trout.
Hey, thanks for 494 closure and all that #HeadingHomeViaRochester
Geez, MnDOT and Iowa must have gotten together and decided to do all their road closures today. Google maps has us running all over the place
Resin and Bengali are SixPoint champs, but NBBW just poured Tropical Jammer down the drain (Gose Style Ale Brewed with real fruit juice, a "Tangy Session Beer").
I've got TB-BAL on and it's first and third with no outs for the O's in the fifth and some dude keeps yelling "bunt it!" That fan deserves a bad team to watch.
Though, to be fair, the O's just got done failing to score in the inning.
Probably a Rays fan gave me Jake Cave for a home run tonight. Do it, Cave-man!
Points for
Mejía DFAed.
Strange, I feel no sense of loss whatsoever.
Ok, this is freaky.
Bux bomba.
Cruz again
Just got spelled from driving (Hannibal) - I see Max done good. Bux is going to though, too gave me Marwin Gonzalez for Sunday's game. Let's have a MarWIN!