31 thoughts on “August 10, 2019: Due Date”

      1. I have ten because I have to have all my due dates set up in my calendar with alerts so I frickin remember.

          1. Everything except credit cards and mortgage is set to autopay. Work switched me from monthly to bi-weekly payments which really screwed up my payment regimen.

            1. Everything that isn't yearly or twice yearly are EFT, including mortgage and church even. It's a frenzied dance of transfers and transactions that Quicken barely follows.

              1. I mostly have everything EFT, with my car payment/mortgage not for some unknown reason. If something happened to me, not sure anyone would know what bills I had, when they got paid, etc. does anyone have it written down, what’s paid, passwords, etc in their personal papers? I should do that for the day when someone driving and texting wipes me out while on my bike.

                1. I've wondered what will happen in 20-30 years once this tech-savvy generation starts dying. Will kids even know where their parents' accounts are?

                  I'm nervous about leaving passwords with other personal papers. I'd be afraid the wrong person would find it.

                  1. One of my former grad students had to act as executor to his brother's estate recently and faced this problem with an iPhone and other devices.

                    Google allows you to designate a trusted individual in case of some sort of emergency or tragedy. I think they would be able, in some circumstances, to reset Google account passwords.

                    1. It's bad enough having to go through everything else. Having to also be a sleuth sounds pretty terrible.

  1. I'm trying to reset my expectations for the Twins to pre-April levels. Back then, I would have been just fine being tied for the division lead and contending in a hot pennant race at this point in the season. The pitching staff needs to get its feces integrated pretty damn quick, though.

    1. I'm wondering why it's so popular to rag on the pitching staff, when either way we still haven't been scoring runs (or they're too little/too late). Whole darn team needs a wake up call

      1. Not that this would make a huge difference, but drop Rosario down so he stops coming up in big situations against lefty relievers all the time.

    2. I was thinking of that same thing. The way they got here has us down, but how many of us really thought the Twins would be in a pennant race in August this year?

      1. But that doesn't absolve the front office from not making any real moves to improve the pitching staff.

        Sure this team has exceeded expectation - but is that an excuse for not taking the greatest HR hitting team in the history of baseball and getting it some pitching to have a chance to win in October?

        I have a hard believing that the odds of winning this season had we traded 1 or 2 of our top prospects is less than the odds of winning in the next 2 or 3 years in keeping all 4 or 5 of those top prospects.

        It makes more sense to me that the conservative ownership and FO is happy being an AL central contender with no real chance to win come October.

        The FO deserves credit for the line up they put together this last off season. But they also deserve blame for not making it better and deserve all the criticism of this Dyson debacle.

        Having said all of that - I will still be watching and expect the Twins to make it a close race and Ill obviously watch their wild card game and/or (hopefully) their ALDS series. But I don't feel the obligation to be happy about where this team is right now even if Dick "they pay me to be positive" Bremer tweets that he is.

        1. I don't feel the obligation to be happy about where this team is right now

          I don't believe that I said or implied that you had such an obligation. But I think it's still good to remember what the expectations were at the start of the season.

  2. I won't be around for the game tonight, we're doing our annual Music in the Zoo concert (Marc Cohn), so I'm gonna go ahead and pick Kepler to bomba.

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