October 21, 2023: Fright Night

The older boy wanted to watch a horror movie, so I picked one I thought was relatively innocuous. In fact, rewatching it, I thought it was less scary than I remembered. It affected him a bit more strongly than that apparently. Whoops.

18 thoughts on “October 21, 2023: Fright Night”

  1. Glendale's winning streak continued, as they defeated the Mesa Solar Sox 11-4. No Twins played in the game.

  2. Whomever was first in line for the cameras (Polaroid Land Camera, etc.), how does $20 for the lot sound?

    Polaroid Automatic 350 Land Camera in original box
    Polaroid Flashgun #268 in box and a bunch of bulbs
    Brownie Star flex camera with flash attachment
    Kodak Pony I35 Model B camera with case and light meter (and diffuser?)

    Hit me up at my yahoo address or FB messenger.

    1. Paging Twayn.

      We will be back in the Cities the evening of the 26th. Assuming you are still interested, I could arrange a drop on the 27th.

      1. I can make that work. Me addy is my moniker here at comcast dot net. I'd be up for a coffee or cocktail, too, depending on time of day and your availability.

  3. Got the new patio door installed last weekend and the new front door installed today. I'm pooped.

  4. hj - which one did you choose? My kids are interested in β€˜scary’ movies too, but my sense of appropriate is out of whack.

    1. Hereditary.

      Kidding! I did the American version of The Ring. Only showed the oldest, who is 12. It's PG-13, the only blood in the movie is due to nosebleeds, etc. I thought it would be relatively easy. As I was watching it, I thought, this is much tamer than I remember. Guess the psychological part psyched him out.

      (The only type of horror movie I like is the psychological kind. Perhaps that's the worst for impressionable minds.)

    1. Hopefully it works okay since I started from scratch. I had forgotten the old one needed a modification to even show comments. I later realized it sorted on an unindexed column. Both easy fixes and now a quarter of the size and half the features, but we didn't use that half. The only feature I did add was to keep us Wordlers from polluting the sidebar

  5. It's that time of year again when I can sit on the deck and listen to the Osage oranges crash through the branches on the way to the ground. I've already started collecting some for the 4th Annual Osage Orange Street Bowling Challenge.

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