42 thoughts on “May 26, 2024: Trade Offs”

  1. I had to miss the last game because of a concert (do not, under any circumstances, go to a concert where Attila is playing. What an embarrassing band. The other bands were good, though) and I'll have to miss tonight's because we're going to Furiosa. It'd be nice to walk out of the theater to better news, although I think my night will be good regardless.

    1. My theory on Ant: Hurt his back in G6 of Denver series. Settled for jump shots in G7 of Denver and G1 of Dallas. Started to drive again in G2 but couldn't finish at the rim. Hopefully, he's closer to 100% tonight.

  2. My parents briefly met Mrs. Twayn yesterday, while I was up by his fence, interrupting Twayn while he was mowing the back lawn. Apologies for not making proper introductions, Twayn.

    1. My wife and I took our daughter to Furiosa last night. It was good. The first Mad Max movie without a Mad Max character. I though Anya Taylor-Joy was pretty darn good. Chris Hemsworth was a convincing villain. No other characters in the movie were fleshed out whatsoever, but that is typical for these movies. Miller's world building was extensive and the cinematography was incredible. I would slide it in as a top 3 movie in the franchise. I will probably watch it a few more times. It definitely was better entertainment than the Wolves game.

      1. Fury Road is probably my favorite movie in all of ever, so there's no way it was going to top or equal that, bit yeah, it's definitely just a tick below Road Warrior, though maybe future viewings will have me reassess. It was definitely very entertaining with top notch action sequences.

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