For as much food as has come into this house, I'd like to think I've done a decent job with making sure everything eventually gets eaten before it's too late. If I've seen something approaching the end of its days, I've been good at finding a way to use it.
47 thoughts on “April 3, 2020: Waste Not”
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Here Jeff -- beat a 206. 😉
I tend to be a lot better at real bowling than I am at virtual bowling. That said, I can only remember one time in real bowling that I beat a 206.
I broke 100! Pretty sure I could work my way up to 200. Gauntlet, and all that...
248 in my first game, and I think I'll retire
279 baby!
I'll have to get back to you on this one. Not much room for error there!
Calling it quits at 274. I think I can get it tomorrow.
Last night I learned the nursing home we sing at now has 21 positives among residents and staff, and a resident in his 50s was the most recent of three to have died. I keep envisioning the gang of regular listeners and hoping it wasn't one of them. I know we're all going to be thrilled when we can kick this thing and can get back to (semi) regular activities, but it's going to be an sad eye-opener when we can finally assess the end results besides seeing a counter on a website.
The Twins won again in yesterday's Strat-o-Matic 2020 simulation. They are now 3-5.
From the summary: "ATTENDANCE- 18,238 DATE- Thursday, April 2nd 2020 TIME- Day WEATHER- Average
T- 3:20"
Pretty disappointing opening day crowd.
We're still on track for 157-5!
Thanks for the link. Between the Strat season, B-Ref's OOTP season, and Twins Daily's MLB The Show season, I can hardly keep up.
Tony Boselli got it and talks about his ordeal. 47 years old and a world class athlete (or at least was, I don't know his condition now).
Two things: a lot of us are gonna be in for the fight of our lives. Also, I wonder if this virus is gonna put a permanent damper on our collective national obsession for sports. I think it might. Are people going to shell out big bucks to go to games when they realize that financial ruin could always be just around the corner? I don't know about that. Maybe we will forget... or subsequent generations will forget. But, I'm thinking that there is going to be a massive readjustment.
Maybe the obsession will remain but more people will just watch from home.
One thing I really hope shifts is that our culture will change around going to work while sick. Which starts at the employer level and benefits/pay
This is the part I see most likely. Maybe not through employers. This might be the bale of hay that breaks our connection between employment and health care coverage while also forcing low-wage employers to provide paid sick leave.
Wasn't it already that way, though? The virus is just increasing the population that would ask themselves that.
The 1918 epidemic killed millions and did not end our obsession with sports. The Great Depression didn't either.
Neither will this. Demand for sports entertainment will bounce back strong.
Yeah, but back then only men in bowlers and suits could afford to attend a ballgame.
back then there were also leagues that were segregated.
Was joke.
Yeah, I really don't see this killing off that particular obsession. I know that I would pay a great deal of money right this minute to see a game of just about anything that "means something" (Strat-o-matic/OOTP/etc isn't cutting it).
I'm thinking I'm going to get into KBO here pretty soon.
But, remember that in 1950 (post depression and WWII), football was a relatively small sport, the NBA was nothing, and baseball players took off season jobs. The obsession was not the same. The difference now, of course, is television, but there was already trouble brewing there, too. ESPN will continue to shed viewers as people cut the cord. We will still have sports, but I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that it's gonna be different.
I have my personal bias, I suppose. My own interest in sports has declined dramatically in the past 10 years. Is it because I've gotten older? I don't know. Maybe. But, my dad still watches sports pretty much every day. My journey through life has changed my personal interests so much that I guess I see that the entire society could be changed. But, maybe I'm way off.
I think it waxes and wanes. Sports were part of our house growing up (especially IU basketball) but my parents have been on a whole new level of obsession over the past few years. Not much else to do, I suppose.
Parenting and house/life upkeep have replaced most of the time I previously had to pay attention to sports (and play video games) so I'm in the same boat as you.
It would not be a bad thing for the intensity of sports fandom to decline, in my opinion.
I agree. If anything, I need sports more than ever!
I think the world is going to be different in a large number of ways. I just have no idea what those ways are.
Somethings will change of course but I’m not sure if much will. Remember hearing about the 1957-58 flu pandemic? Neither had I. It killed 116,000 Americans when the population was half of what it is now.
When the world is engulfed in a pandemic that threatens our way of life, this is not how I would want to be making news.
Right, his attorneys may want to review the Elihu Root quote that was recently quoted by the unicorn judge.
(I have been getting hounded this week by opposing counsel about my client taking a little longer to do something than usual. Gee, I wonder why things are running a little less smoothly now?)
Despite the difference in values associated, my experience with the Three Rivers Park District, Re: Vault Toilets, has made my sympathetic to the homeowners here. Why couldn't the dock be perpendicular to the shoreline? Or even just have the four boat slips on the lakeward side (I assume it's two on each side of the dock right now).
One huge difference: using Google Earth, this municipal dock was present in photos dating as far back as 2008. The landowner admits "he was familiar with the dock placement when he bought the property." That's going to be extraordinary difficult for him to overcome.
Well that is a significant difference.
Dock placement was factored in to the purchase price.
Yes, he admits that in the article. He said he thought he could change the situation in his favor when he bought the property. Turns out he can't. So, he's suing!
A fool and his money are soon parted.
But will he notice? I feel like this kind of thing is probably recreational.
R. I. P. Bill Withers, from "heart complications" at age eighty-one.
Sure enough, there ain't no sunshine here
He’s rightly remembered for some other incredible songs, but what gets lost sometimes is “I Can’t Write Left-Handed” is one of the greatest anti-war songs ever.
Didn't get much response when I asked before -- anyone interested in a casual WGOM meeting on Zoom anytime this weekend?
A digital caucus? Hopefully it works out better than in Iowa...
Yeah, I’d be in. Saturday evening doesn’t work, but just about anything else is open on my end,
Done. Sunday night at 7:30 Central -- see WGOM Facebook group for link, or let me know if you need it via other methods
Note: I'm using the "waiting room" feature, so be patient when you arrive
I'm gonna try to make this.
Ditto. Cocktail hour here at that time.
I posted the second poll of the day and the last one of the Kent Hrbek region. All of this rounds polls are in that post. I'm not sure when I'm going to close the polls; perhaps Sunday night. One of the contests is still tied.
One of our best friends is down the with the virus. He's okay, but can't be tested because he's not severe enough yet. Dr.Chop has students that have lost parents and grandparents. Louisiana is going to suffer huge because poor and poor planning. I'm a worried man.
I feel sad and defeated one minute, optimistic and hopeful the next, angry and indignant the minute after that, then back to sad and defeated. All day long, like a roller coaster ride that never stops.