I have a German keyboard on my phone because language app and I’m always confused for a second when it switches over on accident. Hey, where did the Y go?
9 thoughts on “May 12, 2023: Tastatur”
Term for the day: nervous rail
there we go with the "train" theme again :/
"Twitchin' like a finger on the trigger of a gun..."
Bad trigger discipline could result in the need for railway surgery — which is a good excuse to keep the memory of Dr. Sofie Herzog alive.
a very worthy T.I.L.
It’s pretty obvious when I accidentally switch to the Cyrillic keyboard, but I’ve inadvertently activated the Hungarian one before and become similarly confused. Thankfully, the «Szóköz» is pretty clear giveaway.
I have a Japanese keyboard too, but yeah, that one is obvious.
I once ended up with a random Pacific Island language by accident. I was lost for a while there.
I dropped a Friday Music Day post based on The Current's recent top songs of the 90's list, if anyone is interested.
Term for the day: nervous rail
there we go with the "train" theme again :/
"Twitchin' like a finger on the trigger of a gun..."
Bad trigger discipline could result in the need for railway surgery — which is a good excuse to keep the memory of Dr. Sofie Herzog alive.
a very worthy T.I.L.
It’s pretty obvious when I accidentally switch to the Cyrillic keyboard, but I’ve inadvertently activated the Hungarian one before and become similarly confused. Thankfully, the «Szóköz» is pretty clear giveaway.
I have a Japanese keyboard too, but yeah, that one is obvious.
I once ended up with a random Pacific Island language by accident. I was lost for a while there.
I dropped a Friday Music Day post based on The Current's recent top songs of the 90's list, if anyone is interested.