I went back and checked and I've managed to correctly list each CoC this year as occurring in "2023". I mean, I did once type December instead of January, but I still got the year right and no one called me on it. I congratulate myself on this minor, inconsequential accomplishment.

There are certain mistakes I’ve trained myself to look out for, either because I’m prone to certain typos or because I notice them in emails I get from others. The only one that fills me with dread is the one a senior colleague confessed to when I worked at my institution’s School of Education:
I mentioned in passing my fingers frequently got the cadence of “Education” wrong, resulting in a typo. She replied she once was mortified to realize that, in replying to an email chain with many high-level recipients, she had accidentally left out the “L” in “public education.”
I don’t often need to type those two words together anymore, but I’m damn sure to check them every time I do.
Years back a cohort sent out an email to several people, and as a joke one of those people replied back just to him "Did you mean to say that?" and slightly modified his original note to something a little naughty. That person was mortified when the original sender emailed a heart-felt apology to the entire list apologizing for "his" unfortunate typo
Oh, our coordinator of exhibitions sent an email to check the “pubic shares” folder on our network for updates to most of the staff years ago. He was discretely told about the error and then made the same mistake 4 more times. It was hilarious until us was sad.