I must admit, I really like Connections. It's a fun thing to think about through the day. Yesterday, I was thinking on it for awhile, then I glanced at it and figured out a group that had been eluding all day. Good times.

I must admit, I really like Connections. It's a fun thing to think about through the day. Yesterday, I was thinking on it for awhile, then I glanced at it and figured out a group that had been eluding all day. Good times.
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Royce Lewis talks hitting.
I liked the game the one time I tried it, but my NYT embargo remains so I'm SOL
NYT embargo? Say more (unless FZ?).
Their continued platforming of certain FZ people and positions
With the Wordle acquisition, I stick to only the games section. Connections got a legacy pass because of that. I don't pay for it and probably never will.
Games only here also. I couldn’t name a New York Times contributor that isn’t Will Shortz.
I started playing it recently but haven't been sharing results. The thing I hate is when there are 4 words left but I have no clue what the category is. (Yes, I know this doesn't change my result, but it affects my own self worth all the same...)
I feel like that happens half the time for me so I accept it.
Indeed. It's frequent enough that when I actually know the last connection rationale it gives me an extra burst of feeling good.
I guess my expectations for myself are lower than Pepper's for herself.
I hate the "all the words have a certain letter" category.
Or all words have a silent letter.
I felt so happy when I figured that one out recently.
"all words are unrelated"
All four of these words have never been in my kitchen
My graduating class lost our fifth today, which seems like a lot for a small town. She was a dainty girly-girl whose only outlier was her love of motorcycles, and after an accident on hers back on the 21st, she passed today. She was one of the nicest people I ever met. Life is short, love your people, you know how it goes.
I think we are at 4 out of 80 but I'm probably ten years older. Five does seem like a lot.
We had three people in three different classes die in my 4 years in HS, one of whom was in my year. Another friend in my year was in that same car accident and was paralyzed, but I think he's still alive.
At least one person from the year ahead of me died not too long after college.
But, knock on wood, I can't think of anyone since then.
In the 43 years since HS graduation, only one in my class (that we know of) is no longer with us, and that one was not in the 55 that graduated.
We've lost 5 in our small town class, I believe.
Just went to the funeral of a classmate's husband, a couple of years older than us. Sudden heart attack at the lake. Life is short, love your people, indeed. ❤️
At our 20 year we were at about 7 or 8 but our class was several hundred
Hmm...the opposing pitcher tonight looks hella familiar...
Willi Castro comes to play. Since returning from the IL/paternity leave on 9/3 and going into tonight's game, he was batting .400 and slugging .680 with a 1.128 OPS. Tonight he went 1-3 with a home run, so the BA drops a couple of points and the SLG inches up a tad. I'm too tired to do the math, I'll look it up tomorrow.