June 4, 2024: School’s Out

Well, we’re done now. We’ve got options for Rick, but Pete is going to be harder to deal with. He’ll be going into 8th grade next year, and I don’t feel that’s quite old enough to be by himself all day. We’ll see how this works…

28 thoughts on “June 4, 2024: School’s Out”

  1. We're in a somewhat similar boat. The peperoncino is happy to continue going to the same summer program through the school that he's always done, thank goodness.

    With the jalapeno, we have our Iceland trip coming up, so that takes care of close to 2 weeks of June, and I also required the him to pick something to sign up for--either a day camp or overnight camp--later in the summer. He opted for a 12-day backpacking trip up north with Wolf Ridge, so that will be quite the experience. Still need to work out a plan for how he'll spend the time in between those trips.

    1. Ooh, Wolf Ridge!

      I took a school trip there in 7th grade, and then spent a week there when I was doing an environmental learning community internship thing in college. A great time on both occasions - he'll love it!

      True story: my cousin went to Wolf Ridge the year before I did, and he talked about how amazing it was - he and all his friends were exploring in the woods, they found this amazing bog, they had an epic mud fight, it was great. The year I went the guide was telling us all about how tragic mankind's influence was on the environment, citing specifically the mud fight that had happened the year before and the destruction it caused to the bog...

      1. lol...I was also on that same trip and I do not remember talking about a mud fight, but my memory is crap. I do remember very lengthy discussions on not bothering Cree without staff present, and another kid convinced me to sneak off and bother Cree in his kennel. I still have the Cree coffee mug I bought

        I do wonder how the adventure ropes course helps the environment.

        1. As I was typing this out I was pretty sure you were on that trip too. My memory is generally crap too, but this was one that really stuck out for me because of the connection. I don't remember much else about that trip except Meghan Casey's dad was the chaperone.

    1. I wonder if Gil would have turned out the same if the Twins kept him. He was traded at 18 while still in the rookie league, a league that doesn't even exist anymore.

  2. We got out the Friday before Memorial Day, but last week Philosofette still had to be at school to clean out her classrooms, go to a bunch of meetings, etc. So this is the first week that really has started to feel like summer. It's amazing how much more relaxed everyone feels, even though there are a billion things we're running between. Plus now sometimes I don't have to figure out my own lunch!

  3. seems to be a lot of this going around lately. Wonder why that could be...

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    2. Throwing away your entire career and future in major league baseball at such a young age is quite the accomplishment. Pete Rose was 48 before he pulled it off.

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