June 2, 2024: Open The Gates

We had a lot of rain yesterday, and while driving home I noticed a flooded corner with an obviously plugged drain. I've seen social media accounts solely dedicated to unclogging sewers grates, and while I don't subscribe, I totally get it. After we got home I took the kids over and we removed the debris. Very satisfying.

21 thoughts on “June 2, 2024: Open The Gates”

  1. I have a storm sewer drain at the bottom of my driveway, there's another on the other side of the cul de sac. I spend all winter keeping my drain cleared out so it doesn't plug up in the spring and flood the street (this has not happened in many years on my watch). Not always easy when the snowplow buries it under a few feet of packed snow. But I'll admit I do take some civic pride in doing my part for the neighborhood, even if the motivation is a little self-serving.

    1. My storm good deed of the year was Google-Earthing our street to find out where the storm drains were, then sending the picture to the neighbors to get them to clean the leaves/debris in front of their houses. More of a mgmt-good-deed but hey.

      1. Well done.

        We don't have any nearby storm gutters. Just small culvert at the corner of the block to the north, then water runs east about 3 more blocks to the nearest gutter. My neighbors are not good about clearing crap out from the curb, so big rainstorms often mean water pools in front of my driveway. I've taken to walking down the street with a rake to pull blockages.

  2. About to see The Muppet Movie in the cinema with the Poissonnière. It’ll be her first time seeing a bear in his natural habitat: a Studebaker.

    1. True story: Aristotle is in the play School of Rock this summer. Tonight they had rehearsal with the full band for the first time, and rehearsal happened to be in a church. Walking in, seeing the rock band set up, she proclaimed "They don't look like Presbyterians to me."

      Proud dad moment.

  3. Another series win.

    Unexpected, but maybe a good move if Julien is sent down to open a roster spot for Lewis.

      1. He strikes me as a player who can figure it out. Needing a minor league stint for adjustment doesn't have to be shameful.

        1. Yeah, his batter's eye is much better than we're seeing. He has one true outcome to try moderate a bit. Can't really send back Miranda at this point.

  4. Because we haven’t moved on from June 1 …. Of course, this is the traditional start of hurricane season which has been now extended to the end of November. Our good friend Mike would throw a hurricane party on June first and curse the names of the Atlantic storms. Since his passing, we’ve taken on the responsibility of cursing the storms and did so last night. It was a good time. Many creative insults were hurled at potential storms. We were successful last year, we’ll see about this year.

      1. Something about this hurricane season seems different. By the end of this season America will be … something.

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