October 26, 2023: Foot Soldier

I've got long feet and long toes, so I naturally use them for picking things up off the floor. I'm a firm believer in bending over as little as possible (hip hinges, people), so I often utilize my monkey toes. Anyone else do the same?

39 thoughts on “October 26, 2023: Foot Soldier”

      1. I’ll see your Dido and raise you a “Hell No”.

        Cramming them into tactical boots daily for six years during my twenties (with the resultant trench foot, athletes foot and nail fungus), followed by training for and running marathons and half’s annually for the following 15 years has left my feet, toes and toenails in awful shape. I avoid even thinking about my feet as much as possible. So … I’ll be back tomorrow for a different CoC and image.

        1. Ah yes, trench foot. My experience with that made me permanently biased against GoreTex boots, even in the “colder” months, so I mostly wore jungle boots. Got chewed out more than once for wearing desert boots without desert cammies, but you gotta take care of your dogs so they can take care of you.

  1. Glendale's winning streak was stopped, as they fell to the Salt River Rafters 7-2. Aaron Sabato was 0-for-4. Jordan Carr pitched three innings, giving up one run on two hits and striking out one. Zach Veen pitched a perfect inning, striking out one.

    1. My favorite is picking up socks with my toes, then flinging them across the room into the laundry basket

      1. I've found I have pretty bad aim with that method. But, I'm probably about 95% at grabbing a sock with my toes, kicking my leg backwards to flip it into the air, and then catching it.

  2. At one point in my life I attempted to learn to shuffle cards with my feet. I was unsuccessful, however.

  3. I just make my children come pick things up for me. I'm with you on the not bendin over bit though.

  4. A while back, when the first board game tables were being made, I'm like "why do they have the middle recessed like that with rails along the outside. That's seems weird. Now, as I keep knocking components off the table, I fully understand and appreciate those rails on gaming tables.

      1. It is quite the spectacle. Like I said in tweet, 100 foot projections of the band, Wild images. The sound is fantastic too. Nothing like an arena show.

        1. Was it worth it to stand in line for the bracelet? The GA area doesn't look that big, plus the screens are huge. I wasn't sure if there was value in getting close to the stage.

          1. Unless you want to be like in first couple of people along the stage probably not. Lots of standing around if you get a bracelet. One to get bracelet. Then in line, and then you’re inside 90 minutes before show.

            The GA crowd was pretty much upper middle income Boomers and Gen X just happy to be there. Not a lot of aggressive behavior so you can find a spot that works for you.

    1. We have been thinking about going, as both of us are big U2 fans. Last time I saw them was the thunderstorm show at TCF stadium and they still sounded great. I have been thinking I want that to be my last memory of a U2 live performance, but this venue might change my mind.

      1. If you are a fan of concerts generally and U2 specifically, it really is a lifetime experience. They added more shows for 2024 so hopefully tickets not too spendy (admittedly "too" doing some heavy lifting here).

        1. If you go, I would avoid purchasing food and drink inside because it's spendy. I got one large Vodka Tonic and a small bag of twizzlers and it was $50 with the tip. That drink was $42.00.

          Also the photos that I and others have posted are great, but it still doesn't do justice to the visual spectacle.

      2. We’re U2 fans - went to that TCF Bank show too … she was 8 months pregnant with Kernel. But I don’t think I could convince my wife to go to Vegas for this (or probably anything).

  5. The World Series matchup reminds me of an old joke.

    Q. Why is is so windy in New Mexico?

    A. Because Arizona sucks and Texas blows.

  6. Ugh. Our friend group can’t catch a break. Dr. Chop’s dad is in medical limbo. The hospital is not performing any medical service and is actively trying to remove him from their facility. The Dr. says, “he can’t stay here and his size makes it hard to get him into a care facility…. The system is broken. You should take him home with you and care for him”.

    Me, “he’s close to 400 lbs, can’t stand on his own, can’t get into a car, has open sores all over his legs, and requires three youngish humans to lift him out of bed. He will die on the journey to New Orleans. Unacceptable”

    Dr., “well, this is your responsibility as a good family member. Tough, but he can’t stay here”

    Me, “bill him for the stay until the social worker can get him referred to a care facility that can help him live out what’s left in better comfort”

    Then today we find out our friend’s wife was found unresponsive and rushed to the icu in Dallas. Not a stroke which is good but there doesn’t appear to be a knowable cause. Also unsure how long she was out prior to being discovered by their youngest child.

    All this can take a pause for now , imho.

  7. Back in the Metro area after two weeks at the lake house.

    I got a lot done, but left plenty for my brother to do still.

    Also, I forgot a few things that were supposed to come south with us. Twayn, check your email. 😬🤦‍♂️

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