We were at a nearby street festival and one of the "bands" consisted of two people with acoustics playing over basically the album versions of popular tunes with the original vocals removed (and substituted by their own). It basically sounded like the radio was playing (with slightly different vocalists) as the backing track was even playing over their guitars in the mix. I wasn't sure what the point was.

skirting some sort of paying royalty fees to the songwriters 😆
Returning from a weekend soccer tournament on Appleton, Wisconsin with a vehicle full of beer and cheese
Pick up some fireworks too to complete the Wisconny Trifecta.
I didn't just laugh, I guffawed.
Sunday morning baseball rocks
After the game I'm installing a new stereo in my 2006 Tucson. It's a mech-less double DIN unit, 6.5" touchscreen, Car Play, Bluetooth, media playback via mini-jack, USB, and SD card, or anything on a connected phone/device. It came with a backup camera but I think I'll get a new stereo for the Santa Fe since that's the wife's car now and she needs a backup camera way more than I do. And I'll hire someone to wire it up, that's a job best left to the serene and obsessively patient. After the stereo upgrade there's not much left for me to tinker with except cleaning up some rust on the frame and suspension. I'm getting about 18 MPH in town and 24 on the highway and that seems real typical for these 1st gens with the 2.7 V6 engine. I dropped $600 bucks getting the air conditioning working and replacing a leaky brake line (not going to tackle that without a hoist), I replaced a fog light, did a headlight restoration, dumped some fuel injector cleaner in the gas tank, and cleaned it up a little. I have an appointment in early August for a full detail inside and out with a paint correction.
We have a custom in my family of naming our cars. It started when I was in college, watching a lot of Perry Mason on WGN and named my Dodge station wagon Della Streetcar. When I bought Elder Daughter her first car, a red 1996 Geo Prism, she named it Daenerys Cargaryn. Younger Daughter named her BMW Car L. Marx. One of Mrs. Twayn's co-workers started calling our old Chrysler minivan Big Blue and it stuck. So when I got the Tucson I started looking for a good name, and it finally came to me this week. I'm going to name it Luis. Because Luis Arrives.
That seems awfully slow.
I learned how to drive in a 5 speed 1996 Prism. There are times when I feel like the Corrolla is maybe the best car ever made in terms of what a car is for for like 90% of drivers.
Our guy Luis featured yesterday in The Athletic, with big nods to Carlos Correa and Nelson Cruz.
My research was hurried and may be faulty, but if Arraez wins a batting title again this year I believe he would be the first player with back-to-back batting championships in different leagues.
I thought of Frank Robinson (triple crown his first year in Baltimore), but he wasn't in the top ten his last year in Cincinnati.
Keuchel starts for the Saints today. Fingers crossed.
That's legitimately shocking. I didn't think there was any chance he'd stay so he could start somewhere.
i didn't think he'd sign due to the "no nice things" clause of minnesota sports fandom.
Don't worry, this will still somehow result in that. Probably with a KAT trade. (I don't actually think Tim Connelly is that stupid to trade KAT, which would be really stupid.)
Late Sunday night is probably a wrong time to ask, but what is your favorite song by the band The Suburbs?
Tough call. Contenders:
Black Leather Stick
Goggles On
Tape Your Wife to the Ceiling
But I will go with
Music For Boys
The copse of trees on the left side of the highway in this picture is my boyhood farm in Beltrami, MN