14 thoughts on “February 18, 2022: Impatient”

  1. I was all amped up to watch US curling last night but then fell sleep during a mid match ad break.

    1. I tried to watch the replay this morning but the first mid end ad pissed me off so I just skipped to the end. Just an embarrassing production all around.

    2. I watched the last period of Finland vs. Slovakia, switched over to Men’s Ski Cross, and then called it a night. Both featured quite a finish.

  2. The wife is telling me that banks across the country are battening the hatches as the government is warning them about possible cyberattacks in advance of a Russian invasion of Ukraine. No word on which agencies are giving the warnings or what kind of intel they're based on, but it might be a good idea to stash some cash in the mattress.

    1. If Putin actually wants to draw the US into an open military conflict, it seems like a cyberattack on the US financial sector is about the surest way to accomplish that.

      1. I don't know if it would come as a single massive assault or a series of guerilla hit-and-runs over an extended period to keep us putting out little fires all over the place. And it might not happen at all. That would be my preference.

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