19 thoughts on “May 31, 2024: Champs”

  1. Final day up in God's Country; heading back home via New Ulm/Mankato/Rochester this time I think, as a change of pace and to avoid traffic in the cities. It's been nice weather and fun to hang with Mom and some family -- be back in July for the county fair.

  2. Sometimes a team needs to have a series like the Wolves just did. Losing like that can be a great motivator, and as much as I love ANT, he could benefit from a little humility now and then. They'll have several months to ruminate on that series and it will gnaw at them all summer. I have high hopes for next year, assuming the FO doesn't implode.

    1. OTOH, Conley, Rudy and Slo Mo ain't getting any younger. And KAT ain't getting any basketball -smarter. And Rudy's hands ain't getting better.

      If Naz, NAW and McDaniel still have upside, then I have some hope that they can get to the next level. But I am not holding my breath.

      My fear is that they are stuck at Not Quite Good Enough For a Title.

      Optimistically, the first three games of this series were all winnable. Pessimistically, Dallas, Denver, and especially OKC are all young enough to improve.

      1. My fear is that they are stuck at Not Quite Good Enough For a Title.

        This thinking bothers me. Ant and KAT couldn't have played much worse in those first two games and the team was still in position to win both.

        Nobody is beating Luka when he shoots like he did in game five. They still could have won this series. They just didn't play well enough. I don't think that means that they can't.

        1. I'm with you. Literally a missed foul call away from winning game 2. They had a way harder series against Denver and they looked worn out those first two games - just a couple different breaks and they've got an edge. This is precisely the type of experience that a young team needs, and will hopefully build on. Dallas lost 4-1 in the WCF 2 years ago, missed the playoffs last year, but this year was able to build on what happened 2 years ago. I see a similar path for the Wolves, hopefully while making the playoffs next year. I'm optimistic. I realize it's the wolves, so that's tempered, but this was a really fun run, and they look like they have more in them.

    2. From what I saw, the team needs another shooter/finisher AND Edwards needs to develop into a more consistent scorer in the last 5 minutes of the game, and when double teamed.

      Also, if the league doesn't do something about a) the shooter being able to extend their arm and push the defender away from them before b) taking 3 steps back to shoot a "step back 3" without a travel being called, I will probably stop watching the NBA. I know it is not just Luka, but seriously, the defender has zero chance of stopping that shot.

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