I was invited to a Super Bowl party at the GM's fancy house. I later learned this invitation was not extended to the entire office (just the cool kids apparently). Oh well, those guys have fantastic taste in whiskey, so *shrug*.

I was invited to a Super Bowl party at the GM's fancy house. I later learned this invitation was not extended to the entire office (just the cool kids apparently). Oh well, those guys have fantastic taste in whiskey, so *shrug*.
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Our bnb in Sedona is outstanding - going to be a fine location to work and hike. And we learned last year that the first half of the super bowl is the perfect time to stock up at the grocery store.
FTLT will tell you the best time to go to Tops is during a Bills game
Spring training starts today. Not for baseball, just for me. I need to lose 25 lbs. to get back to my playing weight. Being home all the time sure makes it easy to eat all the time.
Give Rob Manfred a call. He seems happy to take food off your table.
(More seriously, good luck; it’s a worthy goal)
I have the same problem. At home I have access to so much more, better food than I do when I’m at work. Plus, I’m very active when I teach in person, so all my online classes over the past two years have greatly cut down on my activity level.
I have more than 25 pounds to shed, but have been on the path since I got back from the holidays, and have been dropping about 1.5 pounds per week. It’s just a start, but I’m pretty happy with the beginning progress so far.
Congrats, and keep it up. I know I can lose the weight because I've done it a few times before, it just takes a little discipline and time. The latter I've been lacking by circumstance, the former by character. I think my gut will benefit from a diet with more salads and fruit and less white food, though, for sure. The cardiologist wasn't happy with my lipid panel last month so I get another one in April and I'd like it to show improvement. So I'm firing up the treadmill this afternoon, pigging out for the Super Bowl tonight, and tomorrow I'll get an early start on Lent.
I've started to have some trouble with snacking lately, I really need to get that back under control since I've been spending the winter just trying to hold on to what I accomplished until I can get back out on the roads. A stationary bike is just no substitute for the real thing.
Last year I dropped about 15% of my body-weight, but ended the year at 10% lighter, having put that 5 back on. I've stopped my backslide over the past few months, and have been maintaining, but I need to lose 10% again. That would put me in a much healthier place. But stress levels have been high this winter, and food becomes stress relief, which is a really bad idea. But, hey, at least I'm maintaining?
Looking forward to your "Best Shape In His Life" profile
Go get em!
From someone who relatively recently met a pretty extreme weight loss goal, best of luck man!
I've always had success tracking calories, but the act of doing it is such a drag. It actually encourages me to go for convenience foods because they are so much easier to track than homemade meals composed of various ingredients.
I believe that just writing down what you eat when you eat it will do 90% of the same thing. After all most of us already know what is bad for us. It's easy enough to do this in a notebook or a note on your phone.
But of course I have an idea on how to streamline it (it being the act of logging things) even more, so I think I'm going to build a site/app for it. I already have a friend interested in creating it with me.
I invited more than just the cool kids to my superbowl party. We are renting out the bar/restaurant across the street from us for an employee appreciation party. It's part of a bowling alley. We have the bar/dining areas to ourselves. Since our team smoked their Gift Card sales goal, we are having a Prime Rib buffet. Also, everyone gets a free spot on our superbowl numbers board with a chance to win up to $650 cash provided by the joint. I am also giving away a couple TV's and Nintendo Switches, along with about $3,000 in gift cards. We are super fortunate to have the staff that we have and we are going all out to really make them feel appreciated. Out of 72 employees, 66 have signed up to attend, and we have about 40 "+1's" showing up. We closed our joint for the whole day. It will be a fun evening!
Zooomx, it’s been a long time since I worked in the industry. Sounds like you have a great crew, and frankly I think we need more captains like you in the biz. If I lived anywhere nearby, I’d be tempted to pull a few galley shifts a week.
i already called dibs.
I would just put you both at different stations.
I call “Not Fryer”!
I'm allergic to dishwashing.
Weird, me too. I don’t have feeling in most my finger tips so I’ll work the fry station.
i used to make waffle cones on an iron for hours a day, so dido. and that was before the fingertips i sliced off with a meat slicer.
Surely a guy with a handle like “meat” belongs on the grill station!
I’m capable on both. Just no dishwashing.
That's your social fraternity training shining through, zooom.
Thats awesome.
So awesome.
Hog line violation for the South Korean lead in the ninth, down three.
Uffda. Big miss on the freeze by the American skip on her second stone.
US squeaked out of that end. Neither skip made her last stone, but Korea was looking for three and could’ve had four.
That end wasn't ideal, but the US is going to win this in the strength on that stone cold draw by Peterson in the eighth.
Yup! She nailed that draw.
This was very much a Tabitha win
Gonna enjoy rewatching it with the Poissonnière tomorrow.
I watch a considerable amount of Olympic curling, and I think that may have been the first I’ve seen there.
Pretty miserable timing.
Big game in front of the net for one of my former students tonight.
Tough luck on the screen by the Swiss there.